• Total voters


May 24, 2012
Tha Land
Replacing the President displaying clear signs of cognitive decline in the middle of a losing campaign with his Vice-President is not disenfranchising the base who never had the option of voting for any other viable alternative in a sham primary.
Especially when that cognitive decline only became publicly known after voting had taken place. No one voted for this brain-cooked Joe Biden to run in 2024 over Harris, Shapiro, Whitmer, Moore, Newsome or any of the other options that would emerge in a contested convention. Especially when every public poll is showing a majority of Democratic voters now wanting Biden to step down for a new candidate.
Yes, it is. Regardless of what you guys tell yourselves Biden/Harris. does have a base of people who want them to win. Those people will not be happy with wealthy doners just being able to install whoever they want whenever they want. How we screaming “save democracy” then letting george clooney pick the president for us :stopitslime:

No candidate is perfect. Anyone you name will upset some one that was already down with voting for Biden/Harris. Also no one has REALLY been vetted for a presidential run right now. Might install somebody then some nasty skeletons come jumping out the closet. We are seeing that with the republican VP pick.

Plus Biden will still be the sitting President while the whole shyt goes down.

Like i said, the only way this works is if Biden himself 100% backs it and basically transfers his campaign over to the next person. Any plan that is forcefully pushing Joe out is pure chaos, they are probably already starting the process of printing ballots.


May 20, 2012
Like I get it, he's old. That's their whole talking point. Judging off the look of him he probably won't finish the term even when you don't wanna put that in the air

But there's no time for anybody else to mobilize anything close now to Nov. We know he's old, what's the plan after he's gone with 2 months left?

But besides all that in the same amount of time, Trump's been convicted a 30+ time felon, his supreme court has set shyt back centuries, Trump is showing decline himself, and there's a manifesto sitting on the internet for everybody to read about destroying the country when he gets back in. And the entire GOP and even media (CNN especially) has mobilized behind him even though he's toast cognitively 100%. This was the time for Democrats to do the same for theirs but look where we are

"He's old". No shyt, he was old last year and the one before it, where were you trying to establish somebody else for 24 then? They waited until we're at the 15 yard line to fuss, pull dollars, and somehow seem more incompetent than the GOP rn. Biden's damaged if he stays in at this point and his brain/GOP didn't do most of the damage, Democrats did. Trump's handlers know it which is why they've told him to stfu and let the Democrats help us

Blame Biden and his team then. They are the ones who tried to pull a Weekend at Bernie’s on the public and it backfired on them spectacularly on 6/27. A day which will live in infamy.

Why do you think people are so pissed? Obama has no reason to hate Biden. Clooney has raised millions for the party. People are rightfully pissed at the deception perpetrated by Biden and his team.

The only people who don’t seem to care are the blue shirts who are excusing this political malpractice and chastising the wrong people.


Packers Stockholder
Aug 17, 2013

You do realize that the DNC pressure is coming from the dark money. They want the Trump tax cuts, and threaten to defund Democrats. You can entertain all of the political fantasies you want but you want a president with resolve... calm under pressure; Biden is showing those qualities right now.

So focus on voting; Early Voting, Absentee or Election Day.

Vote for Biden.


Apr 30, 2012
I think because it's against Trump it means even more. People are begging for anyone but these two. You're right that their respective shyttyness cancels each other out...which is why another option would double up instead of making it even. You'd still get all the people coming to their senses and voting against Trump, but you would also get the people who are going to tune out because they hate both options. Rehabbing the image of a guy who is in active decline and getting worse each day is a monumental task. He's already fatally damaged by all the defections.
I agree in theory, i just think if it's Harris it's not gonna work regardless so might as well go with what u got

Worthless Loser

Oct 3, 2015
Trump's disaster speech seems to have energized Dems and anti Trump Republicans on social media.

There really is no more upside for the Trump campaign the rest of the way. The three big moments they had this week at the convention that was suppose to provide a spark (VP announcement, Vance speech, Trump speech) all flopped and did nothing to help his campaign. The RNC itself was a freak show that did nothing to attract normal voters.

