• Total voters


The Chosen 1
May 2, 2012
I agree with you. Kamala has no business being the nominee at any point in time. But selecting Newsom or Whitmer will rip apart the party.

I just don't think the importance of making sure Trump isn't President again would be enough to overcome the rage and division inside the Democrat party from Biden loyalists and Harris loyalists after an emotional/intense contested nomination process.

I feel like you're overestimating the amount of "Biden loyalists" and "Harris loyalists" that exist.

Most people just wanted Trump out and were like ":yeshrug: I guess Biden is the safest best since he's a moderate old white guy".

Not sure I've ever met anybody that just passionately loves Biden or Kamala :heh:

bill o reilly is reporting that biden plans to step down

Yeah, gonna need a better source than that :heh: most likely cap
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New Hope For the HaveNotz
May 6, 2012
Buzz City, NC :blessed:
This is fascinating stuff. If Biden drops out it’ll be real life game of thrones behind to scenes. All of these politicians are narcissists

King Kreole

natural blondie like goku
Mar 8, 2014
You liberals are shameless in your entitlement.
They have no opinions of beliefs outside of Trump. He's the only guiding light they have in their political worldview. If he says the sky is blue, they'll say it's red. They genuinely believe he's the antichrist, the most evil man to ever live. They're stupid.

Worthless Loser

Oct 3, 2015

President Biden’s family is urging him to stay in the race and keep fighting despite last week’s disastrous debate performance, even as some members of his clan privately expressed exasperation at how he was prepared for the event by his staff, people close to the situation said on Sunday.

Mr. Biden huddled with his wife, children and grandchildren at Camp David while he tried to figure out how to tamp down Democratic anxiety. While his relatives are acutely aware of how poorly he did against former President Donald J. Trump, they argued that he could still show the country that he is capable of serving for another four years.

Mr. Biden has also been soliciting ideas from advisers about how to proceed, and his staff has been discussing whether he should hold a news conference or sit for interviews to defend himself and change the narrative, but nothing has been decided yet. Aides were burning phone lines over the weekend to prevent major elected officials and financial supporters from abandoning him.

One of the strongest voices imploring Mr. Biden to resist pressure to drop out was his son Hunter Biden, whom the president has long leaned on for advice, said one of the people informed about the discussions, who, like others, spoke on condition of anonymity to share internal deliberations. Hunter Biden wants Americans to see the version of his father that he knows — scrappy and in command of the facts — rather than the stumbling, aging president Americans saw on Thursday night.

Other family members were trying to figure out how they could be helpful. At least one of the president’s grandchildren has expressed interest in getting more involved with the campaign, perhaps by talking with influencers on social media, according to the informed person.

The anger among Democrats was made evident on Sunday when John Morgan, a top Democratic donor, publicly blamed the advisers who managed the president’s debate preparations, citing by name Ron Klain, Anita Dunn and Bob Bauer.

“Biden has for too long been fooled by the value of Anita Dunn and her husband,” Mr. Morgan wrote on social media. “They need to go … TODAY. The grifting is gross. It was political malpractice.”

He elaborated in a subsequent interview. “It would be like if you took a prizefighter who was going to have a title fight and put him in a sauna for 15 hours then said, ‘Go fight,’” he said. “I believe that the debate is solely on Ron Klain, Bob Bauer and Anita Dunn.”

Members of Mr. Biden’s family were likewise said to be focused on the president’s staff, including Ms. Dunn, a White House senior adviser, and her husband, Mr. Bauer, the president’s personal attorney, who played Mr. Trump during debate rehearsals.

They were asking why Mr. Klain, the former White House chief of staff who ran the preparations, would in their view allow him to be overloaded with statistics, and they were angry that Mr. Biden, who arrived for the debate in Atlanta with a summer tan, was made up to look pale and pallid, said one of the people, who has been in touch with several members of the family.

But the person said that the president himself was not among those who were upset and that he still trusted Mr. Klain, Ms. Dunn, Mr. Bauer and the others. Other Democrats said it was unfair to blame the staff for the president’s own failings, dismissing what they called typical second-guessing and scapegoating aimed at diverting fault away from Mr. Biden himself.

A couple of Democrats pointed out that neither family members nor Mr. Morgan or other critics attended the preparation sessions and therefore had no idea how they went. One member of Mr. Biden’s circle said that no one was happy with how the debate turned out and that it was human nature to look for someone to blame.

