• Total voters


Aug 17, 2012
New York City

I'm talking about the primary voters, that gave him the delegates he has. Also a Poll is not the same as actual Vote. Votes are tangible evidence, polls are speculation as people change their minds all the time.

I understand your point, and this is basically my mom's view on the subject as well. My concern is that while Biden was old 4 years ago, he could clearly articulate himself and downright bodied Trump in the 2020 debate. There is clear decline from that Biden to the one we have now, who struggles to even put a few sentences together and also looks extremely frail. If he could at least perform on the spot in a debate we wouldn't be having this convo. He would have won the debate and likely be basking in a post-debate bounce in the polls. Instead people saw a guy who doesn't look all the way there...

I will vote for him if he's the nom. I'm just saying there are red flags and it's prob a good idea to change course now, rather than have him go out and shyt the bed again in late August/September when it's too late to do anything.

He's 82, he's not as sharp as he was during the Obama years when he bodied Paul Ryan in a debate. I just don't see how changing candidates in the middle of a heated campaign in the 25th hour makes any political sense. Dems attacking Biden in public is counterproductive. As I've maintain on this board, I viewed Biden as a stop-gap measure to the next generation. Sadly Trump kept running, if he didn't I truly believe Biden would have passed the torch. Again Michelle Obama has the name ID to do it this late but she clearly isn't interesting in running. I can't see anyone else pulling in Biden's coalition in full in four mouths short time. I don't see the point of attacking the Nominee who's the sitting the President when he says he's not dropping out. Now your just helping Trump so I see through that. Plus going to the media and not telling Joe to his face was weak and cowardly. With that said the next generation they have been grooming are waiting the wings Kamala, Hakeem, Gretch and Gavin ready to take over by 2028. This is obviously Joe's last ride.


Go Wizards, Go Terps, Go Packers!
Staff member
May 16, 2012

He really fukked this whole thing up by being so public and aggressive with his pushback campaign. He's put the Democrats in an incredibly difficult bind but I genuinely think he doesn't give a fukk, he's in it for himself. If Kamala (or some other Democrat) ends up becoming the nominee, I don't think Biden will lift a finger to help them. He's locked into Mean Mad Old White Man phase and will be nursing grudges for the rest of his days.
Thing is, the calls for him to drop out have no organization to it.

The Dems are all over the place. Biden sees that and that's why he's saying challenge me and beat me.


Blade said what up
May 1, 2012
#ByrdGang #TheColi

I've sat back and watched this clear propaganda media campaign the last damn near two weeks to help Trump and get Biden out. Joe is right on Morning Joe. The voters have spoken, end of story. This isn't Fantasy Football. You can't change candidates this late in the game that's political suicide. Also this "He can't win" is BS. Based on what? A Poll? Polls are not God and they aren't facts. They are projections that are based on limited samples. Voters determine the winner not Polls. Biden already BEAT Trump. That wasn't a poll, that was reality. The fact is Trump has to prove he can beat Biden not the other way around. Election day not polls determine who wins. The voters already selected Biden in the primaries by over 15 Million votes. Maryanne and Dean could not get the support nor any other Democrat. It's too late in the game, Biden's voters are baked in at this point. A new Candidate would not have the time to get everyone on board. I'm sorry but some of you are going to have to be dragged kicking and screaming across the finish line.

Attacking your nominee this late in the game is complete disrespect. Any issues with Biden's debate should have been handled behind closed doors and not clout chasing in the media. Presidents have average Debate performances all the time. Trump was a mess too but the media didn't report on it because again a Trump Presidency is good for ratings and the bottom line. So to those Dems trying to run a out the President against the will of the voters. Don't be screaming about "Protect Democracy" but try to change the candidate voters picked. Switching now would be damn nightmare legally, logically and logistically. Especially with state ballot laws. Also the Media wants Biden to drop out for clicks and ratings. They want to be able to run the headlines "CHAOS AT THE CONVENTION". They want non stop coverage of "Democrat Distaster" wall to wall reporting. It's good for business to help Trump win. Biden is boring to them. He just does his job, he doesn't rage tweet and isn't Attention Whore like Trump.

At the end of the day, everyone knew Biden was old 4 years ago and they know it now. This is about the only Man with a W against Trump. All these politicians y'all putting up don't have the Stripes Biden got or the victories. You are talking about a Man that has been in the last 3 Winning Democratic Presidential Campaigns. who has never lost a General Election in his entire political career. Democrats calling for Biden to drop out this late in the game are ridiculous. LOL @ "Mini-Primary". Are you listening to yourselves. Biden is the nominee and nobody else sans Michelle Obama has the name ID to beat Trump on short notice. The election is in exactly 4 months from now. Also Kamala is the VP, already. Voting for Biden is already voting for her, it's baked in to the cake. It's pathetic that Tajari P Henson got "Project 2025" in the mainstream and the media has not been reporting on it. Now people are waking up to what Trump really has planned. LOL "I know nothing about Project 2025", even Trump shook people finding out about it. The google searches prove they have not been talking about it. The only person that should drop out of this race is Trump.
Sounds like youre a dem sheep who loves Joe more than his own grand father and would rather defend him to the grave by pointing out there are people actively working day in and day out to make your life hell (project 2025) rather than being logical by just searching social media for every negative thing you can find about the presumptive dem nominee :troll:


Sep 16, 2012
I’m cracking up.

It’s clear at this point these guys are just parroting the same talking points they’ve gotten from their shared social media circle.

Very unserious people.

they just want Biden out of the paint by any means possible

They have tunnel vision with the Middle East. Apparently it’s the only issue they care about or that means anything to them especially not anything in this country where Trump would be much much worse .

This isn’t about worshipping Biden it’s about the fact this point in the race the other candidates especially the VP is hated at a historical level so the idea she’s a much better option to the public is just not true according to polls

So at this point all we can do is hope somehow Biden gets to the finish line to keep Trump out.

They are rooting against Biden out of spite which is their perogative

Bleed The Freak

Dec 9, 2015
History will remember a very spineless Democratic party that completely blew it since 2015 by not making hard decisions and sticking with them.

Heck you could even go back to 2012 when Obama had a chance to shove it down Mitch McConnell's throat with his Supreme Court nominee and here we are.

Change the rules, break the wall down, throw an old lady down the steps if you have to.

They realized since the 80's there was a demographics issue against them coming up and they planned accordingly. They made plans that states like Kentucky, Wyoming and other places like Alabama and shytty ass Mississippi always mattered cause otherwise no one would give a fukk about them.

They have low population, an aging demographics but realized that courts and re-districting were their holy grail.

They knew the behind scenes work was much more effective than any campaign ad.
Last edited:


Jul 3, 2018
Why doesn’t the Michigan AG say it with her chest?

And another Congressman says the media is misreporting him

Sounds like an effort on MSM to try and get Trump back in office because they we're getting a rise in ratings.

Also like i said this whole 'too old" narrative while true, sounds like Hilary's emails from 2016 which turned out to be nothing.


Nov 19, 2016
Sounds like an effort on MSM to try and get Trump back in office because they we're getting a rise in ratings.

Also like i said this whole 'too old" narrative while true, sounds like Hilary's emails from 2016 which turned out to be nothing.
No one is calling for him to leave office. Until they are, it’s just butter emails


I'm Lamont's pops
Nov 20, 2016
Straight from Flatbush

Funny you avoiding the poll USA polling when Biden is up when you was the main mofo posting the exact poll USA when it had Trump up :pachaha:

This poll was literally established yesterday, yall see how Fah purposely look for polls having Trump up to set the coli engagement… Mans is a prolific cap artist :dead:



Mar 19, 2017
Good…. Pull up if them clout chasers bout it.. instead of focusing their energy on a convicted felon and rapist who’s running for office of the president…
I love this energy! The media and particularly Van Jones has been irking me talking spicy but the thing is they won't actually get into the ring they got a million sources but ain't nobody trying to tie they name to it once that light gets flashed on them. Just scattering like roaches.


Go Wizards, Go Terps, Go Packers!
Staff member
May 16, 2012

Funny you avoiding the poll USA polling when Biden is up when you was the main mofo posting the exact poll USA when it had Trump up :pachaha:

This poll was literally established yesterday, yall see how Fah purposely look for polls having Trump up to set the coli engagement… Mans is a prolific cap artist :dead:

I already posted that Morning Consult/Bloomberg poll on Saturday. USA Polling is late.

