• Total voters
May 1, 2012

Just so people understand the methodology here to this one

"AARP commissioned the bipartisan polling team of Fabrizio Ward (R) & Impact Research (D) to conduct a survey of voters in Michigan. The firms interviewed 1,382 likely voters, which includes a statewide representative sample of 600 likely voters, an oversample of 470 likely voters 50 and older, and an additional oversample of 312 Black likely voters 50 and older. The survey was conducted August 7–11, 2024 via live interviewer on landline (25%) and cellphone (37%), as well as SMS to web (38%). The sample was randomly drawn from the Michigan voter list."
May 1, 2012
Party unity. This is what we need. Bury the noise on Fox News that the democrats are plotting against each other & Biden is hiding etc

Trump was ranting on Truth Social apparently that they are trying to "hide" from Joe Biden... yet here he is front and center on stage with Kamala less than 24 hours after his rants lol :mjlol:

King Kreole

natural blondie like goku
Mar 8, 2014
July 4th:
Biden can be swapped out for Kamala, pretending like it's an impossibility is a lie that the Biden camp is pushing to artificially limit the range of options for beating Trump.
July 5th:
There is also no fukking way that Kamala with 4 full months of rebranding being blasted out to the masses is in a worse position at the time of the election than a steadily declining Biden facing this chaos for the next 4 months. What we’re seeing right now is pretty much Biden’s ceiling, he has no cards to play to reverse his situation.

July 18th post about why her 2020 Primary wasn't predictive of how she would perform in 2024:
They need to unleash Kavanaugh Hearing Kamala on Trump, her numbers will jump.

Her numbers were low during the 2020 primary because dumbass Dem consultants had her switch her style to that "Momala" crap. They're complete amateurs when it comes to marketing female candidates, they sunk Liz's campaign the same way by making her do all that Bailey crap instead of Blood and Teeth Liz. These women are killers, let them do what they do best. Kamala will up the yopper on Trump and walk him down like she did Kavanaugh.

July 11th (The original Coconut Prophecy scroll, made in response to someone saying the pro-Kamala posters had no plan or path to victory, the Great Coconut in the Sky took Beshear as a blood sacrifice for avoiding Shapiro, so Walz was deemed an acceptable substitution):

Joe Biden is removed from the ticket one way or another (heart attack gun, Fredo Corleone boat ride with Obama, jangling set of keys in front of him all the way to Delaware, etc). His handlers write a statement in his name saying he has been proud to serve this country but now it is time to transition to a new generation of leadership to finish the job he started and end the next-generation threat that the fascist MAGA-right is trying to kill the country with, which is why he supports his Vice-President Kamala Harris to take over the job and become the nominee. All of the Democratic Senators and Representatives and Media who are dealing death-blows to Biden's corpse right now stop and the news story becomes about the new Democratic nominee and what her plans are. She comes out with a major media blitz talking about her experience in the White House and how her background in the law as a prosecutor means she can convict Trump at the ballot box. Now we're back to talking about all of Trump's criminality instead of Biden's dementia. She barnstorms the country talking about Project 2025 and highlights all of the ways they're trying to turn the country into a fascist hellhole. Now we're talking about how fukked up the Trump Administration would be instead of Biden being bled out by his own party.

The DNC can now feature all the Democratic All-Stars like Whitmer, Newsom, Moore, Shapiro, Beshear, etc coming out and displaying their own specific talents and how they're all united in their support for Kamala instead of wasting their time on the backfoot defending Biden. Kamala ends the convention by nominating Beshear as her Vice-President. Now we have a news cycle about how Kamala will have by her side this bland white man and his god-fearing family from a deep red state to calm the fears of racist whites and black folks who are guided by those fears.

The Harris/Beshear ticket is the youngest ticket in the history of either party, drawing a stark contrast with Trump, the oldest candidate in history with old ideas of bringing America back to past instead of a bright future. The fundraising spigot gets turned back on and they are able to use the existing Biden/Harris war chest to blanket the airwaves with the Harris/Beshear message for 4 months. They are able to infuse the Democratic Party with youth and vigor, bringing back into the fold a significant portion of the moral abstainers because Kamala was not on the forefront of Biden's Israel policy and was one of the first major Democratic officials to call for an immediate ceasefire back in March. Harris is free to adopt her own signature policies without being too burdened by Biden's inflation record.

Come November, the Democratic Party is completely unified behind the Harris/Beshear ticket, and has been hammering Trump on his weak spots of criminality, abortion, Project 2025 for months. Largely driven by anti-Trump sentiment, the Harris/Beshear ticket breaks the Biden/Harris record and receives the largest popular vote win in American history. Trump is defeated again and we inaugurate the first female President in American history, continuing the Obama legacy.

Hillary Clinton commits suicide in a cabin in the Adirondack Mountains after watching Kamala being sworn in.



Nov 19, 2016
My thing is.... if you were screaming from the mountain top about "open convention!!!" you cannot then run around now like you were right and everyone else was wrong :mjlol:

Just be happy like the rest of us that Biden stepped aside and Kamala is cookin :wow: :wow:
End of the day that's where we all should be and trying to push her over the line!


Gonna drink that east India cocktail when she wins :wow::wow:


May 26, 2012
San Diego
Harris campaign probably thinks he is more of a liability, and they don't need him, if he endorses Harris, opens them up to attacks about all his weird shyt

but if I were on that team, would consider offering the job, getting the endorsement, and just burning him when the time came. what's he going to do? go cry in Brentwood?