The GOAT IYH PPV even though it technically came well after IYH was retired
1 Jeff Jarrett (with Debra) defeated Edge (c) Singles match for the WWF Intercontinental Championship 13:23
2 The Acolytes (Faarooq and Bradshaw) defeated The Hardy Boyz (Matt and Jeff) (c) and Michael Hayes Acolyte Rules match for the WWF Tag Team Championship 9:35
3 D'Lo Brown defeated Mideon (c) Singles match for the WWF European Championship 7:12
4 Big Boss Man defeated Al Snow (c) Hardcore match for the WWF Hardcore Championship 10:13
5 Big Show defeated Kane Singles match with Hardcore Holly as special guest referee 8:13
6 Ken Shamrock defeated Steve Blackman Iron Circle match 4:19
7 Road Dogg and X-Pac defeated Billy Gunn and Chyna Tag team match for the rights to D-Generation X 11:44
8 Triple H (with Billy Gunn and Chyna) defeated The Rock Fully Loaded Strap match to determine the #1 contender to the WWF Championship at SummerSlam 19:23
9 Stone Cold Steve Austin (c) defeated The Undertaker First Blood match for the WWF Championship
Since The Undertaker lost, Vince McMahon could no longer appear on WWF television. Had Austin lost, he would never have been able to challenge for the WWF Championship again. 15:58
- GOAT tier video packages all night long not just for the main event
- Edge continued to come out of his Brood "shell". White bytches were screaming all through the match while he egged them on
Stone Cold stunned Jarrett after the match to take control of the mic and call out the Undertaker for busting his forehead wide open on Sunday Night Heat (
- Hardyz with some good spots and a GOAT tier clothesline from hell from Bradshaw to end the match. A group of brehs and their hilarious reactions in the crowd can be seen all night long
- Mideon had the juice on this night. Calling out Chioda by name all match lol "Ask him, Mike. ASK HIM!"
- Bossman/Al Snow was a classic 90s hardcore match that ended outside the arena
- Big Show chokeslammed an interfering Xpac directly on his head to emphasize a kayfabe concussion lol
- Kurt Angle several months before his debut can be seen in the background of the wack Iron Circle Match
- DX match wasn't great, but had some big pops. Billy Gunn was on it that night
- One of The Rock's GOAT prematch promos
- Prime Mr. McMahon on commentary for the main event. Some hilarious pops and WCW style run ins. Vince was still on crutches after his legit July 4th limo accident and came after Stone Cold twice with a crutch in hand only to be punched directly in the face and then stunned. shyt was hilarious man
All in all it was 7 stars. Had all my brehs over for my first paid-for PPV, can't fathom how it's been 25 years
1 Jeff Jarrett (with Debra) defeated Edge (c) Singles match for the WWF Intercontinental Championship 13:23
2 The Acolytes (Faarooq and Bradshaw) defeated The Hardy Boyz (Matt and Jeff) (c) and Michael Hayes Acolyte Rules match for the WWF Tag Team Championship 9:35
3 D'Lo Brown defeated Mideon (c) Singles match for the WWF European Championship 7:12
4 Big Boss Man defeated Al Snow (c) Hardcore match for the WWF Hardcore Championship 10:13
5 Big Show defeated Kane Singles match with Hardcore Holly as special guest referee 8:13
6 Ken Shamrock defeated Steve Blackman Iron Circle match 4:19
7 Road Dogg and X-Pac defeated Billy Gunn and Chyna Tag team match for the rights to D-Generation X 11:44
8 Triple H (with Billy Gunn and Chyna) defeated The Rock Fully Loaded Strap match to determine the #1 contender to the WWF Championship at SummerSlam 19:23
9 Stone Cold Steve Austin (c) defeated The Undertaker First Blood match for the WWF Championship
Since The Undertaker lost, Vince McMahon could no longer appear on WWF television. Had Austin lost, he would never have been able to challenge for the WWF Championship again. 15:58
- GOAT tier video packages all night long not just for the main event
- Edge continued to come out of his Brood "shell". White bytches were screaming all through the match while he egged them on

- Hardyz with some good spots and a GOAT tier clothesline from hell from Bradshaw to end the match. A group of brehs and their hilarious reactions in the crowd can be seen all night long
- Mideon had the juice on this night. Calling out Chioda by name all match lol "Ask him, Mike. ASK HIM!"
- Bossman/Al Snow was a classic 90s hardcore match that ended outside the arena
- Big Show chokeslammed an interfering Xpac directly on his head to emphasize a kayfabe concussion lol
- Kurt Angle several months before his debut can be seen in the background of the wack Iron Circle Match
- DX match wasn't great, but had some big pops. Billy Gunn was on it that night
- One of The Rock's GOAT prematch promos

- Prime Mr. McMahon on commentary for the main event. Some hilarious pops and WCW style run ins. Vince was still on crutches after his legit July 4th limo accident and came after Stone Cold twice with a crutch in hand only to be punched directly in the face and then stunned. shyt was hilarious man
All in all it was 7 stars. Had all my brehs over for my first paid-for PPV, can't fathom how it's been 25 years