• Total voters
May 1, 2012
Trump hasn't been interrupted by protestors, there's obviously not much of a presence at his rallies, if any. Also, Notice the posters who only show up when Gaza is the discussion? They don't comment on anything else. Nothing on food prices, housing, abortion, medical costs, voter suppression, gun violence, etc.

Hood Critic

The Power Circle
May 2, 2012
The people who are in the streets and protesting have more understanding of world affairs and history than the glassy-eyed flag-wavers chiding them about how childish it is to protest a children's hospital being bombed. We are painfully aware of "how it works". None of us are surprised that Joe Biden is continuing America's criminal and morally reprehensible foreign policy. None of us are surprised that "how it works" seems to change depending on the natural resources, geostrategic importance to American empire, or the skin color of the people being murdered. None of us are surprised that all the rules of "how it works" got thrown out when it came to Russia and Ukraine. The difference is that we're trying to change it and you have capitulated to that being the status quo in perpetuity.

But perhaps you can educate us as to how "working tirelessly for a ceasefire" works when you've just sent the party committing the atrocities an extra $20B in weapons. The Biden Administration has lost all credibility when it comes to resolving this conflict. My neighbor tells me he plans on shooting up a school and I tsk-tsk him while giving him access to my gun cabinet. A complete farce.
I'm not going back and forward with you on protesting, I have no qualms with protesting.

My issue with your statement I quoted and general sentiment I see with others who agree with you is, you don't go straight from a conflict/genocide/war etc., to a definitive/permanent ceasefire. So the fact that current negotiations don't seem to consist of concessions from Netanyahu doesn't seem out of the ordinary at this stage. And I would expect any movement temporary or otherwise that could save lives for people who are so entrenched in this particular conflict would be seen as a good thing and not a bad one.

Big Jo

May 6, 2012

Has to be Twsift... has to be... 🤞

Riggas better watch out :mjpls:

Haven't we talked about posting fake tweets here? unless its an embedded tweet from Trump's account, this is just fake screenshot garbage. like the Tim Balz parody account. this doesnt read like a trump tweet, since when does he rap on twitter? really a waste of time and space to share this stuff


Sep 5, 2014
Cornfields, cows, & an one stoplight town
Has to be Twsift... has to be... 🤞

Haven't we talked about posting fake tweets here? unless its an embedded tweet from Trump's account, this is just fake screenshot garbage. like the Tim Balz parody account. this doesnt read like a trump tweet, since when does he rap on twitter? really a waste of time and space to share this stuff
Hmmm, don't be so sure. Beyonce already put $4 million into her campaign. But I hope it is because if we can get TSwift, it would be a huge boost.


May 10, 2012
The Swamp
Has to be Twsift... has to be... 🤞

Haven't we talked about posting fake tweets here? unless its an embedded tweet from Trump's account, this is just fake screenshot garbage. like the Tim Balz parody account. this doesnt read like a trump tweet, since when does he rap on twitter? really a waste of time and space to share this stuff

I think it will be Beyonce

King Kreole

natural blondie like goku
Mar 8, 2014
I agree, which is why I added the point about her constituents. I dont assume AOC is any more moral than the avg politician because plenty of well meaning people end up with power and they decay internally, but do you ever think that AOC watched some of the Progressives she came up with drop around her and then recalculated politically?
I agree that she seems to have made a calculation that keeping the values she came into Congress with were too inhibitory to growing inside the system, so she moderated. That's laudable if you're her campaign manager or boyfriend, but if you're an activist or even just a random person who shared her values, that sucks. Too many people treat politics like they're the former though. We have no reason to give her credit for dropping her ideals to stay in the race. We should only care about her usefulness to the cause.

Has AOC never aknowledged the validity of the movement? This is a genuine question because I just assumed it'd be a cause she is vocal about. I'll do my own googles at some point but the other part of what you said, its not an unreasonable request but she was speaking as a Dem at the DNC, there was always gonna be a limit to how far she rocked the boat in that moment
Assuming you're speaking about the Uncommitted Movement specifically, she's kind of held them at an arm's length and recognized their right to speak up but has not personally endorsed their perspective. More broadly, she has a spotty record when it comes to the Pro-Palestinian movement and most notably got flak for trying to center the issue of anti-Semitism in the left.

