Civilization is a product of men channeling their sexual energy.
Civilization has become co-opted and centralized by the hands of bad actors
Bad actors repurposes males transmuted energy into funding a welfare state for themselves also creating an artificial middle class for women with fake jobs
Fake jobs are necessary since the deindustrialization of the economy, an economy now built on debt and consumption not production and equity. (Poor third world countries will do the heavy lifting on manufacturing and resource gathering for pennies on the dollar)
Women consume 4x more than men, hold 75% of debt and 80% of consumer purchases. Thus it is essential to get the money into woman’s hands somehow to fuel the ponzi economy
Two parasitic classes allied together, with mutual interest, one purposeful, the other a useful idiot, sucking and feasting until the host has little more to offer due to feeling deincentivized for reasons he probably doesn’t understand
This was purposeful and explains the gynocentric turn society has taken. The intelligent minded chess players hate women and their destructive nature but understand their utility so have been weaponized into destroying themselves and the foundations of a healthy society.
Dark ages occur when men don’t transmute their sexual energy
society is weak, mentally ill and vulnerable
mission accomplished
The facade is over and now the real fun begins