Mr. Klain, Ms. Dunn and Mr. Bauer had no comment about the debate preparation, but Mr. Klain said that it was 100 percent certain the president would stay in the race. “He is the choice of the Democratic voters,” Mr. Klain said. “We are seeing record levels of support from grass-roots donors. We had a bad debate night. But you win campaigns by fighting — not quitting — in the face of adversity.”

He recalled a primary debate in 2019 that went badly but did not stop Mr. Biden. “It’s a tough, close campaign and he’s the person who can win it,” Mr. Klain said. “Big-money donors don’t get to dictate the nominee of the Democratic Party.”

In the days since the debate, Mr. Biden has privately and publicly acknowledged that he did not do well, and he has been calling trusted advisers like Mr. Klain; Ted Kaufman, his longtime aide and friend; and Jon Meacham, the historian and informal adviser; as well as key donors and party figures.

But two people familiar with Mr. Biden’s calls said that they were more about checking in to see what people were saying, rather than to seek advice about reassessing his future. One of the people on Mr. Biden’s phone tree said that the president wanted to keep campaigning hard to drive a contrast with Mr. Trump, a convicted felon who tried to overturn the last election and made numerous false statements during the debate.

While the campaign has forcefully rejected advice that Mr. Biden step aside for another candidate just weeks before the roll call vote to formalize his nomination, many Democrats, including some working for the president, said they did not think the door was yet closed on that possibility.

But Mr. Biden is a proud man, and they said they believed that the odds of him trying to gut it out were still 4 or 5 to 1. The only way they said they could imagine him reversing course was if he could be afforded a dignified way out in which he could claim credit for ousting Mr. Trump in 2020, restoring the country and serving as a transition to the next generation.

If any major discussions about the president’s future were to take place with the family, two Biden confidants said, they would not happen at Camp David, where too many people outside the family might overhear.

The family had already planned before the debate to spend the weekend at Camp David, in part to participate in a photo shoot with the veteran celebrity photographer Annie Leibovitz. It was the first time the entire family had assembled in one place since Hunter Biden was convicted of federal gun charges; he still faces sentencing and another trial on tax charges.

A senior administration official who was not authorized to detail internal conversations said there was an ongoing debate over how the president moves forward — not about dropping out, but about how best to make the case that he should not.

The version of Mr. Biden that has emerged in rallies and at fund-raisers since Atlanta is more in line with the person his aides describe — someone who is energized, emphatic and willing to keep fighting until November.

But some aides were not happy to see him relying on a teleprompter in fund-raisers, a practice pushed by advisers seeking a more disciplined approach by the president even in informal settings. One aide said that Mr. Biden had been “scared” away from a more informal approach in recent months.


I will say if Biden overcomes this and somehow wins the election he'll go down as the most resilient politician of all time.



New Hope For the HaveNotz
May 6, 2012
Buzz City, NC :blessed:
They have no opinions of beliefs outside of Trump. He's the only guiding light they have in their political worldview. If he says the sky is blue, they'll say it's red. They genuinely believe he's the antichrist, the most evil man to ever live. They're stupid.
Spoken like a true Trump supporter. What is your guiding light since you voted for him in 2016?


May 26, 2012
San Diego
I for sure don't know whats' going to happen

but read a book last year about fund raising and how it worked for Obama's 2008 campaign from someone who was there

and, yeah, they raised whatever millions last few days from small donors, but the big ones, who write those 25 million and 50 million checks, they may be the ones saying no more, which would cripple the campaign in a critical moment. Reid Hoffman is a major major Sillicon Valley donor and he's staying down, but there's others.

from what I can gather, this is a fork in the road moment, not a crisis of the week.

King Kreole

natural blondie like goku
Mar 8, 2014
Spoken like a true Trump supporter. What is your guiding light since you voted for him in 2016?
You voted for him in 2020! At least in 2016 Trump was a wild card, you voted for him after we all saw his incompetence in office for 4 years. And your dumb ass said yeah give me more of that. Log off.


Sep 16, 2012
They have no opinions of beliefs outside of Trump. He's the only guiding light they have in their political worldview. If he says the sky is blue, they'll say it's red. They genuinely believe he's the antichrist, the most evil man to ever live. They're stupid.

Or maybe the Middle East isn’t the end all be all for us in deciding who to vote for?

Yea I suppose if that’s the only issue important to you then both are as bad but if you are someone who give a sh1t about ANYTHING else then just the Middle East yes Trump is much worse