• Total voters


Blade said what up
May 1, 2012
#ByrdGang #TheColi
Biden out here doing exact what the adderall boys said he should be doing and now they’re mad.

“Dems too p*ssy.”
“They need to be more like republicans.”
“Biden needs to prove He can lead the party”


These nikkas directly injecting their Twitter echo chambers into their veins praying for a fascist win to be right on the internet while contradicting themselves (as usual). I would say this is wild if we hadn’t already had the displeasure of seeing it since brother Bernard fell in 2016


Nov 19, 2016
These nikkas directly injecting their Twitter echo chambers into their veins praying for a fascist win to be right on the internet while contradicting themselves (as usual). I would say this is wild if we hadn’t already had the displeasure of seeing it since brother Bernard fell in 2016
These men might as well get themselves a septum ring:francis:

Piff Perkins

May 29, 2012
I'm all for aggression but he kinda sounded shaky in those clips too, despite reading comments from a piece of paper. If he's the nom I will vote for him, I'm just saying post-debate he hasn't demonstrated that he can win this. Trump needs to be confronted by someone who can address his bullshyt, clown him, and force him into mistakes. Biden can't do any of that. And the more aggressive he gets about not dropping out, the worse it's gonna look if he does drop out and Kamala takes over. He's basically setting up a scenario where some (white) voters think he got pushed out by the overly ambitious black chick.


Aug 17, 2012
New York City

I've sat back and watched this clear propaganda media campaign the last damn near two weeks to help Trump and get Biden out. Joe is right on Morning Joe. The voters have spoken, end of story. This isn't Fantasy Football. You can't change candidates this late in the game that's political suicide. Also this "He can't win" is BS. Based on what? A Poll? Polls are not God and they aren't facts. They are projections that are based on limited samples. Voters determine the winner not Polls. Biden already BEAT Trump. That wasn't a poll, that was reality. The fact is Trump has to prove he can beat Biden not the other way around. Election day not polls determine who wins. The voters already selected Biden in the primaries by over 15 Million votes. Maryanne and Dean could not get the support nor any other Democrat. It's too late in the game, Biden's voters are baked in at this point. A new Candidate would not have the time to get everyone on board. I'm sorry but some of you are going to have to be dragged kicking and screaming across the finish line.

Attacking your nominee this late in the game is complete disrespect. Any issues with Biden's debate should have been handled behind closed doors and not clout chasing in the media. Presidents have average Debate performances all the time. Trump was a mess too but the media didn't report on it because again a Trump Presidency is good for ratings and the bottom line. So to those Dems trying to run a out the President against the will of the voters. Don't be screaming about "Protect Democracy" but try to change the candidate voters picked. Switching now would be damn nightmare legally, logically and logistically. Especially with state ballot laws. Also the Media wants Biden to drop out for clicks and ratings. They want to be able to run the headlines "CHAOS AT THE CONVENTION". They want non stop coverage of "Democrat Distaster" wall to wall reporting. It's good for business to help Trump win. Biden is boring to them. He just does his job, he doesn't rage tweet and isn't Attention Whore like Trump.

At the end of the day, everyone knew Biden was old 4 years ago and they know it now. This is about the only Man with a W against Trump. All these politicians y'all putting up don't have the Stripes Biden got or the victories. You are talking about a Man that has been in the last 3 Winning Democratic Presidential Campaigns. who has never lost a General Election in his entire political career. Democrats calling for Biden to drop out this late in the game are ridiculous. LOL @ "Mini-Primary". Are you listening to yourselves. Biden is the nominee and nobody else sans Michelle Obama has the name ID to beat Trump on short notice. The election is in exactly 4 months from now. Also Kamala is the VP, already. Voting for Biden is already voting for her, it's baked in to the cake. It's pathetic that Tajari P Henson got "Project 2025" in the mainstream and the media has not been reporting on it. Now people are waking up to what Trump really has planned. LOL "I know nothing about Project 2025", even Trump shook people finding out about it. The google searches prove they have not been talking about it. The only person that should drop out of this race is Trump.

King Kreole

natural blondie like goku
Mar 8, 2014
Biden: "The supreme court has been illegitimately captured by right-wing interests, so in the name of preserving democracy, I have no choice but to expand the court to restore legitimacy and balance to our judicial system"

Biden: "I alone am the grand predictor and all the media is the enemy of the people! I alone can defeat fascism and the polls are all lies and any Democrat who dares suggest I am not up for the job will be on my revenge list!"

Morons: Huh, these are exactly the same to me :skip:

King Kreole

natural blondie like goku
Mar 8, 2014
I'm all for aggression but he kinda sounded shaky in those clips too, despite reading comments from a piece of paper. If he's the nom I will vote for him, I'm just saying post-debate he hasn't demonstrated that he can win this. Trump needs to be confronted by someone who can address his bullshyt, clown him, and force him into mistakes. Biden can't do any of that. And the more aggressive he gets about not dropping out, the worse it's gonna look if he does drop out and Kamala takes over. He's basically setting up a scenario where some (white) voters think he got pushed out by the overly ambitious black chick.
He really fukked this whole thing up by being so public and aggressive with his pushback campaign. He's put the Democrats in an incredibly difficult bind but I genuinely think he doesn't give a fukk, he's in it for himself. If Kamala (or some other Democrat) ends up becoming the nominee, I don't think Biden will lift a finger to help them. He's locked into Mean Mad Old White Man phase and will be nursing grudges for the rest of his days.