As for her DNC speech, the limitations there were her own personal ambitions and courage. The movement doesn't care about her personal goals, she is a tool to enact good policy like every other politician. If they fail in that regard, they should be discarded.
Not that I disagree with what you said after, but how do you propose we correct the history of white supremacy and overall racism in this country without winning elections? That is the issue with Progressive messaging, its not the message but how its contructed. You can make it as a politcian being anti Benny/anti genocide/anti zionism, but the more you draw attention to it the more you open yourself up to needless attacks and misinformation BEFORE youre elected. Lead with better paying jobs, lowering rent, higher quality of life and then include that youre Pro LGBTQ, Anti Genocide, and all the other social norms associated with Progressives
I honestly don't know if this country is capable of fully correcting the history of white supremacy and overall racism. It's built into the very structures of the country, the very bones. The wood beams are so waterlogged and rotted that I'm not sure this is a reno job, I think it might be a total rebuild. In general I promote people getting engaged with the electoral system, but I also believe too many people have an over-reliance on elections as the sole vehicle for enacting political change, when in reality it's just one tool amongst many. There used to be many non-electoral political institutions like the church and unions that delivered direct results to people's lives, but Reagan and his neoliberal children eviscerated the very idea of the common good, so we're fighting in the dark.

But within the scope of electoralism, I don't even have a problem with leading with the issues you laid out, but when you get to the issue of the active genocide - which you must because it's a highly salient issue - you can't have some mealy-mouth position. AOC mentioned a bunch of other issues before getting to Gaza, and I was fine with the speech until that point.

Most Americans do not care about the plight of Palestinians. As you said, the US government did a great job of demonizing Arabic people and Islam, but even with that aside, the average American does not want America in business that doesnt "directly" impact Americans. It aint just Palestine either. People constantly bytch about their tax dollars being sent overseas. This is a wicked country full of wicked people, which is why you dont appeal to the emotions of monsters. The most important thing you said though, is this

If she is repping progressive policies and improving the quality of life for the majority then she is of vital use to the progressive movement. Who would you rather have in AOCs place? Someone with 97% of her same views but shoutouts the protesters on stage instead of not addressing it? Tell me breh, which politician in her district would you rather have in her place?
Let me be clear, I'm not advocating primarying AOC. She's one of the best members of Congress. Which tells you something about the ideological strictures of electoral politics. She has just failed to take a serious progressive stance on this issue. I don't think she's a turncoat heretic who should be ostracized from the Progressive movement, I want her to feel the pressure to adopt a better stance on this issue.

I also have to ask; are you writing to your representatives, going to your local political offices, attending town halls, working with grassroots organizers, or donating to Progressive candidates? Because if not, I dont think you have any place to speak on AOC's use to the movement
I've donated thousands of dollars to various local and national progressive campaigns, spent many hours phone-banking, door-knocking, contributing time and labor to grassroots progressive organizations. I've been to marches, protests, donated to bail funds and mutual aids. I've already donated 4 figures to the Harris campaign and will most likely be spending hours volunteering in their GOTV efforts.

I truly appreciate your post. You brought up many good, well reasoned and thoughtful rebuttals to my arguments. I think we're in more agreement than disagreement.


Retired Legend
Apr 30, 2012
Trump hasn't been interrupted by protestors, there's obviously not much of a presence at his rallies, if any. Also, Notice the posters who only show up when Gaza is the discussion? They don't comment on anything else. Nothing on food prices, housing, abortion, medical costs, voter suppression, gun violence, etc.
Trump regime isn't in power, why are yall worried about protestors at his his rallies? If he was they would be at his rallies like blm was. It's really not that hard to use critical thinking skills, bidens administration has defended and aided israels regime in their push for genocide.