• Total voters


Retired Legend
Apr 30, 2012
It’s not Islamophobia, it’s anti-Palestinian racism

A familiar venom.


The weight of history sags the mask off your face and we see your lineage.

Emma said it best


New Hope For the HaveNotz
May 6, 2012
Buzz City, NC :blessed:
Anyway, back to regular scheduled programming.

This is some of the nastiest work I've ever seen.

This is what I’m talking about. Instead of taking the denial in stride they’re raising a huge fuss about it to make it controversial. Kamala did the right thing. She can’t trust that they won’t go off script.


Oct 15, 2015
Wow , you can tell it's his first time reading a teleprompter.
I would probably look worse lol.

King Kreole

natural blondie like goku
Mar 8, 2014
1. It does matter because you are disregarding sources that don't fit your narrative and have been doing so for weeks. I just posted a graphic showing what Americans primary concerns are during this Election season. You don't want to discuss any of those issues. If you want to withhold a vote for Kamala based on the Israel-Hamas conflict, that's fine but in doing so it's going to be a vote for Trump. There's no way to spin that.

I'm not disregarding any sources. I have never, ever claimed that the Palestinian issue is the highest polling issue in this election. And I am more than happy to discuss other issues, but Kamala's lack of policy proposals has made that somewhat difficult. When she released her first and only batch of policies around economic populism, I posted about how I was pleased that she was rebuking the Big Tech and Wall Street donors who were leaking rumours that she would jettison Biden's economic populism and Lina Khan. There was a quite robust discussion around her price gouging policy proposal. But absent a stated healthcare policy, it's difficult to discuss that. I posted about how I hope she will be campaigning on at least a federal public option like Biden did, but I was disappointed she had so far only adopted a vague "strengthen Obamacare" stance. Her first time homebuyer affordability policy is pretty good, we all seemed to agree with that. I don't know what you want us to discuss about her other anodyne Democratic stances like being pro-abortion, but I'll engage on any of them. I was the guy getting yelled at in here because I was upset she wasn't releasing more policy. Most of the anti-Palestinian posters were saying she should ignore policy and just campaign on vibes. I don't want anyone to withhold their vote for Kamala, which is why I've donated to her campaign and plan on volunteering for it. But she is not immune from being held accountable and criticized when she fukks up while running for the Presidency of the United States.

2. We already went over this. The protests veered into territory that is damaging to Kamala's campaign, "Killer Kamala" is not a fair assessment of her and what she's trying to accomplish. You don't want to acknowledge the risk of the convention going off the rails and harming the campaign beyond repair.
Well it's a good thing no one has been advocating for the protestors who were holding Killer Kamala signs to be given the stage. To tar the entire pro-Palestinian cause with that minority of protestors using that language is the same as Trump trying to use the protestors who burned down the police station as the reason why he refuses to acknowledge the entire BLM/George Floyd movement. THAT is disingenuous. Ruwa Romman is a Democratic State Rep. There are uncommitted delegates inside the convention right now not causing a ruckus. It's a complete bullshyt excuse that they can't be given 2 minutes to deliver a pre-approved speech because of the inherent untrustworthiness and risk of giving the mic to shifty Palestinians. There are risks of every speaker going rogue. There was a higher risk for the multitude of Republicans who were given speaking slots to go off the rails and start spouting their anti-choice rhetoric and ruined the unity. There was a risk of the Jewish hostage parents going off the rails. But they got to speak and no Palestinians did.

3. You don't want to answer this. There are discussions going on in Chicago with Palestinians and it's been ongoing. It's been reported. You are focused on a speech when in reality, it's what's going on behind the scenes that is most important.
It's not just me who is focused on a speech, it is the Uncommitted Movement itself telling us they feel disrespected and dishonored by the proceedings. They are publicly airing out their grievances with how they are being treated. Who are we to tell them they're lying about how they feel?