King Kreole

natural blondie like goku
Mar 8, 2014
I've sat back and watched this clear propaganda media campaign the last damn near two weeks to help Trump and get Biden out. Joe is right on Morning Joe. The voters have spoken, end of story. This isn't Fantasy Football. You can't change candidates this late in the game that's political suicide. Also this "He can't win" is BS. Based on what? A Poll? Polls are not God and they aren't facts. They are projections that are based on limited samples. Voters determine the winner not Polls. Biden already BEAT Trump. That wasn't a poll, that was reality. The fact is Trump has to prove he can beat Biden not the other way around. Election day not polls determine who wins. The voters already selected Biden in the primaries by over 15 Million votes. Maryanne and Dean could not get the support nor any other Democrat. It's too late in the game, Biden's voters are baked in at this point. A new Candidate would not have the time to get everyone on board. I'm sorry but some of you are going to have to be dragged kicking and screaming across the finish line.

Piff Perkins

May 29, 2012

I've sat back and watched this clear propaganda media campaign the last damn near two weeks to help Trump and get Biden out. Joe is right on Morning Joe. The voters have spoken, end of story. This isn't Fantasy Football. You can't change candidates this late in the game that's political suicide. Also this "He can't win" is BS. Based on what? A Poll? Polls are not God and they aren't facts. They are projections that are based on limited samples. Voters determine the winner not Polls. Biden already BEAT Trump. That wasn't a poll, that was reality. The fact is Trump has to prove he can beat Biden not the other way around. Election day not polls determine who wins. The voters already selected Biden in the primaries by over 15 Million votes. Maryanne and Dean could not get the support nor any other Democrat. It's too late in the game, Biden's voters are baked in at this point. A new Candidate would not have the time to get everyone on board. I'm sorry but some of you are going to have to be dragged kicking and screaming across the finish line.

Attacking your nominee this late in the game is complete disrespect. Any issues with Biden's debate should have been handled behind closed doors and not clout chasing in the media. Presidents have average Debate performances all the time. Trump was a mess too but the media didn't report on it because again a Trump Presidency is good for ratings and the bottom line. So to those Dems trying to run a out the President against the will of the voters. Don't be screaming about "Protect Democracy" but try to change the candidate voters picked. Switching now would be damn nightmare legally, logically and logistically. Especially with state ballot laws. Also the Media wants Biden to drop out for clicks and ratings. They want to be able to run the headlines "CHAOS AT THE CONVENTION". They want non stop coverage of "Democrat Distaster" wall to wall reporting. It's good for business to help Trump win. Biden is boring to them. He just does his job, he doesn't rage tweet and isn't Attention Whore like Trump.

At the end of the day, everyone knew Biden was old 4 years ago and they know it now. This is about the only Man with a W against Trump. All these politicians y'all putting up don't have the Stripes Biden got or the victories. You are talking about a Man that has been in the last 3 Winning Democratic Presidential Campaigns. who has never lost a General Election in his entire political career. Democrats calling for Biden to drop out this late in the game are ridiculous. LOL @ "Mini-Primary". Are you listening to yourselves. Biden is the nominee and nobody else sans Michelle Obama has the name ID to beat Trump on short notice. The election is in exactly 4 months from now. Also Kamala is the VP, already. Voting for Biden is already voting for her, it's baked in to the cake. It's pathetic that Tajari P Henson got "Project 2025" in the mainstream and the media has not been reporting on it. Now people are waking up to what Trump really has planned. LOL "I know nothing about Project 2025", even Trump shook people finding out about it. The google searches prove they have not been talking about it. The only person that should drop out of this race is Trump.

I understand your point, and this is basically my mom's view on the subject as well. My concern is that while Biden was old 4 years ago, he could clearly articulate himself and downright bodied Trump in the 2020 debate. There is clear decline from that Biden to the one we have now, who struggles to even put a few sentences together and also looks extremely frail. If he could at least perform on the spot in a debate we wouldn't be having this convo. He would have won the debate and likely be basking in a post-debate bounce in the polls. Instead people saw a guy who doesn't look all the way there...

I will vote for him if he's the nom. I'm just saying there are red flags and it's prob a good idea to change course now, rather than have him go out and shyt the bed again in late August/September when it's too late to do anything.

Bleed The Freak

Dec 9, 2015
I understand your point, and this is basically my mom's view on the subject as well. My concern is that while Biden was old 4 years ago, he could clearly articulate himself and downright bodied Trump in the 2020 debate. There is clear decline from that Biden to the one we have now, who struggles to even put a few sentences together and also looks extremely frail. If he could at least perform on the spot in a debate we wouldn't be having this convo. He would have won the debate and likely be basking in a post-debate bounce in the polls. Instead people saw a guy who doesn't look all the way there...

I will vote for him if he's the nom. I'm just saying there are red flags and it's prob a good idea to change course now, rather than have him go out and shyt the bed again in late August/September when it's too late to do anything.

Exactly the only upside was this was in June. But shyt man we had a chance to knockoff Humpty Dumpty 2x and this shyt is unacceptable.

No upside, no spin. Just straight awful.

If he had any of that from 4 years ago we'd have been good.

That man is gone.