Any advancement towards the elimination of scarcity should be welcomed... these doomsday threads are 

I'm creating some automation right now that's going to cost a temp their job.![]()
white ppl don't even respect medicaid, but yeah they'll vote for basic income
Sounds right up your alley.
They'll create rules that target blacks somehow.Like I said in another thread a while ago, basic income will probably have to happen sooner or later, but as long as minorities get it too white people will have to be dragged kicking and screaming.
Demographic change will probably just mean they eventually get outvoted.
good luck with that
@ trying to convince them about this when they don't even believe in universal health coverage
lol@Universal Basic Income, aka welfare on steroids
These companies don't even want to pay their workers a fair wage, and yet they expect the government to pay everybody a livable wage. Where is this money going to come from if everyone's out of a job? Oh yea, it will have to come from taxing these same corporations that can't wait to move jobs overseas to avoid taxes and to exploit cheap labor. No thanks to more government dope.
No one said ALL. I said dont think YOur job is safe cause it aint. All jobs are up for grabs, a lot of them right NOW and others in the near future. thats all facts. google it not an opinion. one reason that we dont have as much automation as we are capable of having is due to govt saying Hold up...we can't take that many jobs all at once. lets do it slowly.this is ridiculous. first of all no technology cannot replace every job. we are hundreds if not thousands of years away from that.
second, if technology ever gets to the point where every job is considered useless... then it has likely also evolved to the point where everyone would have access to basic resources. if technology made food, shelter and water infinite and in abundance for all... no one would have to work out of necessity in the first place.
but in 2018 if your job can be done by a robot, your job probably isn't that important in the first place and you should be looking for other ways to better yourself economically.
For years now, some researchers have been anticipating that robots would take away jobs from humans. In the UK, Deloitte and the University of Oxford predicted that 10 million unskilled jobs could be taken over by robots. University of Oxford researchers Carl Benedikt Frey and Michael Osborne estimated in 2013 that 47 percent of total U.S. jobs could be automated and taken over by computers by 2033.
Some experts say not to worry because technology has always created new jobs while eliminating old ones ones, displacing but not replacing workers. But lately, as technology has become more sophisticated, the drumbeat of worry has intensified. “What’s different now?” asked Leigh Watson Healy, chief analyst at market research firm Outsell. “The pace of technology advancements plus the big data phenomenon lead to a whole new level of machines to perform higher level cognitive tasks.” Translated: the old formula of creating more demanding jobs that need advanced training may no longer hold true. The number of people needed to oversee the machines, and to create them, is limited. Where do the many whose occupations have become obsolete go?
“I don’t think we have a good handle on this,” said MIT researcher Matt Beane. “The end game scenarios seem kind of severe. From here on in, it’s really, really, really going to change and it’s going to change faster than we can handle.”
Associated Press has run an experiment of automatically creating corporate earnings reports since June 2014 with software from Automated Insights and data from Zacks Investment Research. After working through problems at the outset, the process is virtually error-free, which likely beats what humans would do.
AP’s sports department is using automation to generate reports for events with small audiences. The organization says it frees up staff to do more important things, helping stretch media budgets. “The company claims it can weave that data into a compelling narrative that on a skill level an experienced writer can do,” said Martin Ford, a software entrepreneur and author of Rise of the Robots: Technology and the Threat of a Jobless Future. Given the sometimes questionable level of writing demonstrated by college graduates and “the hurdle machines have to cross to out-perform humans with college degrees isn’t that high.” But at one time junior reporters would have done the duller work and learned basics of their craft. In less than a year, the potential pool has become smaller.
Anesthesiologists, Surgeons, and DiagnosticiansDoes it take a human to understand how to craft a message that will motivate someone to make a purchase or even open an email? Apparently not. In an automated tour de brute force, natural language software firm Persado analyzes data with semantic algorithms to determine what email subject lines, for example, will get the best response.
Working for clients like Citi and Neiman Marcus, the company’s systems can reach into its database of scored language, analyze all the variations of a particular message, and systematically create wording that will have the necessary emotional pull, with the ability to test thousands of permutations to find the best performing versions. Machine-generated email subject lines can sometimes double the number of messages opened compared to human-written ones.
There’s also the rapidly-developing field of programmatic ad buying. Instead of having people choose where to place ads in magazines, software focuses online, using billions of pieces of information about potential subjects and targeting ads on the best prospects in real time.
You might think that doctors represented the ultimate in hands-on expertise that had to be local, but that isn’t the case. Johnson & Johnson’s Sedasys system, already FDA approved, can automate delivery of low-level anesthesia in applications like colonoscopies at the fraction of the cost of a dedicated anesthesiologist. A doctor can supervise multiple machines at the same time to keep the human element.
IBM’s Watson, well known for its stellar performance in the TV game show Jeopardy!, has already demonstrated a far more accurate diagnosis rate for lung cancers than humans — 90 percent versus 50 percent in some tests. The reason is data. Keeping pace with the release of medical data could take doctors 160 hours a week, so doctors can’t possibly review the amount of new insights or even bodies of clinical evidence that can give an edge in making a diagnosis.
Surgeons already use automated systems to aid in low-invasive procedures. Right now, the doctor is in charge, but eventually machines might do simpler procedures themselves. According to Beane, there have already been demonstrations — on Silly Putty — of how a robotic system could potentially remove tumors from tissue. There is also at least one hair transplant robot on the market, allowing one surgeon to oversee multiple procedures at the same time.
“A lot of things we do manually we have automated through robotics,” said Dr. Propa Ghosh, medical director of robotics surgical services at Hunterdon Medical Center. “Instead of using sutures, now we’re using robotic staplers.” She finds it hard to see how machines could do fully automated surgeries because of anatomical variations and the current difficulty computers have in generalizing patterns. However, Ghosh added, “I never could have predicted have the things that have come to play ten years ago, so it’s hard to say where the future will be.”
all of what you are saying is true. but look at it this Basic Income, aka welfare on steroids
These companies don't even want to pay their workers a fair wage, and yet they expect the government to pay everybody a livable wage. Where is this money going to come from if everyone's out of a job? Oh yea, it will have to come from taxing these same corporations that can't wait to move jobs overseas to avoid taxes and to exploit cheap labor. No thanks to more government dope.
I'm afraid of self driving vehicles. What if they malfunction, and crash, and kill people? How do they work during rush hour, and change lanes?
You mean like...people do?
We should go back to riding horses around. Would eliminate all the problems associated with cars, flying or driving.I'll take my chances any day with human drivers, than cars falling from the sky, because some idiot was too lazy to get gas after work, and decided to risk the flight to the gas station in the morning.
On top of that, flying cars mean flying cop cars. Taxes will be through the roof training, and paying for flying cops.
We should go back to riding horses around. Would eliminate all the problems associated with cars, flying or driving.