• Total voters

Professor Emeritus

Poster of the Year
Jan 5, 2015
the ether
I'm preparing for a 6-3 ruling in Trump's favor on being left on the ballot

Gonna be 8-1 at least. I pointed out back last year that this isn't just a partisan issue.

Even the Democrat-appointed justices in Colorado that got it to this point only favored disqualification by a 4-3 vote.


May 26, 2012
San Diego
This special counsel shyt is example number 355,328 of why Democrats suck at politics.

I think they tried for the appearance of nonpartisanship (of course, it's Garland) but got someone who is fairly partisan. Better to have had a softball report, but they could have gone with someone who wasn't as.....intense That report felt personal and vindictive, scathingly vindictive, like contempt all over the place. Maybe it's more personal, or maybe it's that he's a Republican. But, it was not professional. This was like the Starr report.

Comey didn't hit Clinton nearly as hard. And I read his book and understood his reasoning. Should have got Geoff Berman, former Trump appointee and Southern District US Attorney. He's not partisan, or not THAT kind of partisan.

They wanted nonpartisan and got like a halfway zealout. Either that or something during the course of the investigation angered him. Hur was a down the line US Attorney for years, lifelong Republican. But like a Rockefeller Republican.
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Professor Emeritus

Poster of the Year
Jan 5, 2015
the ether
Biden is a terrible campaigner both on and off the job, and he's way too fukking old to be doing this.

Three elections in a row, we've had "the most important election in history". Three elections in a row, the Republicans have nominated their most unprepared, unqualified, and disliked candidate in history, someone who had terrible favorability ratings and should have been a slam-dunk to beat with any competent opponent. And three elections in a row, establishment democrats have responded by force-feeding us the worst candidates in party history.

In her only previous national election, Hillary lost to a no-name upstart despite massive advantages. Yet the democratic party pulled all the strings to put her back in the seat again in 2016, and as a result, Democrats blew the election against one of the most pathetic opponents in history and fukked over the county for four years.

In both of his previous national elections, Biden had gotten destroyed and dropped out early. Then in his 3rd try, he was finishing 3rd or 4th in each state while the odds were still even. Yet the democratic party pulled all the strings to put him back in the seat again in 2020, and as a result, Democrats barely won by 40,000 votes against a widely hated president who had already been impeached, fukked up Covid, and destroyed the economy DESPITE having the historical advantage of heavy mail-in voting.

Now Biden is 81, he is CLEARLY not a good public face for the job, he is CLEARLY struggling every time he is on stage, and yet the Democrats refuse to consider any other options because he's a reliable party man. If this was Bernie struggling to remember who is who, there is zero chance they would be this complacent.

Add Biden's name to Hillary Clinton, Ruth Bader-Ginsberg, and Dianne Feinstein. The arrogance of old white moderates is destroying the county just as much as the evil of old white conservatives is.


Nov 19, 2016
I think they tried for the appearance of nonpartisanship (of course, it's Garland) but got someone who is fairly partisan. Better to have had a softball report, but they could have gone with someone who wasn't as.....intense That report felt personal and vindictive, scathingly vindictive, like contempt all over the place. Maybe it's more personal, or maybe it's that he's a Republican. But, it was not professional. This was like the Starr report.

Comey didn't hit Clinton nearly as hard. And I read his book and understood his reasoning. Should have got Geoff Berman, former Trump appointee and Southern District US Attorney. He's not partisan, or not THAT kind of partisan.

They wanted nonpartisan and got like a halfway zealout. Either that or something during the course of the investigation angered him. Hur was a down the line US Attorney for years, lifelong Republican. But like a Rockefeller Republican.
Garland should have just done the bill bar and gave a memo of the report :lolbron:


May 7, 2012
I think they tried for the appearance of nonpartisanship (of course, it's Garland) but got someone who is fairly partisan. Better to have had a softball report, but they could have gone with someone who wasn't as.....intense That report felt personal and vindictive, scathingly vindictive, like contempt all over the place. Maybe it's more personal, or maybe it's that he's a Republican. But, it was not professional. This was like the Starr report.

Comey didn't hit Clinton nearly as hard. And I read his book and understood his reasoning. Should have got Geoff Berman, former Trump appointee and Southern District US Attorney. He's not partisan, or not THAT kind of partisan.

They wanted nonpartisan and got like a halfway zealout. Either that or something during the course of the investigation angered him. Hur was a down the line US Attorney for years, lifelong Republican. But like a Rockefeller Republican.

Trump wouldn't have nominated him if he was a Rockefeller Republican.


May 26, 2012
San Diego
Trump wouldn't have nominated him if he was a Rockefeller Republican.

He nominated Berman. And Robert Brewer. And probably a half dozen more. It's just laziness on his behalf, and listening to various reps.

I guess I can see Rosenstein doing some shyt like that too, but probably not Chris Wray.


