• Total voters


The Original
Dec 9, 2012
The Deep State
This is a dumb fukking take. She's been doing several rallies a week in key battleground states and she's also been prepping for the debate. Did you not hear her speak to the media briefly when she was at a shop? She said "I've been prepping, this is one of the first times I've gone out all week."

The debate is going to have millions of eyes on her. It's an important piece to her path.

Following the debate, she can do more interviews/podcasts or some YouTube channel that Patel thinks is important..
wrong. She needs to be cutting as much content as possible. Dont wake me up crying on November 6th because she didn’t cover all bases.

She needs to be controlling narratives before and after the debate and frankly she still has that stink of being afraid of cameras. I didn’t say she needs to do CNN but she needs to be on podcasts and blogs of alternative media. You can’t do NO media.

King Kreole

natural blondie like goku
Mar 8, 2014
Trump was blessed with a peaceful time and he was able to coast from the Obama years.
I don't know what you mean by "peaceful time" but Trump inherited a country intervening/instigating in multiple warzones across the globe. And the country was at levels of domestic polarization not seen in generations.

The only challenge he faced was COVID and he colossally failed at it.
He faces multiple challenges and failed at almost all of them.

He claimed it was a democratic hoax and downplayed it which lead to thousands of unnecessary deaths domestically and probably millions worldwide.
Yeah he mainly botched the response with his schizophrenic, moronic reactions to new information about the pandemic, but his impact was marginal. Getting the vaccines created through Operation Warp Speed and making them free at the point of delivery was genuinely good and impressive. It's really the lack of structural institutions like universal healthcare that were most at fault for the excess death toll. And I'm not sure how Trump added millions of unnecessary deaths worldwide.

Say what you want about bush but he is an institutionalist and not a fascist. Granted his policy positions were horrible but he was willing to relinquish power when his party lost.
The incompetent fascist regime vs the competent neoconservative war criminal regime. I'll take the former. I don't care that Bush is an institutionalist when the institution is designed to immiserate and murder millions of people.

What would Trump have done if he was President and faced 9/11, the Great Recession and Hurricane Katrina would he have handled it better? fukk no.
Probably worse! But he didn't.
Would bush have handled Covid better? Yes he would have
Based on his handling of the public disasters and crises that occurred during his tenure, I'm not so sure!


New Hope For the HaveNotz
May 6, 2012
Buzz City, NC :blessed:
I don't know what you mean by "peaceful time" but Trump inherited a country intervening/instigating in multiple warzones across the globe. And the country was at levels of domestic polarization not seen in generations.

He faces multiple challenges and failed at almost all of them.

Yeah he mainly botched the response with his schizophrenic, moronic reactions to new information about the pandemic, but his impact was marginal. Getting the vaccines created through Operation Warp Speed and making them free at the point of delivery was genuinely good and impressive. It's really the lack of structural institutions like universal healthcare that were most at fault for the excess death toll. And I'm not sure how Trump added millions of unnecessary deaths worldwide.

The incompetent fascist regime vs the competent neoconservative war criminal regime. I'll take the former. I don't care that Bush is an institutionalist when the institution is designed to immiserate and murder millions of people.

Probably worse! But he didn't.

Based on his handling of the public disasters and crises that occurred during his tenure, I'm not so sure!
By peaceful times I mean a time period of low volatility. I would say most volatility during Trumps administration was self inflicted.

I don’t think you’re fully appreciating how much of a cancer Trump is to America. Sure Bush was a failed President and his policy positions were horrible but I think he was a victim of a lot of bad luck. I don’t think he was more incompetent or insane than Trump.

Trump has created a post truth culture in America where the political parties can’t even agree on simple facts, he’s fostered a cult which constitutes at least 35% of America that truly believe that democrats are evil and are hellbent on destroying America. He’s essentially allowed the Russians to completely infiltrate and hijack the Republican Party. The cancer he has bestowed on America will outlive his political career and will create a reckoning that will probably make Jan 6th look like child’s play

Yes bush was horrible for the Middle East but Trumps impact domestically will be felt for the rest of our lives. He’s worse than Bush.
May 1, 2012
wrong. She needs to be cutting as much content as possible. Dont wake me up crying on November 6th because she didn’t cover all bases.

She needs to be controlling narratives before and after the debate and frankly she still has that stink of being afraid of cameras. I didn’t say she needs to do CNN but she needs to be on podcasts and blogs of alternative media. You can’t do NO media.

I see you've been bushed again but I will reply anyway. What "stink" of being afraid of the cameras are we talking about? She's been all in the videos for the last 2 months and reporters have had opportunities to ask her questions...

Have you seen these interactions? You did.... the reason why you aren't "reporting" on them is because every single interaction she's had was handled smoothly..


May 1, 2012
trump is washed. the man is incapable of articulating a thought of even basic coherency. his decline is unmistakably obvious, severe enough that there is no way for him to hide it on tuesday.

anyone who watches the debate and gives it to trump was already leaning towards voting for him.


most people glossed over just how ridiculous he was in the last debate because biden was like an unwrapped mummy out there. but dude was spouting nonsense all night. he would've looked like absolute raging moron against just about anyone else.


Nov 19, 2016

Trump been on the ballot for a 3rd cycle. Media going to tell people this and that shyt for engagement. People know who they are voting for now.

I think no matter what... Jan 6th gonna be the nail in the coffin for Trump. All Trump has done the last 4 years is lose support. If he allowed a peaceful transfer of power. I would feel this race is much closer than I think it'll be. Which Harris has multiple path to victory with flush cash reserve while Trump only has one path and draining legal fees