• Total voters

King Kreole

natural blondie like goku
Mar 8, 2014
Wherever he from must be the European version of being a LA chargers fan
Coming from an EAGLES FAN!?!? :mjlol:Boy you trash like James Bradberry

May 1, 2012
I'm not playing source-vs-source games, I'm stipulating that your source is correct and saying it still doesn't matter because the very premise of your argument is faulty. Trump's shyttyness on this issue has nothing to do with a Palestinian-American calling for people to vote for Harris being barred from speaking at the DNC. I know "...but Trump!" has been the default response whenever Biden or Harris fukks up, but it's irrelevant this time (and most other times) because no one is advocating for Trump over Kamala.

The Palestinian-American Democratic State Rep who was rejected from speaking was nowhere near the Killer Kamala protests! She has already endorsed Harris before the DNC! And the Harris campaign was given the choice to select literally any other Palestinian-American in existence to speak if they had a problem with her, and they still rejected the offer.

Right, all the more reason they should have nipped this burgeoning issue in the bud. If they just let Ruwa Romman give that speech on Day 2, this whole thing would have been zapped of energy. But they insanely chose to spit in the face of people who support Palestinian rights, the biggest protest movement the Dems are facing right now. And now it's a story catching fire. Choosing to reactivate the issue that hounded Biden at every campaign stop when you were given a mulligan by running a new candidate is complete political malpractice. But again, the very framing of your post belies your unsubstantiated belief that the spectre of upset Zionists is a far greater threat that the materialized demands of 700,000 disproportionately swing-state voters.

Would you ask such an indignant question of any other group? Is any other interest group expected to accept such meager scraps? Promises made when no one is around. Treated like a side piece on an issue as dire and direct as this. A disgrace.

1. It does matter because you are disregarding sources that don't fit your narrative and have been doing so for weeks. I just posted a graphic showing what Americans primary concerns are during this Election season. You don't want to discuss any of those issues. If you want to withhold a vote for Kamala based on the Israel-Hamas conflict, that's fine but in doing so it's going to be a vote for Trump. There's no way to spin that.

2. We already went over this. The protests veered into territory that is damaging to Kamala's campaign, "Killer Kamala" is not a fair assessment of her and what she's trying to accomplish. You don't want to acknowledge the risk of the convention going off the rails and harming the campaign beyond repair.

3. You don't want to answer this. There are discussions going on in Chicago with Palestinians and it's been ongoing. It's been reported. You are focused on a speech when in reality, it's what's going on behind the scenes that is most important.