The rest of the way is a sentencing hearing for the NY case, the Appeals Court possibly overturning Judge Cannon and re-starting the classified documents case, and a possibly a few hearings in the January 6 case. Thats all negative for Trump. Because the shyt he did will be front and center in the news again.

King Kreole

natural blondie like goku
Mar 8, 2014
Yes, it is. Regardless of what you guys tell yourselves Biden/Harris. does have a base of people who want them to win. Those people will not be happy with wealthy doners just being able to install whoever they want whenever they want. How we screaming “save democracy” then letting george clooney pick the president for us :stopitslime:

No candidate is perfect. Anyone you name will upset some one that was already down with voting for Biden/Harris. Also no one has REALLY been vetted for a presidential run right now. Might install somebody then some nasty skeletons come jumping out the closet. We are seeing that with the republican VP pick.

Plus Biden will still be the sitting President while the whole shyt goes down.

Like i said, the only way this works is if Biden himself 100% backs it and basically transfers his campaign over to the next person. Any plan that is forcefully pushing Joe out is pure chaos, they are probably already starting the process of printing ballots.
All of your points are neutralized if the pick is Harris. It wouldn't be wealthy donors installing a new candidate, it would be Joe Biden's handpicked successor. Harris has been vetted.

They haven't started printing ballots because Biden isn't even the nominee yet. The nomination isn't final until the Convention next month.

I agree though that if Biden continues to be obstinate then the process will be rough.

Joe Sixpack

Build and Destroy
May 11, 2012
Rotten Apple
You do realize that the DNC pressure is coming from the dark money. They want the Trump tax cuts, and threaten to defund Democrats. You can entertain all of the political fantasies you want but you want a president with resolve... calm under pressure; Biden is showing those qualities right now.

So focus on voting; Early Voting, Absentee or Election Day.

Vote for Biden.
@Robbie3000 and the rest a them Elden Ring ass nikkas too dumb to realize that this shyt is basically a hostile takeover being carried out by American Oligarchs
Last edited:


May 24, 2012
Tha Land
So we both agree biden viability is concerning , you rather just go down burning others rather take a chance and hope to make change.
You don’t throw a campaign out 2 months from the vote cause you have concerns. You fight and try to fix them. Since when did this shyt yall talmbout ever make sense :mindblown:


One Of The Last Real Ones To Do It
Apr 1, 2013
New York City
I'm not taking AOC's word on this. And even if she's correct, a mini-primary at the convention is still a plan! It might not be the plan you or I like, but it's a plan. And even though I prefer the plan of anointing Kamala, I think a mini-primary is still better than running a clearly dying Joe Biden who is losing badly and has no arrow in his quiver to turn his campaign around. The sheer fact that he has publicly lost the confidence of major elements of his own caucus is fatal to his chances of winning. Republicans will blanket battleground states with ads saying "Even Pelosi/Schumer/Your Local Dem Senator/Your Local Dem Congressperson say he can't win". It's Joever.

The same reason she can fully access the campaign's currently raised cash is the same reason she would not have any potential ballot access issues. The Biden/Harris campaign account was registered with the FEC in the name of both candidates. All the ballot registrations were done in both of their names.

I'm sure they have settled on their preferred plan, they just haven't made it public for the obvious reason that Joe Biden is still gripping onto the Resolute Desk with his bony fingers.

A mini primary is chaos. The worst thing the Dems can do is appear unstable. At the end of the day to win they got to show they can make the trains run on time or people might take their chances with Trump

I don’t think this is true because if it was we would hear it, but I could be wrong. Provide the link

We’re the public, AOC is a colleague and a key person they should be trying to convince.

King Kreole

natural blondie like goku
Mar 8, 2014
You don’t throw a campaign out 2 months from the vote cause you have concerns. You fight and try to fix them. Since when did this shyt yall talmbout ever make sense :mindblown:
Just out of curiosity, if Biden had a stroke and could no longer speak, would you still be advocating for plowing ahead with him as the candidate?


May 24, 2012
Tha Land
All of your points are neutralized if the pick is Harris. It wouldn't be wealthy donors installing a new candidate, it would be Joe Biden's handpicked successor. Harris has been vetted.
Sure, but she doesn’t really fix any of the concerns about the ticket. If the people pulling out REALLY wanted Harris as president they would be backing Joe Biden right now


Dec 15, 2013
Blame Biden and his team then. They are the ones who tried to pull a Weekend at Bernie’s on the public and it backfired on them spectacularly on 6/27. A day which will live in infamy.

