Facebook is an illegal monopoly that should be forced to sell Instagram and WhatsApp, says the U.S. government AND 48 state attorneys general!
IG specifically as a competitor and not a subsidiary will definitely cut into their market share.Breaking them up will accomplish nothing.
The misinformation and journalism complaints are all on facebook itself... forcing them to sell WhatsApp/IG does nothing other make liberals/progressives feel like they've stuck it to the 1%
To what end?IG specifically as a competitor and not a subsidiary will definitely cut into their market share.
If no one is on IG or what's app spreading misinformation and they gain market share by being a separate entity that decreases the amount of people exposed to misinformation.To what end?
The complaint seems to be centered around disinformation/hate groups/ fake news/ not paying news outlets/ etc on FB...
What does dropping IG/WhatsApp do to address this?
Their influence is expressed exclusively through FB... no one is on WhatsApp pushing any narratives