New Hope For the HaveNotz
May 6, 2012
Buzz City, NC :blessed:
Biden is a terrible campaigner both on and off the job, and he's way too fukking old to be doing this.

Three elections in a row, we've had "the most important election in history". Three elections in a row, the Republicans have nominated their most unprepared, unqualified, and disliked candidate in history, someone who had terrible favorability ratings and should have been a slam-dunk to beat with any competent opponent. And three elections in a row, establishment democrats have responded by force-feeding us the worst candidates in party history.

In her only previous national election, Hillary lost to a no-name upstart despite massive advantages. Yet the democratic party pulled all the strings to put her back in the seat again in 2016, and as a result, Democrats blew the election against one of the most pathetic opponents in history and fukked over the county for four years.

In both of his previous national elections, Biden had gotten destroyed and dropped out early. Then in his 3rd try, he was finishing 3rd or 4th in each state while the odds were still even. Yet the democratic party pulled all the strings to put him back in the seat again in 2020, and as a result, Democrats barely won by 40,000 votes against a widely hated president who had already been impeached, fukked up Covid, and destroyed the economy DESPITE having the historical advantage of heavy mail-in voting.

Now Biden is 81, he is CLEARLY not a good public face for the job, he is CLEARLY struggling every time he is on stage, and yet the Democrats refuse to consider any other options because he's a reliable party man. If this was Bernie struggling to remember who is who, there is zero chance they would be this complacent.

Add Biden's name to Hillary Clinton, Ruth Bader-Ginsberg, and Dianne Feinstein. The arrogance of old white moderates is destroying the county just as much as the evil of old white conservatives is.
How did the Democratic Party pull the strings to have Biden win in 2020? If Bernie was more popular to the dem base he would have won

Professor Emeritus

Poster of the Year
Jan 5, 2015
the ether
How did the Democratic Party pull the strings to have Biden win in 2020? If Bernie was more popular to the dem base he would have won

After the Iowa, New Hampshire, and Nevada elections, Bernie was dominating the primaries. He had won the popular vote in every state and his margin was growing larger in every election. Bernie led with 45 delegates, while Buttigieg was his only competition with 26 delegates. Biden had 15, Warren had 9, Klobuchar had 7.

All that point, the party establishment went with an all-hands-on-deck effort to force the nomination to Biden. The party leadership lined up to endorse Biden, even the ones that generally had had a much more liberal voting record than Biden had, despite the fact that he was trailing poorly in the race. Democrat-aligned media went on an all-out blitz against Sanders, comparing his wins to the advance of Nazis, falsely calling him a communist, and spreading false claims about his past. At the same time, they completely avoided criticizing Biden, even though he was committing frequent gaffes and openly lying on the campaign trail, saying that he had been arrested while visiting Nelson Mandela when nothing like that ever happened. When the media is covering an out-of-context 40-year-old Bernie quote about literacy ten times more than they're covering Biden's real-time repeated lies about being arrested, you can see the fix is in. The media also constantly repeated the lie that "Bernie has no chance in the general election", even though he was polling better head-to-head against Trump than Biden was and was clearly a better campaigner and more well-liked by Independents and Republicans both.

The day before the South Carolina primary, James Clyburn held a huge Biden rally in South Carolina where he endorsed Biden. Nearly 40% of South Carolina voters stated that they didn't make their decision about who to vote for until after they heard Clyburn's endorsement, and the vast majority of those voted for Biden. That gave Biden his first primary win, while Bernie still had three wins. But the very next day, Buttigieg, Klobuchar, and Steyer (who had finished 3rd in South Carolina) all suspended their campaigns and basically handed their voters over to Biden, even though Buttigieg had been performing better and won more delegates than Biden had. It's widely assumed that Buttigieg was promised a cabinet post in return for dropping out of the race. Warren, who was doing worse than Buttigieg, refused to drop out and started openly slandering Bernie and his respect for women, even though she holds virtually the exact same positions on issues that Bernie does and Biden is the one with the problematic past with women.

It was obvious at that point that the Democratic party was forcing the moderate candidates to drop out of the race to get their voters behind Biden, but keeping Warren in the race to siphon liberal support from Bernie. Combined with the endorsements of practically the entire party leadership and the open stanning of Biden by the media and their lies that Biden was the only electable candidate, and it was enough to push him over the top. Without all that manufactured support from above, Biden wouldn't have had a fukking chance.

And it wasn't just the concrete impact of those moves, but the psychological impact they caused. When Bernie's voters saw that the fix was in, and saw the repeat of 2016 all over again, many of them got discouraged. Voter turnout would have been a completely different factor if the race had proceeded like a normal primary.

When Biden was running on his own merits in 1988, he couldn't even come close to winning jack shyt. When Biden was running on his own merits in 2008, he couldn't even come close to winning jack shyt. When Biden was running on his own merits for the first 3 primary states in 2020, he couldn't even come close to winning jack shyt. Biden ONLY started winning for the first time when the party and their media sycophants entered an all-out blitz to get him the nomination.

