Ku$h Parker

I'm Nothin Correctable
May 1, 2012
Prime Minister of S.B. Westside
The death of the fiscal conservative con has been a long time coming...

Thank you private bone spurs and Paul "fiscal conservative wonk" Ryan...

Hopefully Liz Warren gets that bill passed to cut this entitled fakkits undeserved pension...

6:22,Yet mahfukkas want Big Titty Nancy replaced:beli:

Send the Canadian Mounties to get that MFer.



Nov 26, 2016
This is 100% why I blame the voters.

This is why I disagree with Obama repeating the "universe bends towards justice" quote

The universe bends where ever the fukk people bend it.

Things can get worse.

Progress is not inevitable.

I think there's an uncomfortable realization that there can be a situation in which a majority of people can be WRONG, STUPID, AND VIOLENT.

And they can win every election. Every time. Any where.

People keep reverting to "it'll work out" ...without doing the work.

Hillary was the superior candidate in behavior, ideas, and tactics. She didn't appeal to the bad angels of people.

But if someone appeals to the worst sides of people, you can't always assert that people will reject that. Theres some times where people WILL embrace that.
And this was that time, so let's look at it this way. Outside of the Russians actually changing vote tallies, we have a situation like Brexit where people embraced the worse of themselves and wrapped it in nationalism. So chances for Hillary winning may have already been slim.

Maybe the US is lucky in this way - the person to seize the moment WAS Trump, and not someone with dikk Cheney level deviousness.

For me the shocking thing about American embracing their worse values is that it occurred immediately after the Obama years. That showed me that racism is in the DNA of America, no question about it, and it can flare up over any perceived threat to White supremacy, no matter how innocuous.

Black Panther

Long Live The King
Nov 20, 2016


Don Jr. is laying low due to looming Mueller indictment, but still picking fights with Ocasio-Cortez

Don Jr. is laying low due to looming Mueller indictment, but still picking fights with Ocasio-Cortez
"It's definitely a 'very, very large brain' idea to troll a member of a body that will have subpoena power in a month."
Dec 8, 2018, 2:17 pm
Donald Trump Jr. and Donald Trump at the NRA-ILA Leadership Forum in Dallas, Texas on May 4, 2018. (Justin Sullivan/Getty Images)
It appears that special counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation of Russian interference in the 2016 U.S. election could be nearing its conclusion.

On Friday, President Donald Trump‘s Justice Department (DOJ) implicated the president (“Individual 1”) as having directed his former attorney Michael Cohen to commit felony “campaign finance crimes” in order to keep allegations of extramarital affairs from being revealed to voters in 2016.

These latest developments in the Russia probe — which are believed to be “the first time in our lives that a President’s own DOJ” is saying the commander-in-chief has “directed a felony” — come a week after Cohen revealed Trump and his family apparently pursued a huge real estate deal in Moscow through the summer of the 2016 campaign.

Amid the many details in Cohen’s latest plea deal with Mueller was the disclosure that Donald Trump Jr., the president’s oldest son, likely lied to Congress about his family’s business in Russia.

Rep. Jackie Speier (D-CA), a member of the powerful House Intelligence Committee that will be controlled by Democrats come January 3, told CNN on Friday that she believes Don Jr. has lied to Congress multiple times, which is a felony.

The president’s oldest son apparently is aware that he’s in serious legal jeopardy. Trump Jr. has reportedly told friends that he’s very worried about being indicted.

But Don Jr. took time out of his busy schedule of fearing indictments and retweeting himself to become the latest conservative to make the mistake of challenging Rep.-elect Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) on social media.

Trump Jr. declared a meme about the 29-year-old Democratic socialist — who is the youngest woman ever elected to Congress — and eating dogs was “funny cuz it’s true!!!” on Thursday.

The New York congresswoman-elect reacted on Friday by noting Don Jr.’s interesting strategy of continuing to troll Democrats who will gain subpoena power next month.

