Since the thread is pretty quiet and there are some dope ideas, I'll post a few more minor things:
- Have Yamcha survive the Saibaman explosion. You think he's dead until Great Ape Vegeta's rampage (after Nappa is beaten), where Yamcha comes out of nowhere to catch Vegeta with a spirit ball with the last of his strength before he succumbs to his injuries. Just so that Yamcha can kinda shine for a minute for once in his life...
- have Krillin and Gohan actually beat Guldo, and maybe Burter and Jeice. Then have them start getting overwhelmed by Recoome and being forced to team up with Vegeta to survive against him. They just got their power boost at this point, so it would make sense for them to shine for a minute before Frieza comes into the picture.
- Gero should have had some Terminator-esque prototype androids and giant robots when he attacked in the Android arc instead of just having two

dudes trying to take over the world by themselves. It would have given guys like Tien, Krillin, Yamcha, and kid Gohan some opponents to beat so we can see what they're capable of.