King Kreole

natural blondie like goku
Mar 8, 2014
Alt Right Account
What’s your aim in here?:patrice:

I see a lot democrat blaming with republican in the White House . Wtf are you talking about?
My aim in here has been my aim all along in HL; showcase the bipartisan nature of the American Empire's brutality and immorality. If y'all continue to engage in this shallow, Manichean, "Republicans = bad guys, Democrats = good guys" mode of thinking, you risk perpetuating the very circumstance you're allegedly aghast at right now. Burying your head in the sand about America's garbage Imperialist foreign policy being perpetrated by both parties because it's politically inconvenient to your primary (and seemingly sole) goal of bagging Trump is doing just that. It makes it look like y'all have no principles, and that *Nixon voice* when a Democrat does it, it is not immoral.

Of course Republicans are to blame. A Republican President ordered an illegal strike with the complicity of a Republican congress. But that should not be surprising, Republicans are a known evil. That's what they do, and they don't owe you anything because you're not their constituency and you didn't vote for them. The party you do vote for, Democrats, should be serving as a check to that evil. So when they abdicate their political and moral duty by not only providing the space for that Republican evil to flourish, but engage in the evil themselves, that's a betrayal. That you can't see that is disturbing. I'm not going to blame a rabid dog for biting me, I'm going to blame the people who were supposed to be keeping that dog in check.

I didn't come into this dumbass thread to score some cheap digs, this is ultimately important because when 2020 rolls around and a Democrat gets in office, I hope y'all will have the same energy when they pull some shyt like this. Because you didn't when the previous administration was doing it, and now that those chickens are coming home to roost, y'all are shocked and outraged. But it looks like my mere mentioning of Democratic complicity in the inflammation of international tensions and reverting back to garbage Boomer Cold War mentality is leading to calls for my bushing, so I'll take my leave.

TLDR: You cannot create meaningful reforms to the foreign policy consensus if you're only willing to critique it when "your team" isn't in charge.

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Donald J Trump

Dec 27, 2012

The fukk are you talking about?!

Mattis is the 3rd most popular Marine ever. Dude is a hell of a leader. I wish he was my commander when I was in the USMC

nikka dont argue with a marine them cats are different

idgaf who he is, we as a country ain’t been at war with a big dog in decades.

off that cacs nuts

King Kreole

natural blondie like goku
Mar 8, 2014
You must remember that our friend @King Kreole vigorously advocated for a Trump presidency in 2016. So because this disaster of a President and administration was initially supported by @King Kreole anytime he can blame Dems breh is back in here in full campaign mode. His posts are unfunny jokes at this point
The difference between you and I is that my principles stick, so when Trump does a 180 from his isolationist campaign rhetoric, I ditch the fukk. It's curious to me why you're all bent out of shape about this when this is what your candidate, Hillary "Regime Change" Clinton, and her VP, Tim "No Fly Zones" Kaine, were calling for from the get-go...:jbhmm:


I'm Lamont's pops
Nov 20, 2016
Straight from Flatbush
Buh he was doin good and thats what makes it so baaad
:mjlol: Rep on the smilie


Hale End
Jan 17, 2013
The Arsenal
My aim in here has been my aim all along in HL; showcase the bipartisan nature of the American Empire's brutality and immorality. If y'all continue to engage in this shallow, Manichean, "Republicans = bad guys, Democrats = good guys" mode of thinking, you risk perpetuating the very circumstance you're allegedly aghast at right now. Burying your head in the sand about America's garbage Imperialist foreign policy being perpetrated by both parties because it's politically inconvenient to your primary (and seemingly sole) goal of bagging Trump is doing just that. It makes it look like y'all have no principles, and that *Nixon voice* when a Democrat does it, it is not immoral.

Of course Republicans are to blame. A Republican President ordered an illegal strike with the complicity of a Republican congress. But that should not be surprising, Republicans are a known evil. That's what they do, and they don't owe you anything because you're not their constituency and you didn't vote for them. The party you do vote for, Democrats, should be serving as a check to that evil. So when they abdicate their political and moral duty by not only providing the space for that Republican evil to flourish, but engage in the evil themselves, that's a betrayal. That you can't see that is disturbing. I'm not going to blame a rabid dog for biting me, I'm going to blame the people who were supposed to be keeping that dog in check.

I didn't come into this dumbass thread to score some cheap digs, this is ultimately important because when 2020 rolls around and a Democrat gets in office, I hope y'all will have the same energy when they pull some shyt like this. Because you didn't when the previous administration was doing it, and now that those chickens are coming home to roost, y'all are shocked and outraged. But it looks like my mere mentioning of Democratic complicity in the inflammation of international tensions and reverting back to garbage Boomer Cold War mentality is leading to calls for my bushing, so I'll take my leave.

TLDR: You cannot create meaningful reforms to the foreign policy consensus if you're only willing to critique it when "your team" isn't in charge.

and they sent the letter to obama august 28th 2013 saying he should go to congress and didn't he go to congress after that? i know it was because he was looking for an out and didn't want to bomb and not because he believed he was constitutionally required to, but whatever the reason he still went to congress and they said no and he said cool and then made a deal with putin about assad getting rid of his chemical weapon stockpile. seems they didn't hold up their end of the deal all these years later though.
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King Kreole

natural blondie like goku
Mar 8, 2014
and they sent the letter to obama august 28th 2013 saying he should go to congress and didn't he go to congress after that? i know it was because he was looking for an out and didn't want to bomb and not because he believed he was constitutionally required to, but whatever the reason he still went to congress and they said no and he said cool and then made a deal with putin about assad and getting rid of his chemical weapon stockpile. seems they didn't hold up their end of the deal all these years later though.
I think Obama made a lot of terrible foreign policy decisions, but his refusal to capitulate to the interventionist pressure being applied on him by people like Hillary and Samantha Powers to enforce the Syrian red line was a moment of real courage from him. So no, I don't believe Obama and Trump are one in the same. Obama is much more of an institutionalist whereas Trump is an unmoored idiot. But there is a direct line from Obama's false claims about having the legal and moral authority to take unilateral military actions against Syria without Congressional approval, to Trump's actions last night. Obama further established the precedent for Executive creep and gave Trump the blueprint. If we're not willing to acknowledge that because Trump is an "orange piss orangutang russian stooge idiot b*stard!!1!" then we're not going to be able to reverse the damage and prevent this from happening again in the future.

More to the point, I'm not even mainly blaming Obama here, I'm blaming the Democratic mainstream/establishment and their unthinking supporters who refuse to take a critical stance to their shyttiness. What's striking about the two letters in that tweet isn't that Presidents Obama and Trump are trying to illegally expand their powers, it's that the political system is so broken and bifurcated that Congress only finds a problem with that when it's not their guy doing it. The Democrats (softly) rebuking Trump last night weren't doing so on the basis of the underlying military actions being unjust, they were doing so because it's not their guy doing it. They don't actually have a problem with the bombing, they want to flex their muscles and keep the military industrial complex running. I mean, just look at Nap's posts in here.


The Original
Dec 9, 2012
The Deep State
I think Obama made a lot of terrible foreign policy decisions, but his refusal to capitulate to the interventionist pressure being applied on him by people like Hillary and Samantha Powers to enforce the Syrian red line was a moment of real courage from him. So no, I don't believe Obama and Trump are one in the same. Obama is much more of an institutionalist whereas Trump is an unmoored idiot. But there is a direct line from Obama's false claims about having the legal and moral authority to take unilateral military actions against Syria without Congressional approval, to Trump's actions last night. Obama further established the precedent for Executive creep and gave Trump the blueprint. If we're not willing to acknowledge that because Trump is an "orange piss orangutang russian stooge idiot b*stard!!1!" then we're not going to be able to reverse the damage and prevent this from happening again in the future.

More to the point, I'm not even mainly blaming Obama here, I'm blaming the Democratic mainstream/establishment and their unthinking supporters who refuse to take a critical stance to their shyttiness. What's striking about the two letters in that tweet isn't that Presidents Obama and Trump are trying to illegally expand their powers, it's that the political system is so broken and bifurcated that Congress only finds a problem with that when it's not their guy doing it. The Democrats (softly) rebuking Trump last night weren't doing so on the basis of the underlying military actions being unjust, they were doing so because it's not their guy doing it. They don't actually have a problem with the bombing, they want to flex their muscles and keep the military industrial complex running. I mean, just look at Nap's posts in here.
You dont even know why you're bytching.

Pick one. Executive creep or military intervention

I support this military action. It was the correct thing to do and I hope we do more of it in Syria.. Full stop.