• Total voters


Nov 1, 2015

Mitch McConnell knows Trump provoked the violent attack on our Capitol and then “watched television happily” as his mob brutally beat police officers and hunted the Vice President. He knows Trump refused for hours to tell his mob to leave and “even then with police officers bleeding…he kept repeating his election lies and praising the criminals.” He knows Trump committed a “disgraceful dereliction of duty” and is a danger to our Republic. Trump and his collaborators will be defeated, and history will remember the shame of people like
@LeaderMcConnell who enabled them.

To post tweets in this format, more info here: https://www.thecoli.com/threads/tips-and-tricks-for-posting-the-coli-megathread.984734/post-52211196


Nov 1, 2015

Republicans in Panic Mode After Trump Trashes Milwaukee​

Donald Trump attacked Milwaukee in a meeting with Republicans on the Hill—and now Republicans are desperately trying to cover for him.​

Donald Trump speaks before a mic. U.S. flags are behind him.


Donald Trump visited Capitol Hill Thursday to meet with Republicans in Congress and supposedly discuss strategy, but it didn’t take long for him to go off on tangents—and dump on the site of this year’s Republican National Convention, Milwaukee.

Tweet screenshot Jake Sherman: 🚨TRUMP TO HOUSE REPUBLICANS: Milwaukee, where we are having our convention, is a horrible city.

Republican members of Congress from Wisconsin scrambled to respond to the comments, offering several different explanations to cover for the former president and convicted felon, including one representative who said the whole thing never happened. Unfortunately, three others said it definitely did.

Twitter Screenshot Lawrence Andrea: Wisconsin Rep. Glenn Grothman told me Trump made these comments when speaking about the election. Grothman said Trump was concerned about the election in MKE and felt we need to do better in urban centers around the country.
Tweet screenshot Adam Rife: GOP appears to be scrambling to spin. A convention spokesperson told me Trump was referencing the ongoing political game the City and County are playing with Pere Marquette Park. Despite concerns being raised months ago, the City has still not designated a first amendment zone.
Tweet screenshot Derrick Van Orden: Another classic example of shitty reporting by a Democratic Party shill pretending to be a journalist. Lies busy omission. @realDonaldTrump was specifically referring to the crime the CRIME RATE in Milwaukee. Tweet accompanies an article that reads Milwaukee ranks third for violent crimes nationwide
Tweet screenshot Lawrence Andrea: An aide to Rep. Scott Fitzgerald backs Grothman’s claim and tells me Fitzgerald said Trump’s comments “were about election integrity.”
Tweet screenshot Representative Bryan Steil: I was in the room. President Trump did not say this. There is no better place than Wisconsin in July.

Why would Trump criticize the city, especially since Wisconsin is a swing state that he narrowly lost in the 2020 election? The answer may very well be racism. Milwaukee is very often criticized by the rural and suburban politicians in the rest of the state, who use racist dog whistles, yell “socialism,” or rely on more overt bigotry. Myths of rampant crime continue to plague the city, even as its crime rate has dropped. Meanwhile, its sizable Black population, which has historically tipped the state blue, has slightly tempered its support for Democrats. In 2020, Trump’s allies responded to his election loss by trying to write off Milwaukee’s votes and overturn the state’s election results.

Recently, Wisconsin has been a source of bad news for the GOP, from a liberal candidate successfully winning a state Supreme Court seat to Democrats successfully throwing out one of the most gerrymandered legislative maps in the country. Perhaps Trump sees the writing on the wall and is (presumptuously) writing off the state for 2024, or he has another frightening plan to interfere in the state’s results if they don’t go his way. Or, maybe he hates Milwaukee for the same reasons he hates Chicago and Harrisburg.

One member of Congress who actually represents Milwaukee, had a healthier response to Trump’s comments.

Twitter screenshot Representative Gwen Moore: Once he's settled in with his parole officer, I am certain he will discover that Milwaukee is a wonderful, vibrant and welcoming city full of diverse neighborhoods and a thriving business community. (Quote tweeting Jake Sherman: TRUMP TO HOUSE REPUBLICANS: Milwaukee, where we are having our convention, is a horrible city.)

This article has been updated.


