• Total voters


Nov 1, 2015

I love this comms team so much.

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May 2, 2012
No one supports a genocide. Hamas should have surrendered a long time ago. They took a gamble and it has backfired in their face.

This is an American election, if that's the only issue important to you then why not support Jill Stein or West? Because the Gaza issue does not rank top 5 for Americans.

Go support a candidates who makes this issue front and center and leave the rest of us to focus on the republicans and democrats
This is unhinged.

First of all, it doesn't matter if it's a 'top 5' issue for Americans. It's a fukking genocide that needs to end. And to key members of the Democratic base in must win battleground states like Michigan, where the Dem nominee referred to protesters as Trump supporters, it is absolutely a top five issue.

Telling voters to shut up and vote for Jill Stein because they're opposed to a genocide that the US is paying for is a bizarre thing to say, but it's not surprising coming from Blue MAGA:francis:
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Nov 1, 2015

Trump’s Asheville, North Carolina rally was weird.

Let’s recap it:

There were quite a few empty seats in the Thomas Wolfe Auditorium that only holds 2,431 people.

Donald was late. Again.

He thanks Mark Robinson, the vile man running for governor who said he wants “to go back to the America where women couldn’t vote.”

He bragged about leading in the polls when most say that he’s losing.

He’s spent a lot of time whining about Biden.

He said “our country is finished” if Harris wins.

He’s complaining about the Time magazine cover of Harris because it’s an “artist sketch,” then he says he wants that artist for himself. Mashed potatoes for brains.

Back to Biden.

He said he’s doing an “intellectual speech” today. Bro has to be joking.

He said “mortgages have tripled.” False.

He’s babbling about “Kamala’s fantasies.” Oh boy.

He called Harris and Walz “beyond socialists.”

He calls Harris a “complainer.” Has this grown ass man child even heard himself speak?

He said VP Harris being “kept off” of the media because of her laugh, and that “she doesn’t laugh anymore.” He says she’s “crazy” and “has the laugh of a person with some big problems.” He should look in the mirror first before saying this.

He’s whining about Harris copying him. I love this for him!

He said “women, Blacks, and Hispanics” had it better under him.

He bragged about the “largest tax cuts in history” but forgot to mention that it was for billionaires.

He claims that “today, we’re being laughed at all over the world.” Yeah. The world laughs at HIM.

He says VP Harris “is not smart.” The projection today is off the chain.

He had issues saying “critical,” “buried,” “ventilators,” “amnesty,” and “supply chain.”

He claimed he forced the National Guard on Tim Walz during the unrest in Minnesota. He did not. In fact, he praised Walz at the time for handling the situation.

He’s taking credit that the stock market is up and says it will crash like 1929 if he loses.

He holds up Tic Tacs and calls them inflation. Bro is cooked.

He said Europe is “a basic disaster” because they’re “woke.”

He cries that a gas pipeline isn’t being built in a “very poor” area of New York and said “we are going to go to a net zero policy. What does that mean? Um…I have no idea.” Stable genius.

He claims we won’t have power to watch tv when the wind isn’t blowing. Not surprised because he told Elon to put solar panels in Tesla’s trunks the other day, and thought solar airplanes would fall out of the sky if it wasn’t sunny out.

He told a woman in the audience that she looks “healthy” and “looks very nice.” What a creep.

He’s babbling about donuts and donut shops when talking about energy. Is he ok?

Yet again, he’s talking about Venezuela. Is he planning on fleeing there? His obsession with Venezuela is weird.

He whines about not getting credit for providing “outfits” during COVID.

He said he’s going to get rid of regulations. Make cancer great again!

Back to crying about VP Harris stealing “no tax on tips.”

He said “the fake new Kamala takes down.” What??!

Then he says VP Harris “is not a smart person.”

He claimed someone in the small audience was “a spy.” His paranoia is outta control today.

Donald is talking about a woman in New York who was raped. Is he talking about E. Jean Carroll who was raped by him?

He said he’s keeping the Affordable Care Act (Obamacare) even though “it stinks,” unless he can do something better. This proves he has no healthcare plan.

He asks the crowd in North Carolina if they’ve heard of North Carolina.

He says President Biden is “on the take.”

He said dictators respect him. I wish they didn’t.

He claims Social Security is “under siege.” Yes. By HIM who tried to cut it in every budget while he was in office & Republicans who keep trying now that he’s out of office.

Welp. Even his new speech on the economy was a total mess.

Bro is toast.

This is elder abuse.

Oh. People left early too

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The Thomas Wolfe Auditorium, where Donald is hosting his Asheville, North Carolina rally today, only has seating capacity for 2,431.

The article that they quote calls it a dump.

How big will Donald claim his crowd size was?

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King Kreole

natural blondie like goku
Mar 8, 2014
That's my thing. Those comments on Trump were so egregiously idiotic, so insanely obtuse, and so frustratingly ignorant that it's really hard to quantify.

And his rebuttals boil down to "you aren't smart enough to understand what I'm saying". :francis:

No, we understand exactly what you said; the problem is that you said something so frighteningly stupid that it's really hard to form a substantive response.

Whenever @King Kreole comments on politics this should be brought up every time. It really was that bad of a take.
You are genuinely not smart enough to understand what was being said because you cannot discern between an absolute statement and a relative statement. Which is why when I said "Donald Trump is the candidate most likely to do x" you read it as "Donald Trump will do x" and your response is that my claim was incorrect because Donald Trump didn't end up doing x instead of addressing the proper counterfactual which would be a comparison to the other candidate. Or when I said "Donald Trump's campaign has been the most x in the history of the Republican Party" you read it as "Donald Trump's campaign has been the most x in history." and when pressed on your illiteracy your response was that there is no distinction worth a difference between Republicans and Democrats. And it's not hard to form a substantive response to my posts at all, there were posters who did at the time and we had a valuable, nuanced debate. You just lack the critical thinking and literacy skills to properly engage on the issues. Like, if I said Donald Trump was the tallest President of the 21st Century and you respond that I'm wrong because Abraham Lincoln was the tallest President of all time, you see how that would be an idiotic retort? Or maybe you can't.

Either way, this is not the thread for teaching the Retarded Avengers how to read, and it's bad posting form for you to continually derail threads by desperately trying to get me to engage with you on posts from 8 years ago that have nothing to do with the actual topic of the thread. It's incredibly obvious you're embarrassed that I outflanked your shytty instincts and beat you to the correct realization that Biden was a dead weight on the Democrats' chances to beat Trump and Kamala should be the one to go up against him. But it's up to the mods to determine if they'll allow you to disrupt the thread like this every time I post about Palestinian human rights or how the Harris campaign can become stronger by leaning into Progressive politics.

King Kreole

natural blondie like goku
Mar 8, 2014
Unfortunately for him that opinion was so horrible. Like generation defining horrible. I, as should everyone he encounters, should feel comfortable judging every decision he makes for the rest of his life down to what toothpaste he uses based on his belief that Donald J Trump would bring liberation to black people domestically and internationally. This dumbass really thought DJT was a got damn super hero :dead: a black messiah :dead: that’s one of the wildest things I’ve ever heard in my life from someone not trolling.
You're literally a genocide apologist man. Even if I made the posts you mistakenly believe I made 8 years ago, you're actively carrying water for a genocidal regime right now.


And that's the difference, I'm calling you out for the bile you're spewing right now, and you're trying to run away by going to the archives. Can you stay on topic? Or will we see another deluge of smoke bomb posts from 2016.