• Total voters


Nov 19, 2016

i gotta say, this is one thing trump doesnt have going for him. the couple million republicans who voted for him in 2016, or worked for him, and are currently ashamed and disgusted with themselves :dead:

Here’s the thing. Most regular people outside of HL allstars and bothsiders knew Trump wasn’t offering anything to the general public and his campaign was about enriching himself and solidifying his trash family with the great American families who have rejected them.

He won and now he’s realized his autocratic tendencies are within reach. He’s old, unhealthy and failure means nothing.

Racism is the method of delivery as it always has and he’ll always have as chance as long as these I’m smarter than you idiots lose the plot


Sep 16, 2012
Here’s the thing. Most regular people outside of HL allstars and bothsiders knew Trump wasn’t offering anything to the general public and his campaign was about enriching himself and solidifying his trash family with the great American families who have rejected them.

He won and now he’s realized his autocratic tendencies are within reach. He’s old, unhealthy and failure means nothing.

Racism is the method of delivery as it always has and he’ll always have as chance as long as these I’m smarter than you idiots lose the plot

Also the enemy of my enemy is my friend thing

Some people hate the left/ liberals so much and the politicians on that side and you have a man speaking to them. Wheter he’s full of shyt or not they are gonna ride with him

It’s not even about poilicies it’s about hatred for a political party and Trump is their mouthpiece

Worthless Loser

Oct 3, 2015
This is why Biden will win Michigan regardless of the noise about middle eastern people not voting for Biden in 2024. The state Republican party there is completely broken. They're trying to get rid of their MAGA conspiracy theorist party chair for being trash and they have no money.

The mutiny took hold on Mackinac Island.

The Michigan Republican Party’s revered two-day policy and politics gathering, the Mackinac Republican Leadership Conference, was an utter mess.

Attendance had plummeted. Top-tier presidential candidates skipped the September event, and some speakers didn’t show. Guests were baffled by a scoring system that rated their ideology on a scale, from a true conservative to a so-called RINO, or Republican in name only.

And the state party, already deeply in debt, had taken out a $110,000 loan to pay the keynote speaker, Jim Caviezel, an actor who has built an ardent following among the far right after starring in a hit movie this summer about child sex trafficking. The loan came from a trust tied to the wife of the party’s executive director, according to party records.

For some Michigan Republicans, it was the final straw for a chaotic state party leadership that has been plagued by mounting financial problems, lackluster fund-raising, secretive meetings and persistent infighting. Blame has centered on the fiery chairwoman, Kristina Karamo, who skyrocketed to the top of the state party through a combative brand of election denialism but has failed to make good on her promises for new fund-raising sources and armies of activists.

This month, the internal dissension has erupted into an attempt to oust Ms. Karamo, which, if successful, would be the first removal of a leader of the Michigan Republican Party in decades. Nearly 40 members of the Michigan Republican Party’s state committee called for a meeting in late December to explore forcing out Ms. Karamo. Just before Christmas, Malinda Pego, Ms. Karamo’s running mate for state party chair and the co-chair of the committee, signed onto that effort, in an ominous sign for the embattled chairwoman. And on Thursday, eight of the 13 Republican congressional district party chairs asked Ms. Karamo to resign in a joint letter, pleading with her to “put an end to the chaos” by stepping down.

Veterans of Republican politics say that state parties play vital roles in winning elections, acting as a clearinghouse for distributing large donations from national groups unfamiliar with local terrain and offering discounts on expensive campaign costs like mail. They help identify potential candidates and winnable races. They are a font of the kinds of activists and volunteers critical to powering statewide campaigns. And they raise money.

But before the state Republican Party can help try to flip the state red, it must clear out its debt, which stood around $620,000 as of early December, according to bank records released in a report by state Republicans targeting Ms. Karamo. The party will have to raise money on its own simply to pay down its ledger.

By July, the party had less than $150,000 in the bank. Under siege, the state party leadership began to hold meetings in private. A meeting that month devolved into a fistfight that broke a county chairman’s dentures and left him with stress fractures in his spine, The Detroit News reported.

Its a gif link I think. It's a lot more drama in the full article. Only copied a few things. I don't see how Trump can win Michigan with a broken party at the state level.


Nov 1, 2015

US Supreme Court officially asked to take up Trump’s 14th Amendment issue​

Colorado’s high court ruled Trump was disqualified from the ballot earlier this month.

Former President Donald Trump speaks to the media at Atlanta Hartsfield-Jackson International Airport.

The Colorado GOP has asked the U.S. Supreme Court to reinstate former President Donald Trump on the state's primary ballot, dragging the high court into the fight over the 14th Amendment. | Joe Raedle/Getty Images


12/28/2023 10:42 AM EST

Updated: 12/28/2023 02:24 PM EST

The Colorado Republican Party asked the Supreme Court to reinstate Donald Trump on the primary ballot — officially dragging the nation’s top court into the fight over whether the former president can be legally barred from office.