After conservatives — including Kimberly Guilfoyle, the ex-Fox News host, formerwife of the next Democratic governor of California, and current girlfriend of Don Jr. — circled the wagons and claimed poor Trump Jr. was being threatened with a subpoena for being deplorable, Ocasio-Cortez pointed out that is literally impossible.

In addition to facing legal scrutiny for possibly lying to Congress about the “Moscow Project,” Trump Jr. is also thought to be in hot water over his connection to the infamous June 2016 Trump Tower meeting with a Russian agent.

Don Jr. denied that the meeting ever occurred, before claiming it was about “the adoption of Russian children” after emails emerged showing his involvement, including one message in which he famously wrote, “If it’s what you say I love it especially later in the summer.”

Eventually, Trump Jr. admitted on Twitter that the purpose of the meeting was to obtain information regarding former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton (D), his father’s opponent in the 2016 presidential campaign.

The president’s namesake has been warned that his social media activity increases his legal risk.

Former Trump campaign chairman and White House chief strategist Steve Bannon — who has called Trump Jr.’s participation in the Trump Tower meeting “treasonous” and “unpatriotic” — predicted Mueller’s probe will “crack Don Jr. like an egg on national TV” in a book released earlier this year.

Cohen has alleged the now-president was informed about the Trump Tower meeting in advance by his son. Trump admitted earlier this year that he personally dictated a false statement from Trump Jr. about the meeting.

Don Jr.’s legal troubles were reportedly the talk of a recent Trumpworld wedding, perVanity Fair’s Gabriel Sherman.

“Don is very worried,” the attendee said. According to the source, Don Jr. departed this week on a hunting trip to Canada. “They think the bomb’s coming this week, and he doesn’t want to be anywhere near a microphone if the bomb drops,” the source said.

This story has been updated.

That Jr hiding in Canada alert :banderas:

The irony of the Trump family sending our neighbors their worst.:banderas:

@Great Scott show us those mental gymnastics, breh :mjlitgrinch:


One Of The Last Real Ones To Do It
Apr 1, 2013
New York City
It's really crazy on a meta level how much this thread predicted of the future. :jbhmm:

We even joked about how Trump would just dip out the country when the shyt hit the fan and now his son might try to pull that.

Some lady, whose name escapes me, made probably the most prescient comment on trumps appeal that I have ever heard, read etc.

She said the reason many people voted for him even though they dislike him personally etc is that at SOME point, no matter who they are (except for Ivanka maybe) he will shyt on someone that they (the individual voter) hate/despise but cannot express their feelings publicly.

Now my sense is that the overwhelming majority of people here are voting on issues etc. But for people out there in Murica who don't know or even care about the issues, I'm sure that got him a ton of votes. The way he did Kelly just now. I'm sure there are people who hate Kelly so much that to see him publicly humiliated like this would push them to vote for trump. He did that with the Bush family.

Cohen is trying to be slick and keep some truly momentous shyt behind wraps as final insurance policy. That's why he didn't tell all.

The other idea I had is that he actually wants to spend a few years away. Might be safer for him than being out on the streets.

This is 100% true I ran into my friend who was a Trump supporter because he wasn't a fan of Muslims and the old boy's network in control of everything. I remember watching the inauguration with him in a bar and we kept going back on forth on who Trump was and if he could be a good president. I said no and then mentioned the Russia collusion being real and Trump just destined to be bad at being President because he was such an amateur in politics. Anyhow I saw him today and he didn't want to talk politics, denounced Russia as someplace nobody would ever want to visit, then he even spent time praising a Libyan Muslim kid who worked for him as being smart and a hard worker and somebody he wanted to help advance at his company.

I really think Trump might have lost everyone outside the base between the midterms, his absurd racism, and these charges/indictments. If anything he's made people become more liberal in their thinking because he keeps failing by trying to live up to the Republican ideals and in turn shows how foolish those ideal are.