2025 UPDATE!! MUSK AIs FED GOV!! Altman: prepare for AI to be "uncomfortable"…33% US jobs gone…BASIC INCOME?


May 7, 2012

This is de facto large scale trial run for UBI.

Population of US over 18 is appx 200 million.

8% or 16 million receiving benefits.

Mark my words brehs, this is gonna come hard and fast. Watch what happens when benefits start running out and job situation has only marginally improved bc it becomes painfully obvious that majority of these folks will not be rehired.

If Biden wins I could see some type of reincarnation of the WPA. 2009 Stimulus bill x 10. Dems better win back Senate, pass a massive wealth tax and raise income levels subject to social security tax.

This was March 2021

U.S. Democrats push to make COVID-19 relief bill aid to the poor permanent

This is for the kids. $3,600 a year PER CHILD and increased food assistance.

U.S. Senate Democrats will push to make permanent two provisions of President Joe Biden’s COVID-19 relief bill that provide emergency enhanced benefits for the poor through food assistance and child tax credits, two leading lawmakers said on Sunday.

Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer said that making enhanced child tax credits permanent is an important goal for Democrats, as they seek to move forward with bold new initiatives that also include legislation to upgrade U.S. infrastructure.

Senator Kirsten Gillibrand, Schumer’s fellow New York Democrat, called separately for enhancements for a nutrition program aimed at women, infants and children in the $1.9 trillion bill to be extended indefinitely.

Biden’s legislation temporarily increased the value of the program’s cash vouchers for fruits and vegetables from $9 per month for children and $11 for women to $35 per month for both.

The bill also expands the U.S. federal child tax credit for one year from a partially refundable $2,000 per child to a fully refundable $3,600 credit for children under 6 and $3,000 for children aged 6 to 17, a move that experts say will significantly decrease child poverty in the United States.



Now for the grown ups. PAY ATTENTION TO THE WORDS. They're used for a reason. When they say a "floor" of benefits or income, that is essentially the idea behind basic income but as I've been saying from the beginning, we are still not ready as a society to call it what it is bc many will interpret it as the US "losing."

So for a person who lost a job that is never coming back, they may get unemployment of 75% of previous income, plus $3,600 per kid per year, plus food assistance if they qualify.

Senate Democrats on Wednesday unveiled a sweeping new proposal to overhaul the country’s unemployment insurance system, hoping to modernize the benefits — and add more money to millions of Americans’ weekly checks — in the aftermath of the coronavirus pandemic.

The new draft legislation put forward by Sens. Ron Wyden (D-Ore.) and Michael F. Bennet (D-Colo.) seeks to address the financial hardships that many families experienced over the past year, as the coronavirus left a record number of people out of work and struggling to obtain aid amid the worst economic crisis in a generation.

Under the Democrats’ proposal, Americans could more quickly apply to their states for jobless assistance. Their checks may be much larger as well, allowing many low- and middle-income workers to receive up to 75 percent of the wages they earned when they had stable employment.

In total, these workers would be eligible to obtain at least 26 weeks of unemployment aid if the new legislation becomes law. But they also would stand to collect additional sums — and do so over longer periods of time — in the event the country faces another major downturn or public-health emergency. The bill includes additional help for part-time workers and those who drive for Uber, deliver for Grubhub or otherwise participate in the gig economy.

For Wyden and Bennet, the new standards seek to replace what many Democrats see as an unworkable, outdated system that experienced immense strain during the pandemic, forcing millions of Americans to wait weeks in some cases to receive much-needed aid.

The new bill from Wyden and Bennet aims to set a new floor for benefits, extend the number of weeks that people can be eligible for aid and tie potential boosts to the program to national economic indicators, including the country’s unemployment rate. Widespread job losses — or public health emergencies — could trigger higher payments or as many as 52 weeks of extended unemployment support under the legislation.
The new proposal also seeks to provide a clearer path to unemployment benefits for part-time workers, who often struggle to apply and obtain adequate weekly aid. And it sets up a new program, called a Jobseeker Allowance, to help those who do not qualify for unemployment — including those who are new to the workforce or are self-employed, like the many Americans who participate in the gig economy. The program builds on the initiative targeting gig-economy workers adopted earlier in the pandemic.

The underlined is HUGE bc of its ambiguity. "National economic indicators" can mean anything. It all depends on what you're tracking and HOW you're tracking it. If you count underemployed and those permanently out of the workforce (which will increase), even during a "good" economy, the unemployment number can be relatively high.

Right now the TRUE unemployment rate is actually appx 11%.


52 Years Young
May 28, 2012
I'm saying... dude acting like folk ain't already on drugs, fat, poor health, etc etc while working 1-3 jobs :pachaha:

ubi ain't happenin in the usa though
Good to know you think somebody working at a fast food joint making minimum wage or barely over it and barely over the poverty line is really benefiting from that job while some rich person makes a stock purchase or collects a dividend in a day that generates that poor person's entire family's annual income.

Red Shield

Global Domination
Dec 17, 2013
Good to know you think somebody working at a fast food joint making minimum wage or barely over it and barely over the poverty line is really benefiting from that job while some rich person makes a stock purchase or collects a dividend in a day that generates that poor person's entire family's annual income.

you replying to the wrong post :dahell:


May 7, 2012
Hiring troubles prompt some employers to eye automation and machines

The United States today is producing roughly the same amount of goods and services as before the coronavirus pandemic — but with 8.2 million fewer workers, equal to the combined payrolls of every employer in Virginia, Arizona and Iowa.

Greater productivity is the rare silver lining to emerge from the crucible of covid-19. The health crisis forced executives to innovate, often by accelerating the introduction of industrial robots, advanced software and artificial intelligence that reduced their dependence on workers who might get sick.

Even as millions of Americans remain jobless, retailers, food processors, energy producers, manufacturers and railroads all are stepping up their use of machines. Automation may also get a lift from President Biden’s infrastructure plan, which will encourage domestic investment in cutting-edge factories, according to Bank of America


May 7, 2012

Domino's® and Nuro Launch Autonomous Pizza Delivery with On-Road Robot | Domino's Pizza