The state Republican committee asked the court late Wednesday to overturn the ruling issued by the Colorado Supreme Court earlier this month, when it struck Trump from the state’s presidential primary ballot. The court ruled that Trump engaged in an insurrection on Jan. 6, 2021, disqualifying him from the presidency under an interpretation of the 14th Amendment — but paused its ruling until the Supreme Court could weigh in.

The state GOP’s petition argues three points: The office of the presidency is not covered by the 14th Amendment, the insurrection clause is not “self-executing” — meaning Congress alone must enforce it, and states cannot make that determination on their own — and that by kicking Trump off the primary ballot, the state Republican Party’s First Amendment rights of association have been violated.

The party is represented by the American Center for Law and Justice, a conservative Christian law group. Jay Sekulow, who defended Trump during his first impeachment trial, is the organization’s chief counsel.

The Colorado court’s decision earlier this month to bar Trump from the ballot was a landmark one, supercharging the legal efforts to have Trump barred from office, which has been pushed by a strange bedfellows group of liberal activists and conservative judicial scholars.

Their argument rests on Section 3 of the 14th Amendment, which was passed following the Civil War to stop former Confederates from holding office. The amendment reads that those “having previously taken an oath” to support the Constitution and then “engaged in insurrection or rebellion” against the U.S. cannot hold public office.

Trump’s legal team has maintained he did not engage in the insurrection in the first place. But they’ve also added that, because of the wording of the amendment, it does not apply to the office of the presidency.

So far, Colorado’s top court is the only one in the country to find Trump ineligible to run. Other state Supreme Courts — like Minnesota in November and Michigan on Wednesday — have effectively punted on the issue, allowing Trump to appear on states’ primary ballots while leaving the door open for further challenges for his general election eligibility.

The justices in the majority in the 4-3 ruling in Colorado noted that they were treading on unfamiliar territory at the time, but ultimately found Trump was culpable for the violence at the U.S. Capitol more than two years ago.

“President Trump did not merely incite the insurrection. Even when the siege on the Capitol was fully underway, he continued to support it,” the majority wrote. “These actions constituted overt, voluntary, and direct participation in the insurrection.”

The U.S. Supreme Court does not have any set timeline for when — or if — they must take up the case. But many legal experts have urged the court to weigh in expediently, as to resolve the issue as far in advance of the 2024 election as possible.

The Colorado court also noted that it anticipated the U.S. Supreme Court would eventually take up the issue. “We are also cognizant that we travel in uncharted territory, and that this case presents several issues of first impression,” the majority wrote.

The state Supreme Court said an appeal would automatically continue its pause, and election officials there “will continue to be required to include President Trump’s name on the 2024 presidential primary ballot, until the receipt of any order or mandate from the Supreme Court.”

The Colorado GOP’s appeal this week means Trump will almost assuredly appear on the primary ballot in the state, unless the U.S. Supreme Court issues an incredibly expedient decision. Election officials in the state need to certify the primary ballot by Jan. 5, in order to have time to print and send mail ballots for its March 5 primary.

Both the state GOP and the group of voters who challenged Trump’s eligibility — who are backed by the liberal government watchdog Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington, one of the major drivers behind the 14th Amendment challenges — have asked the Supreme Court to expedite review of the case, should the justices take it up, with the primary calendar fast approaching.

The Court should hear and decide the case on the merits in “an accelerated basis to reduce voter confusion and ensure that primary voters cast their vote knowing whether Trump is disqualified from the Presidency,” the voters’ attorneys wrote in a motion to the court filed on Thursday, asking for oral arguments in the case for mid-January.

Worthless Loser

Oct 3, 2015

:salute: i like the energy

the dems HAVE to start including mockery, though. trump is a coward, a p*ssy, and a sore loser; that has to be addressed. we cant just come off like we're scared of trump

Biden needs to use more high profile moments to shyt on Trump.

Assuming Trump is convicted in the federal January 6th trial, Biden needs to do an oval office speech on all the major news networks immediately after the guilty announcement. Trump supporters acting like dikkheads at the courthouse will play right into Biden's hands as most of the public will be turned off by that behavior especially if people get arrested live in real time.

The night Trump accepts the nomination at the RNC, Biden needs to do another oval office speech on all major networks immediately after the RNC is over highlighting how a convicted felon who tried to overthrow the government to retain power is now the nominee to be President again. Completely steal the spotlight from what was suppose to be Trump's moment.

the cac mamba

May 21, 2012
The night Trump accepts the nomination at the RNC, Biden needs to do another oval office speech on all major networks immediately after the RNC is over highlighting how a convicted felon who tried to overthrow the government to retain power is now the nominee to be President again. Completely steal the spotlight from what was suppose to be Trump's moment.
this is a great idea :mjlol:

the cac mamba

May 21, 2012

i mean, uh :skip:

how perfect of a VP would michelle be for biden? :dead: what's a more perfect job for kamala to take instead of VP? this is an incredibly good idea :laff:
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