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Reality Check

Keepin' it 100
May 2, 2012

Donald Trump has submitted his annual financial disclosure, and after a year of lawsuits, legal cases, and grifts, the contents of the documents reflect the turmoil surrounding the former president.

The more than 250 pages of financial information reveal that Trump’s largest financial liabilities are more than $100 million owed to author E. Jean Carroll and the state of New York resulting from massive civil lawsuits victories against him. The disclosures note that the judgments, $83 million to Carroll and $355 million to New York, have been bonded, and their enforcement has been stayed pending appeals.

Trump also lists several mortgages related to his various branded properties as part of his liabilities.

With all these debts, where’s the money coming from? The former president’s disclosures list a wide variety of income streams — including stock holdings, investment accounts, his various clubs, and licensing agreements — but they also lay out the various grifts and cash grabs under Trump’s brand.

Trump reported making $300,000 off his endorsement of the “God Bless the USA” Bible,” which is essentially a reproduction of the King James Bible produced by singer Lee Greenwood that retails for $59.99 plus tax and shipping.

He also reported making more than $7 million off his series of Trump-branded NTF trading cards, which featured cringified versions of a muscular Trump decked out in various costumes and scenery — and in some cases came with a scrap of the suit he wore in his Georgia mugshot.

New in the disclosures is a significant venture by the former president into the realm of cryptocurrency. Trump reported owning between $1 million and $5 million in Ethereum. Despite Trump previously referring to crypto as a “scam,” his sons Donald Trump Jr. and Eric Trump have in recent months promoted a developing family venture into the cryptocurrency space.

Notably, the former president has also significantly increased the estimated valuation of his personal social media platform Truth Social, upping the valuation of the Trump Media & Technology Group Corp. to more than $50 million after a previous high of $25 million. Trump owns more than 60 percent of the publicly traded company, a total of about 114 million shares.

On Thursday, Trump held a press conference at his private golf club in Bedminster, New Jersey. He appeared alongside a collection of common grocery items like cereal, bacon, and ground coffee — ostensibly in an attempt to make a point about the high cost of goods for everyday consumers.

What Trump’s financial disclosures make clear is the canyon of separation between the struggles of working-class Americans, and the man hawking branded bibles and NFT trading cards for quick cash — all while sitting on a massive pile of properties, investments, licensing deals, and brand endorsements.

King Kreole

natural blondie like goku
Mar 8, 2014
that person asked why foreigners are telling americans to vote 3rd party and the answer from that user was american political decisions matters to the rest of the world. but a 3rd party vote in america is a wasted vote and no one who thinks our elections matters to them and impacts them would say vote 3rd party. only those with the luxury to say "it doesn't matter" can do things like that.
The original tweet is being ridiculed because "foreigners" aren't telling Americans to vote 3rd party, it's a dumb, nativist cop-out trope being pushed by people who don't like being challenged on their politics. The key point is that it's moronic to stipulate that non-Americans, who are often directly and severely impacted by the outcomes of American politics, should be barred from forming and expressing opinions on American electoral politics. Often, non-Americans have as much, if not more, at stake in the outcomes of the American political system than resident citizens who are often insulated from the most harmful effects of American politics. As if the people in Gaza being bombed to death with American munitions have less at stake than some middle-class cac who will be materially fine regardless of who is inhabiting the White House.

And whether one believes that voting 3rd party is throwing your vote away or not has nothing to do with the person's residency status, there are millions of American citizens who voted 3rd party in 2020 and even more who didn't vote at all. In fact non-voters are disproportionately made up of the underclass and most marginalized citizens in American society, so it's obviously not a "luxurious" stance to take to view the current electoral system as not relevant to one's domestic concerns and wellbeing. And I reckon if you were to poll foreign watchers of American elections they would have a higher rate of promoting voting for one of the two major parties than vote-eligible American citizens, 80 million of which didn't even vote in 2020.


What you see, is what you get
Dec 2, 2016


Nov 1, 2015


Blade said what up
May 1, 2012
#ByrdGang #TheColi
that person asked why foreigners are telling americans to vote 3rd party and the answer from that user was american political decisions matters to the rest of the world. but a 3rd party vote in america is a wasted vote and no one who thinks our elections matters to them and impacts them would say vote 3rd party. only those with the luxury to say "it doesn't matter" can do things like that.
For context the particular foreign poster who so desperately wants to have his voice heard and so eagerly berates people who actually will be legally voting in November that you are responding to believed Donald j Trump is the candidate most likely to bring freedom to black people both domestically and abroad.

Let us all remember these are the (allegedly black) people we are taking time out of our day to have conversations with when we could be doing more productive things like watching paint dry or watching grass grow.


Out of moral conviction I generally support the candidate least likely to continue America's neo-imperialistic foreign policy, and that is Trump in this election. I also believe Trump's domestic politics will at least attempt to halt the neoliberal evacuation of wealth from the underclass, which is disproportionately made up of black people. I believe Trump is the candidate who will most likely lead to domestic and foreign emancipation of black people.

Post in thread 'ITS ON!!!! The Official President #TrumpSet 8 year Governing Headquarters'
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The axe murderer

For I am death and I ride on a pale horse
Aug 27, 2015
The original tweet is being ridiculed because "foreigners" aren't telling Americans to vote 3rd party, it's a dumb, nativist cop-out trope being pushed by people who don't like being challenged on their politics. The key point is that it's moronic to stipulate that non-Americans, who are often directly and severely impacted by the outcomes of American politics, should be barred from forming and expressing opinions on American electoral politics. Often, non-Americans have as much, if not more, at stake in the outcomes of the American political system than resident citizens who are often insulated from the most harmful effects of American politics. As if the people in Gaza being bombed to death with American munitions have less at stake than some middle-class cac who will be materially fine regardless of who is inhabiting the White House.

And whether one believes that voting 3rd party is throwing your vote away or not has nothing to do with the person's residency status, there are millions of American citizens who voted 3rd party in 2020 and even more who didn't vote at all. In fact non-voters are disproportionately made up of the underclass and most marginalized citizens in American society, so it's obviously not a "luxurious" stance to take to view the current electoral system as not relevant to one's domestic concerns and wellbeing. And I reckon if you were to poll foreign watchers of American elections they would have a higher rate of promoting voting for one of the two major parties than vote-eligible American citizens, 80 million of which didn't even vote in 2020.
shyt Ukrainians got stake in this too. It would not be in their favor with trump in :francis: