• Total voters


Aug 17, 2012
New York City
:why: let's get through november first

no one knows a fukking thing about how 2028 will look :dead: it's either incumbent kamala, or another wide open, 2020 style primary

I'm not talking about 2028 literally. What I mean was if Biden and Trump faced off, it was a rematch (No Change Election). 2028 was suppose to be the big change election for both parties in that case. But since Biden stepped down, it's like 2028 was pushed up for the Dems (Passing the torch to the next wave).

King Kreole

natural blondie like goku
Mar 8, 2014
Then show the fukking tweet without the irrelevant aspect, cause that's where my mind was drawn and that's where I stopped.

Cause that's how humans operate.
:why: how the hell am I going to do that? If you choose to focus on the least relevant aspect of the quoted tweet I can't help that :heh:

That was a pretty shytty thing to do. Sounds like he at the very least said my fault and reinstated the rights.

So now we ask, based on that should he have been on the platform? Probably not, but how many people on that platform didn't have some dirt in their life, including Kamala? Wasn't she the human right denying AG 4 years ago? Weren't folks on this board praising Tulsi for 'putting her in her place?'
I agree he should not have been on the platform. And there were a lot of dirty ass motherfukkers on that stage over the past week. The vast majority of them shouldn't have been on there, especially given the fact that they refused to platform a Palestinian-American Democratic lawmaker or any Palestinian at all. A literal criminal Sheriff being sued by a civil rights organization for denying the human rights of prisoners, an anti-choice pro-gun Republican Lieutenant Governor, Trump's Press Secretary, TWO board members of a scam for-profit private college that KAMALA HARRIS HERSELF SUED AS AG, all deemed more worthy of being platformed and welcomed into the fold of the Democratic Party. But the victims of genocide? Nope, sorry, wait outside and look in. Nasty, nasty work. This is what people mean when they're talking about the seeming shift in the Democratic Party that took place last night.

the cac mamba

May 21, 2012
:why: how the hell am I going to do that? If you choose to focus on the least relevant aspect of the quoted tweet I can't help that :heh:

I agree he should not have been on the platform. And there were a lot of dirty ass motherfukkers on that stage over the past week. The vast majority of them shouldn't have been on there, especially given the fact that they refused to platform a Palestinian-American Democratic lawmaker or any Palestinian at all. A literal criminal Sheriff being sued by a civil rights organization for denying the human rights of prisoners, an anti-choice pro-gun Republican Lieutenant Governor, Trump's Press Secretary, TWO board members of a scam for-profit private college that KAMALA HARRIS HERSELF SUED AS AG, all deemed more worthy of being platformed and welcomed into the fold of the Democratic Party. But the victims of genocide? Nope, sorry, wait outside and look in. Nasty, nasty work. This is what people mean when they're talking about the seeming shift in the Democratic Party that took place last night.
two foreigners, arguing about why americans didn't invite palestinians, another foreign country, to talk at their political convention :mjlol:

why don't you petition megan markle and prince harry, or the prime minister of kazakhstan, to have some palestinians address YOUR countries?


Nov 26, 2016
:why: how the hell am I going to do that? If you choose to focus on the least relevant aspect of the quoted tweet I can't help that :heh:

I agree he should not have been on the platform. And there were a lot of dirty ass motherfukkers on that stage over the past week. The vast majority of them shouldn't have been on there, especially given the fact that they refused to platform a Palestinian-American Democratic lawmaker or any Palestinian at all. A literal criminal Sheriff being sued by a civil rights organization for denying the human rights of prisoners, an anti-choice pro-gun Republican Lieutenant Governor, Trump's Press Secretary, TWO board members of a scam for-profit private college that KAMALA HARRIS HERSELF SUED AS AG, all deemed more worthy of being platformed and welcomed into the fold of the Democratic Party. But the victims of genocide? Nope, sorry, wait outside and look in. Nasty, nasty work. This is what people mean when they're talking about the seeming shift in the Democratic Party that took place last night.
Frankly, this is where the rubber meets the road, if you were the folks in charge would have trusted the people speaking on the gaza conflict to stick to a script?

That's probably the bottom line.

They wanted the conflict addressed and approached in a specific way. Considering what was being said and done in the protests outside, I understand it totally. Does that mean I agree with the current policy? No.

Do I think they approached it the best way the could to win the election? Yes.


New Hope For the HaveNotz
May 6, 2012
Buzz City, NC :blessed:
:why: how the hell am I going to do that? If you choose to focus on the least relevant aspect of the quoted tweet I can't help that :heh:

I agree he should not have been on the platform. And there were a lot of dirty ass motherfukkers on that stage over the past week. The vast majority of them shouldn't have been on there, especially given the fact that they refused to platform a Palestinian-American Democratic lawmaker or any Palestinian at all. A literal criminal Sheriff being sued by a civil rights organization for denying the human rights of prisoners, an anti-choice pro-gun Republican Lieutenant Governor, Trump's Press Secretary, TWO board members of a scam for-profit private college that KAMALA HARRIS HERSELF SUED AS AG, all deemed more worthy of being platformed and welcomed into the fold of the Democratic Party. But the victims of genocide? Nope, sorry, wait outside and look in. Nasty, nasty work. This is what people mean when they're talking about the seeming shift in the Democratic Party that took place last night.
If Kamala was going to kowtow to the right wing of the party why did she pick Walz? Why is her economic platform center left? Why has everything she done so far been from a center left perspective?

You’re confusing sweet talking never trumpers with how she’s going to actually govern.

