Will the concept of money also change?
Most likely, mainly bitcoin. America is falling like Greece is falling. I'm expecting a purge type lifestyle soon
Will the concept of money also change?
Yang told y'all!
Either wayto amazon people need to learn the hard way.
so in other words keep allowing people to die due to a lack of healthcare/good healthcare, and keep allowing people to go bankrupt over their health bills. just to keep some people on a job that they should never be on to begin with because their job is a waste. remember, i told you. I work in the industry. i could EASILy lose my job to M4A. you ask, what would i do? The same exact thing i do for these health companies I can do for any company. the same can be said for everyone who would lose their job. that is a fact. down to the customer service rep.Wait till MFA rolls out and The millions of employees currently in the private insurance sector are out of a job.
Not sure what you can retool those people to do.
Said no in other words keep allowing people to die due to a lack of healthcare/good healthcare, and keep allowing people to go bankrupt over their health bills. just to keep some people on a job that they should never be on to begin with because their job is a waste.
fit what agenda? to help people stay alive, live healthier lives, with less stress(more health) due to ridiculous bills?Said no one...
Although its good to know lefties are willing to accept sectors of the economy disappearing leaving millions without work if it fits their agenda...
Makes a few of the post in this thread read differently.
Your replies all imply M4A is the only solution, and that anyone not on board is evil, foolish or against saving lies... you’ve drunk too much of the Progressive what agenda? to help people stay alive, live healthier lives, with less stress(more health) due to ridiculous bills?
Wait till MFA rolls out and The millions of employees currently in the private insurance sector are out of a job.
Not sure what you can retool those people to do.
fit what agenda? to help people stay alive, live healthier lives, with less stress(more health) due to ridiculous bills?
if i know for a fact my job is an overall waste in the current setup , it is what it is. now technically my personal job is less of a waste then my previous jobs, thats because I can do things that would equate to 100's of people's tasks. But i could do that all at once. so i'm less of a waste. But a lot of this admin stuff is pure waste. and its the middle man that isnt necessary. there are some things, i dont think we should play with. Health is one of them Dead. what car you drive? what shoes you wear? thats different. but whether or not Dead can go to the doctor is not one of them. I want a society where Dead and Rapbeats can walk right into that docs office if they feel the need to or for a routine checkup to keep track of their health as they age. it only makes the most logical, economical, ethical sense. very few things do all 3. M4A does that.