Why do you think people are so pissed? Obama has no reason to hate Biden. Clooney has raised millions for the party. People are rightfully pissed at the deception perpetrated by Biden and his team.

The only people who don’t seem to care are the blue shirts who are excusing this political malpractice and chastising the wrong people.
Nah...it'll be on the ones who weren't smart enough to figure out you worry about shyt after you've taken care of the threat. Like the GOP is doing, telling Trump and the rest of the idiots to be quiet. Haven't seen any unhinged Trump rants or circus clowns embarrass themselves lately to take spotlight away have you, that's because they're letting you take care of their threat. Biden's been damaged by ways GOP/Trump couldn't they're happy to sit back & watch

IDC why people are pissed. Pick a better time to throw a temper tantrum, after the election. Dems with solidarity and a singular message and it's close but I still don't think Trump wins. Dems have instead turned or are working on making Biden into a Hillary candidate where Dem voters are either apathetic or have negative views which will impact number of ballots

But I know how this goes. After Trump gets in and damages the country beyond repair in our lifetimes and basic rights have shifted, the narrative then will be "Well Biden was never beating Trump anyway". The old "Shot myself in the foot but let me give alternative facts to support why this would've happened anyway to make me feel better" after never giving the other option that makes the most sense the chance when there was still time.

King Kreole

natural blondie like goku
Mar 8, 2014
A mini primary is chaos. The worst thing the Dems can do is appear unstable. At the end of the day to win they got to show they can make the trains run on time or people might take their chances with Trump
I agree it's important the Dems look competent and stable...but I think it's equally important they look strong and united. All of this is why having a sundowning geriatric who is fighting against members of his own party is such a bad look on all of these fronts. The horse has already fled the barn on being united with Biden, the fight is in public. He has to go for the Dems to become united. You can't put this toothpaste back in the tube.

I don’t think this is true because if it was we would hear it, but I could be wrong. Provide the link

There’s Only One Reason Biden Won’t Drop Out

"So what would happen if Biden were to relinquish the reins?

The Stetson University law professor Ciara Torres-Spelliscy told me that the Democratic National Committee or state party committees could get all of the Biden-Harris cash and dispense it for the benefit of another candidate. The Federal Election Commission is clear, she explained, that “a candidate’s authorized committee may transfer unlimited campaign funds to a party committee or organization.” For a small portion of the overall war chest, the party would have to seek donors’ permission to redirect their contributions.

But if the Democrats field a different ticket, the only way the new presidential nominee enters the race with “zero dollars in their bank account” would be if Biden wanted that to happen. Just as the Biden campaign can make cash donations to party committees, it can also make “in-kind” contributions, such as offices, computers, cellphones, and other campaign infrastructure, which could be used on behalf of a new candidate. The torrential downpour of donations sure to drop on any Democrat challenging Trump makes the campaign-finance argument doubly empty.

The argument that campaign-finance laws will punish any nominee other than the incumbent is an embarrassingly weak one for the president’s campaign team to be making. But it’s attractive to Biden boosters because it has the veneer of conclusiveness. It spares Biden and his aides from engaging with tougher considerations, such as that several alternative candidates (including Harris, Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg, California Governor Gavin Newsom, and Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer) outperform him in every battleground state.

Other superficially decisive arguments have been floating around—for instance, that at least in some states no Democrat besides Biden would be able to get on the ballot at this point. This claim is also not true. The UCLA legal scholar Richard Hasen told me that if a candidate were to be replaced, “this is a good time for it to happen, before there’s been an official nomination.” That’s because, according to Hasen, state laws typically say that for major political parties, whoever is nominated at the convention is who goes on the ballot. “I don’t know how there’s a state law that locks Joe Biden in at this point as the Democratic candidate,” the state-election-policy lawyer John Ciampoli recently told the nonprofit newsroom NOTUS. “How can a state make someone a candidate when the party hasn’t made him their candidate yet?” After the convention, and particularly once states begin to print ballots, the logistics become far trickier."