King Kreole

natural blondie like goku
Mar 8, 2014

"The list of signatories to the letter, besides Luttig, includes...Peter D. Keisler, Associate Counsel to the President under Reagan.
Peter Keisler - Wikipedia

"In 1982, he helped to co-found the Federalist Society, a conservative thinktank.[2]"
"Peter Keisler was sworn in as the Civil Division's Assistant Attorney General on July 1, 2003. Keisler was involved in defending the Bush Administration's policies in the Global War on Terror.
In probably the most well-known case he handled, Keisler argued on behalf of the government in Hamdan v. Rumsfeld in the D.C. Circuit and participated in both the case's appellate and Supreme Court briefs.[3] In addition, he personally led the team that responded to a legal appeal by Sabin Willett, the lawyer for the seventeen remaining Uyghur captives in Guantanamo,[4] that tested the use of a provision of the Detainee Treatment Act in terms of whether or not captives could challenge the rulings of their Combatant Status Review Tribunals.
It was reported at the time that the Democrats in the Senate did not want to confirm Keisler for four basic reasons. First, he was a co-founder of the Federalist Society, a conservative legal group which many Democrats saw as seeking to control the federal judiciary. He had been on its board of directors from 1983 until 2000. Second, he clerked for Robert Bork, a controversial Republican judge whose nomination to the Supreme Court was embroiled in controversy before being rejected in 1987 by a Senate controlled by the Democrats. Third, during Keisler's tenure at the United States Department of Justice, he was instrumental in defending some of the most controversial policies of Republican President George W. Bush concerning the Global War on Terror.[3] Finally, he was seen as being a possible Republican contender to the Supreme Court.[11]



New Hope For the HaveNotz
May 6, 2012
Buzz City, NC :blessed:
Frankly, this is where the rubber meets the road, if you were the folks in charge would have trusted the people speaking on the gaza conflict to stick to a script?

That's probably the bottom line.

They wanted the conflict addressed and approached in a specific way. Considering what was being said and done in the protests outside, I understand it totally. Does that mean I agree with the current policy? No.

Do I think they approached it the best way the could to win the election? Yes.
He’s lying if he would say he wouldn’t go off script in the hypothetical Palestinian speakers shoes. I know I would.
Last edited:
Aug 21, 2014
-dudes in here are crying about kamala "moving right"
-i explained why
-the truth hurt you

by all means, explain to us why kamala is "moving right", if i'm wrong :salute: i'm tired of your whining. say something, anything of substance
I respect your decision to not answer why trannys occupy so much space in your mind and instead argue a strawman that has nothing to do with me. Youre a fascinating case because you've talked so greasy about mexicans, arabs, gays, trannies, etc. Ive never met a white person that has an issue with so many sub groups but is cool with black people, but as long as you vote for Kamala you have more worth than others with your line of thinking. I know your reading comprehension falls off past 3 sentences but I dont care about the tranny issue so Im going to stop posting about it but I can trust you'll be on about it again in 2-3 business days
I’m just not a ATL type of guy
And Michigan is great. Got water stuff. Islands. Metro detroit is awesome. Full of black people with rich black history. Blue all throughout the political ranks. Only thing that sucks is weather but thanks to human nature, climate change will solve that problem over the next couple decades :blessed: :mjcry:
Years ago I had an ex that wanted me to move to Grand Rapids with her but I didnt know shyt about Michigan, I thought it was Ohio-lite tbh :mjlol: Got an opportunity to go up here for a couple weeks in January but I cant stand snow so I'll likely wait until spring


Nov 26, 2016
I respect your decision to not answer why trannys occupy so much space in your mind and instead argue a strawman that has nothing to do with me. Youre a fascinating case because you've talked so greasy about mexicans, arabs, gays, trannies, etc. Ive never met a white person that has an issue with so many sub groups but is cool with black people, but as long as you vote for Kamala you have more worth than others with your line of thinking. I know your reading comprehension falls off past 3 sentences but I dont care about the tranny issue so Im going to stop posting about it but I can trust you'll be on about it again in 2-3 business days

Years ago I had an ex that wanted me to move to Grand Rapids with her but I didnt know shyt about Michigan, I thought it was Ohio-lite tbh :mjlol: Got an opportunity to go up here for a couple weeks in January but I cant stand snow so I'll likely wait until spring


Aug 21, 2014
Bruh is a crash test dummy but hes a crash test dummy with a vote in a swing state. Plus if Kamala wins it gives him something to be mad about when she doesnt lead like she's a moderate Republican. We get to avoid Trump and he gets to be a bitter white male, isa win-win in my book

the cac mamba

May 21, 2012
Bruh is a crash test dummy but hes a crash test dummy with a vote in a swing state. Plus if Kamala wins it gives him something to be mad about when she doesnt lead like she's a moderate Republican. We get to avoid Trump and he gets to be a bitter white male, isa win-win in my book
all this crying, and analyzing another man on an anonymous internet forum, because you can't handle being told the truth about why progressives aren't respected :laff:

i hope your lack of self awareness continues. i don't want you fukking purple haired bozos anywhere near Democrat party leadership, and it doesn't look like there's any danger of that happening, because you're SO bad at national politics :banderas:

the cac mamba

May 21, 2012
speaking of :ohhh:, why the fukk is a british poster trying to lecture americans about palestine, when britain is the literal reason that israel exists?

you...have personally apologized to palestinians for that, right? since it's all your fault? what conflict has israel had, where great britain, the original colonizers, isn't right there having their back? you disingenous shythead