The poll I just posted is from a DEM group commissioned by Emerson.

Biden is losing and losing badly.

King Kreole

natural blondie like goku
Mar 8, 2014
I'm talking about the primary voters, that gave him the delegates he has. Also a Poll is not the same as actual Vote. Votes are tangible evidence, polls are speculation as people change their minds all the time.
That was in no way a genuine primary. It's not like voters were able to choose between Biden and all the options we're talking about now (Harris, Whitmer, Shapiro, Newsom, etc), they were choosing between Biden, Dean Phillips and Marianne Williamson.

Ok yeah polls aren't the same as actual votes, but what does that mean, we should ignore the polls and just go on gut? All we have are the polls to indicate to us what will happen in the future. I doubt we would be saying this if the polls were showing Biden up by 7. Polling is a legitimate form of assessing public opinion, ignore them at your peril.
He's 82, he's not as sharp as he was during the Obama years when he bodied Paul Ryan in a debate. I just don't see how changing candidates in the middle of a heated campaign in the 25th hour makes any political sense. Dems attacking Biden in public is counterproductive. As I've maintain on this board, I viewed Biden as a stop-gap measure to the next generation. Sadly Trump kept running, if he didn't I truly believe Biden would have passed the torch. Again Michelle Obama has the name ID to do it this late but she clearly isn't interesting in running. I can't see anyone else pulling in Biden's coalition in full in four mouths short time. I don't see the point of attacking the Nominee who's the sitting the President when he says he's not dropping out. Now your just helping Trump so I see through that. Plus going to the media and not telling Joe to his face was weak and cowardly. With that said the next generation they have been grooming are waiting the wings Kamala, Hakeem, Gretch and Gavin ready to take over by 2028. This is obviously Joe's last ride.
The point is that many Democrats are seeing Biden as a sinking ship who will take the entire party down with him unless he is removed from the picture. His cognitive condition is not going to get better, and his behavior and appearances after the debate have done nothing to quell the concerns that he is an unwinnable candidate. So they feel they have to do everything they can to remove him before it's actually too late. If you believe that an increasingly cognitively addled Joe Biden is capable of beating Donald Trump, despite what all the polls are saying, then sure, stand by your man. But that's just not what many an increasing number of Democrats believe. The race was already very tight before Joe Biden made this an issue, now it's looking very, very bleak.

the next guy

May 2, 2012
they just want Biden out of the paint by any means possible

They have tunnel vision with the Middle East. Apparently it’s the only issue they care about or that means anything to them especially not anything in this country where Trump would be much much worse .

This isn’t about worshipping Biden it’s about the fact this point in the race the other candidates especially the VP is hated at a historical level so the idea she’s a much better option to the public is just not true according to polls

So at this point all we can do is hope somehow Biden gets to the finish line to keep Trump out.

They are rooting against Biden out of spite which is their perogative
Breh this stopped being about the Middle East 2 to 3 weeks ago. I think it is what it is. The debate undid a lot of things about perception.

The discussion around this is abelist...which is something that should be talked about more.


May 20, 2012
History will remember a very spineless Democratic party that completely blew it since 2015 by not making hard decisions and sticking with them.

Heck you could even go back to 2012 when Obama had a chance to shove it down Mitch McConnell's throat with his Supreme Court nominee and here we are.

Change the rules, break the wall down, throw an old lady down the steps if you have to.

They realized since the 80's there was a demographics issue against them coming up and they planned accordingly. They made plans that states like Kentucky, Wyoming and other places like Alabama and shytty ass Mississippi always mattered cause otherwise no one would give a fukk about them.

They have low population, an aging demographics but realized that courts and re-districting were their holy grail.

They knew the behind scenes work was much more effective than any campaign ad.

That is my frustration with the liberals. They are too p*ssy to be in charge. We need people who are willing to take the fight to the GOP. I mean, If these people had any courage, Trump would be in jail right now not leading in the polls.

They keep bringing up the Trump boogeyman, but when Biden’s AG had a chance to neutralize the threat, he failed to take action until he was publicly shamed into appointing a special prosecutor. Liberals only take the right wing threat seriously during elections, but when it comes to governing, they act like the threat doesn’t exist.