Nov 1, 2015

'Deeply unwell' Trump is being given a total pass for nonstop mental lapses: analysis​

Tom Boggioni

June 13, 2024 6:55AM ET

'Deeply unwell' Trump is being given a total pass for nonstop mental lapses: analysis

Former U.S. President Donald Trump speaks during his campaign rally at Sunset Park on June 09, 2024 in Las Vegas, Nevada. (Photo by Brandon Bell/Getty Images) (Getty Images)

Reflecting back on Donald Trump's rally speech in Las Vegas last weekend, former Naval College professor and current political analyst Tom Nichols wrote that there needs to be a serious discussion about the former president's mental faculties following his "bizarre digression" about electrocuting sharks.

In his column for The Atlantic, Nichols got right to the point by noting that the former president has managed to convince "millions of people—and the American media—to treat his lapses into fantasies and gibberish as a normal, meaningful form of oratory."

Case in point, Trump telling the crowd in Las Vegas as they stood in the sweltering heat, "So I said, ‘So there’s a shark 10 yards away from the boat, 10 yards or here. Do I get electrocuted? If the boat is sinking, water goes over the battery, the boat is sinking. Do I stay on top of the boat and get electrocuted? Or do I jump over by the shark and not get electrocuted? Because I will tell you, he didn’t know the answer. He said, ‘You know, nobody’s ever asked me that question.’ I said, ‘I think it’s a good question. I think there’s a lot of electric current coming through that water.’ But you know what I’d do if there was a shark or you get electrocuted? I’ll take electrocution every single time. I’m not getting near the shark.”

As Nichols dryly noted, that is not normal political discourse.

While admitting that it sounds "funny" in retrospect, he then added, "until we remember that this man wants to return to a position where he would hold America’s secrets, be responsible for the execution of our laws, and preside as the commander in chief of the most powerful military in the world."

Pointing out that idea should "terrify" any voter, he took the press to task for making it a story for a day or two and then moving on because the former president is in obvious decline and is therefore "unfit" to be president.

"Nor was the Vegas monologue the first time: Trump for years has fallen off one verbal cliff after another, with barely a ripple in the national consciousness. I am not a psychiatrist, and I am not diagnosing Trump with anything. I am, however, a man who has lived on this Earth for more than 60 years, and I know someone who has serious emotional problems when I see them played out in front of me, over and over," he wrote before adding, "The 45th president is a disturbed person."

Adding, "Donald Trump is unstable," he continued, "Some of these problems were evident when he first ran, and we now know from revelations by many of his former staff that his problems processing information and staying tethered to reality are not part of some hammy act."

Warning that a second Trump presidency will not be populated with advisers who will counsel him from going off the rails, he cautioned, "The 45th president is deeply unwell. It is long past time for Americans, including those in public life, to recognize his inability to serve as the 47th."

You can read more here (subscription required)

Poetical Poltergeist

Precise and cold hearted
May 7, 2012
Mile in the Sky

:mjcry: god, this is awful

bill maher was right; biden needs to stay the fukk out of the public eye, as much as he can :yeshrug: he has nothing to gain, and more to lose

give us a speech like twice a month, and load him up on pre-workout, and that's it. i don't even think biden should campaign, he should just let obama and bill clinton do it :mjlol:

What did he do that was so bad there besides look like an old man?


May 14, 2012
This is what I keep coming back to breh. I'm logical to a fault. Helps that I'm an accountant so I believe in numbers. So many polls, done so many ways, are all reporting a close election. The sheer fact that it is close pisses me off but it is what it is. I know what the trend has been with these other Republicans but this Republican is different. This is Donald Trump. I have three people on my street that have raised the Trump 2024 flags. On the way to work, I see them prominently and I live in the Democratic part of Indiana in the Northwest part of the state. I read and saw this yesterday.

UAW members in Michigan don’t think the union’s endorsement of Biden will sway their pro-Trump peers​

I would love to believe that Biden is going to come through in the end but I can't, it just seems like rabid Trump people are foaming at the mouth :dame: to vote for that idiot. There is a visceral love for that man that I would say is the most magnetic any politician in our lives have had. Obama got and still gets a lot of love. He never had a cult. He's never had people debase themselves for him. I have no idea why any of this shyt happens but I'm not going to dismiss Trump until I see Biden has 270 electoral votes on election day. It just seems foolish to dismiss him so easily.

Most of those maga turds now live in FL, the battle ground states will be just fine.