Biden is an awful campaigner and an unlikeable candidate with no meaningful base. He ONLY became the democratic frontrunner because the party wanted him to be their frontrunner, because they were scared to death of having an economic leftist and a gay guy as their two options. It is 100% the Democratic party's fault that an elderly gaffe machine with zero campaign strengths is their 2024 candidate, and if Trump becomes president again, they will deserve a lot of the blame.
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the cac mamba

May 21, 2012
After the Iowa, New Hampshire, and Nevada elections, Bernie was dominating the primaries. He had won the popular vote in every state and his margin was growing larger in every election. Bernie led with 45 delegates, while Buttigieg was his only competition with 26 delegates. Biden had 15, Warren had 9, Klobuchar had 7.

All that point, the party establishment went with an all-hands-on-deck effort to force the nomination to Biden. The party leadership lined up to endorse Biden, even the ones that generally had had a much more liberal voting record than Biden had, despite the fact that he was trailing poorly in the race. Democrat-aligned media went on an all-out blitz against Sanders, comparing his wins to the advance of Nazis, falsely calling him a communist, and spreading false claims about his past. At the same time, they completely avoided criticizing Biden, even though he was committing frequent gaffes and openly lying on the campaign trail, saying that he had been arrested while visiting Nelson Mandela when nothing like that ever happened. When the media is covering an out-of-context 40-year-old Bernie quote about literacy ten times more than they're covering Biden's real-time repeated lies about being arrested, you can see the fix is in. The media also constantly repeated the lie that "Bernie has no chance in the general election", even though he was polling better head-to-head against Trump than Biden was and was clearly a better campaigner and more well-liked by Independents and Republicans both.

The day before the South Carolina primary, James Clyburn held a huge Biden rally in South Carolina where he endorsed Biden. Nearly 40% of South Carolina voters stated that they didn't make their decision about who to vote for until after they heard Clyburn's endorsement, and the vast majority of those voted for Biden. That gave Biden his first primary win, while Bernie still had three wins. But the very next day, Buttigieg, Klobuchar, and Steyer (who had finished 3rd in South Carolina) all suspended their campaigns and basically handed their voters over to Biden, even though Buttigieg had been performing better and won more delegates than Biden had. It's widely assumed that Buttigieg was promised a cabinet post in return for dropping out of the race. Warren, who was doing worse than Buttigieg, refused to drop out and started openly slandering Bernie and his respect for women, even though she holds virtually the exact same positions on issues that Bernie does and Biden is the one with the problematic past with women.

It was obvious at that point that the Democratic party was forcing the moderate candidates to drop out of the race to get their voters behind Biden, but keeping Warren in the race to siphon liberal support from Bernie. Combined with the endorsements of practically the entire party leadership and the open stanning of Biden by the media and their lies that Biden was the only electable candidate, and it was enough to push him over the top. Without all that manufactured support from above, Biden wouldn't have had a fukking chance.

And it wasn't just the concrete impact of those moves, but the psychological impact they caused. When Bernie's voters saw that the fix was in, and saw the repeat of 2016 all over again, many of them got discouraged. Voter turnout would have been a completely different factor if the race had proceeded like a normal primary.

When Biden was running on his own merits in 1988, he couldn't even come close to winning jack shyt. When Biden was running on his own merits in 2008, he couldn't even come close to winning jack shyt. When Biden was running on his own merits for the first 3 primary states in 2020, he couldn't even come close to winning jack shyt. Biden ONLY started winning for the first time when the party and their media sycophants entered an all-out blitz to get him the nomination.

Biden is an awful campaigner and an unlikeable candidate with no meaningful base. He ONLY became the democratic frontrunner because the party wanted him to be their frontrunner, because they were scared to death of having an economic leftist and a gay guy as their two options. It is 100% the Democratic party's fault that an elderly gaffe machine with zero campaign strengths is their 2024 candidate, and if Trump becomes president again, they will deserve a lot of the blame.
bringing back that stupid shyt about the Centrist Voltron, huh :mjlol:

maybe normal, rational people just dont want to vote for stupid bullshyt like this from unserious, far left politicians

can anyone actually defend this? :laff:

Armchair Militant

Stay woke
Nov 18, 2016
After the Iowa, New Hampshire, and Nevada elections, Bernie was dominating the primaries. He had won the popular vote in every state and his margin was growing larger in every election. Bernie led with 45 delegates, while Buttigieg was his only competition with 26 delegates. Biden had 15, Warren had 9, Klobuchar had 7.
Getting a quarter or a third of the vote isn’t dominating.

Professor Emeritus

Poster of the Year
Jan 5, 2015
the ether
Getting a quarter or a third of the vote isn’t dominating.

It is when you're far outpacing the competition. Sanders had already surpassed 40% in Nevada and was #1 in every other race too. Trump only reached 40% in 4 of the first 20 primary states in 2016, yet he was considered to be absolutely destroying his opponents.