50 Best TV Shows of All Time [rating system takes into account Metacritic, IMDB, RT, & Emmy Noms]

Disgustya Stallone

Man Who Owns 2 Microwaves
Nov 27, 2012
Rating System:

We looked at TV shows with over 30,000 votes on IMDb, and then ranked them by our comprehensive Smart Rating. The Smart Rating is a score that takes into account ratings from Metacritic, IMDb, Rotten Tomatoes and number of IMDb votes, as well as how many Emmy awards the show has won.

The 50 Best TV Shows of All Time

Top 10:

10. Fraiser
9. Friends
8. Lost
7. The West Wing
6. Cheers
5. The Simpsons
4. Modern Family
3. The Sopranos
2. Game of Thrones
1. Breaking Bad


42. The Wire
41. Entourage
38. Prison Break
37. Band of Brothers
30. House of Cards
28. True Detective
24. Seinfeld
23. Arrested Development
22. Homeland
20. Mad Men
17. Dexter
13. The Walking Dead
12. South Park

yeah i dunno... the Wire @ 42... below True Detective and Dexter? :camby:

and how can you rank GoT when it aint even close to being over?
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