Mantis Toboggan M.D.

Drink wolf cola
Mar 18, 2014
General question to the board - based on what I am seeing I think there are two schools of thought in the halls of power currently.

Have Trump quietly step down or lose re-election, which may be the best bet to avoid civil unrest, or flay and quarter him and hang his head up for passers-by as a warning, assuming the big talking neo-nazi supporters will be too p*ssy to try anything.
Which one do you think will be victorious at the end of the day?

And before you scoff at the first suggestion, remember the Iraq war.
You have to make an example of him and his co conspirators. To not do so will allow someone worse to come along later while knowing they can get away with it. Nixon, Reagan, and both bush presidents are examples of them only escalating as they skate on more and more shyt.


The Original
Dec 9, 2012
The Deep State

France to Probe Possible Russian Influence on Yellow Vest Riots
Carol Matlack

A car burns during a demonstration of yellow vests (gilets jaunes) in Paris, on Dec. 8.

Photographer: Zakaria Abdelkafi/AFP via Getty Images

France opened a probe into possible Russian interference behind the country’s Yellow Vest protests, after reports that social-media accounts linked to Moscow have increasingly targeted the movement.

According to the Alliance for Securing Democracy, about 600 Twitter accounts known to promote Kremlin views have begun focusing on France, boosting their use of the hashtag #giletsjaunes, the French name for the Yellow Vest movement. French security services are looking at the situation, Foreign Minister Jean-Yves Le Drian said Sunday in a radio interview with RTL.

Russia has been criticized for using social media to influence elections in the U.S. and elsewhere. Attempts to use fake news reports and cyberattacks to undercut the 2017 campaign of French President Emmanuel Macron failed, but Russian-linked sites have pushed questionable reports of a mutiny among police, and of officers’ support for the protests.

“An investigation is now underway,” Le Drian said. “I will not make comments before the investigation has brought conclusions.”

The Twitter accounts monitored by the alliance usually feature U.S. or British news. But the French protests “have been at or near the top” of their activity for at least a week, according to Bret Schafer, the alliance’s Washington-based social media analyst. “That’s a pretty strong indication that there is interest in amplifying the conflict” for audiences outside France.

The Alliance for Securing Democracy is a unit of the German Marshall Fund of the U.S., which monitors pro-Kremlin activity.

The assertion of police dissatisfaction -- which doesn’t appear to be supported by facts -- resembles other Kremlin-backed disinformation campaigns that have tried to engender mistrust in Western governments and show that liberal democracies are in decline, Schafer says.

Russian State Media
Much of the tweeted material comes from Russian state media outlets including the Sputnik news website, the RT television network, and Ruptly, a German-based video news agency that belongs to RT. These outlets are covering the French crisis closely; RT has said that 12 of its journalists have been injured in the protests, far more than any other news organization.

Sputnik and RT have reported in recent days that most French police no longer support Macron and are siding with the protesters.
Their sources: representatives of two small police unions that together won less than 4 percent of votes in nationwide union elections this month. Sputnik and RT also have shown a video – widely shared on French social media -- of police in the southwestern town of Pau removing their helmets in what was described as a sign of solidarity with protesters. Local police and journalists on the scene said the description was untrue. They said some officers had briefly removed their helmets to talk with protesters before putting them back on.

In response to questions from Bloomberg News, Sputnik later corrected its article about police in Pau showing solidarity with protesters, to say the report "hasn’t been backed by evidence so far." RT said its article about police siding with protesters, based on comments by the head of a minor police union, was justified because he had been quoted by other news outlets.

Macron complained repeatedly during his 2017 campaign that Kremlin-controlled media outlets were spreading fake news about him, because he took a tougher stance on Russia than his chief rivals
, Marine Le Pen of the far-right National Front and François Fillon of the conservative Republicans. But negative stories, such as a Sputnik report claiming Macron lived a “double life” and was backed by a “wealthy gay lobby,” never gained traction.

In one instance, a bogus website resembling the site of a Belgian newspaper reportedthat Macron’s campaign was being bankrolled by Saudi Arabia. The source of the hoax was never determined, but the European Union’s East Stratcom Task Force, which tracks Russian disinformation efforts, said it bore striking similarities to an earlier incident traced to a Russian “troll factory.”

Separately, the Macron campaign was hit with repeated email phishing attacks resembling those used by Russia against Democratic Party organizations in the U.S. The Kremlin said it had no involvement in any fake news or cyberattacks on Macron, describing such accusations as “slander.”

— With assistance by Nate Lanxon, and Helene Fouquet


Aug 21, 2014
nahh, they feel outnumbered and insecure about what is happening. They just don’t want smoke but want to be racist and hateful in the comfort of their living room, but want to call Biden a child molester, Obama a Muslim terrorist, and Hillary a crook. Throw rocks, hide they hands, and then pretend they are upset that “common ground” has disappeared.
Oh for sure, I treat and observe Trump supporters like they're science experiments because their worldview is so twisted and distorted it's hard for me to not be fascinsted by it
:manny:Cults have been a morbid interest of mine for awhile now though


The Original
Dec 9, 2012
The Deep State
We even joked about how Trump would just dip out the country when the shyt hit the fan and now his son might try to pull that.
stop right there.
i was not joking when i predicted that trump would leave the country and make russia his new home.

i also predict that he will hold a 24/7 rally outside of the white house.
this will provide a physical buffer between him and law enforcement.
it will also be used as propaganda in the media.


I'm Lamont's pops
Nov 20, 2016
Straight from Flatbush
And I hope the Justice Department is waiting for Mueller to be done to indict him. They’re really trying to tell me if this man has murders tied to him they have to wait for him to finish his term to lock him up? Congress is complicit. So the extaordinary step needs to be taken. I will be so disappointed if Trump isn’t indicted untill after his term. Or worse resign and they let him skate like Nixon.
I already told y’all once he’s out of office he’s dog food but in the mean time everyone else not potus getting that work :ufdup: