
Honolulu Blue Ski Mask Way
Jun 11, 2012
Lombardi Trophies in Allen Park
Brehs, my grandmother, may she rest in peace, watched 40 plus years of soaps at the crib, for a time, watched young iceberg so moms and dad didn't have to pay for child care, teaching me how to play solitaire so I didn't bother her.......All My Children, Days of Our Lives.....I've seen more fukkery since January 20, 2017 till now than she consume in all those years and we aren't nowhere near done. That's the thing, there won't be anything to be able to give this justice. Like, collectively, an institution is going to have to shut down to put all of this stuff together in chronological order. I would play Metal Gear Solid games and be like, what the fukk is Kojima smoking, this shyt is absurd. However, that shyt is logical as fukk compared to what we see regularly in the news.

Also, all of this shyt goes to show is that most people are fools and most of us clearly thinking people are essentially stuck. Most people operate on that red/blue or left/right wave. The powers that be in the world don't give two shyts about that. All of that is just a means to the end. The only color that matters is the color of their local currency. I've not reached the point of despair or anything like that but put your ideological beliefs aside for a moment and start putting things in context.

Congress Is Now Mostly A Millionaires’ Club

Here’s the breakdown: the median net worth for all House members was $896,000 (Democrats averaged $929,000 to Republicans’ $884,000) and, for Senators, $2.5 million. The median net worth for Senate Democrats was $1.7 million, down from $2.4 million in 2011; for Republicans: $2.9 million, up from $2.5 million in 2011.

These are rich to wealthy people brehs. They aren't like us financially. So then, as I did, I started to ask, these aren't mostly people from grassroots projects or started from the bottom now we are here people. They go to DC to ensure that people aren't fukking up the general hegemony of the United States over other countries because that ensures the hierarchy of their status stays intact and the money keeps following. They aren't like us, sure, we get bones like infrastructure and civil rights but when they get there, they have a mission, sometimes helping the general public is a byproduct of that. I'm not saying all politicians are like that , but a number higher than you'd be comfortable with are in that boat.

To my point, all of the above is me simply understanding like Cohn quit. Trump fukking with the money. Cohn won't drop out of the public eye entirely, just watch, this won't be the last we see of him. Also, the alphabet boys enjoy their perch from that previously discussed hegemony and Trump is fukking with that too. That status is something that will not be abdicated easily, Trump will get his issue soon enough.

We see everything playing out but also know why it's playing out. It's deeper than Russia, UAE, Stormy Daniels, etc...

Piff Perkins

May 29, 2012
Adam Schiff shut this idiot down :mjlol:

She's not smart. She manages to get over on politicians who aren't prepared, but when you actually know you're shyt it's easy to expose Megan McCain. This is even funnier when you consider the Steele dossier was given specifically to her father. If anyone should know this isn't bullshyt, it's her. But ya know...gotta pretend to be a Tough Journalist Asking Hard Questions

That New Yorker article, which I assume you guys have already discussed (I haven't really gone back and read the thread lately) is damning. But it brings up something that I remember us talking about ages ago: the fact that German and/or UK intelligence intercepted communications between Trump officials and the Russian government. That right there is the smoking gun, and I remember back in December 2016 or so (when the news broke) thinking ok this is a slam dunk. But since then, this info has barely been discussed.

I almost feel like we're watching a movie backwards or out of order, like Pulp Fiction - or musically, like GKMC. Those intercepts should be "the end," the smoking gun. We know about the Tower meeting, Don Jr's actions, Trump dictating the letter (which is obstruction of justice) denying everything...and now Sam Nunberg is claiming Trump knew about the meeting and was discussing it a week beforehand. We know ALL these things, again...which seem to be the formation of "the end." Yet the investigation continues...

Point being, I think the end game is basically set. What Mueller is doing now is preparing a bulletproof case so that no one escapes on technicalities. And preparing the public. We're constantly getting these stories, almost every other weekend man. Not saying they're coming from Mueller, his team isn't leaking anything. But I def think the public is being prepared for something titanic. Is Trump going to jail? Prob not. But I think a lot of key people will go to jail, AND I think the end result could be impeachment, more likely resignation.

The last domino will be Mueller indicting Kushner or Don Jr, just watch. Mueller has to know that when he does that, Trump will come after him. Hell Trump might even try to have Mueller arrested at that point. That's when Mueller will have this case ready to go, and I think that's when the news about the intercepts will be made fully public.