• Total voters


Aug 17, 2012
New York City
You're arguing subjectively, not objectively. You "feel" those issues should hurt Trump more, but you can't show that's the case.

Biden is a stutterer and doesn't have the physical or verbal presence that Trump has. Fair or not, Biden looks awful in public (as he only has, it's just getting worse) and Trump looks good even when he sounds like an idiot. A substantial proportion of Biden voters still cringe when Biden appears in public and say he's too old for office. Far fewer Trump supporters feel the same way.

It's absolutely bizarre that you claim Trump "barely" beat Hillary and then say that he got "blown out in the Electoral College" against Biden. Trump won in 2016 by a larger margin that Biden won in 2020.

Trump won by three states - Michigan (0.2% or 11,000 votes), Pennsylvania (0.7% or 44,000 votes) and Wisconsin (0.8% or 23,000 votes). In other words, Hillary needed ~80,000 more votes in three different states, and nearly 1% shift in two of those states.

Biden also won by three states - Georgia (0.2% or 12,000 votes), Arizona (0.3% or 10,000 votes), and Wisconsin (0.7% or 21,000 votes). So Trump only needed ~44,000 votes to defeat Biden, and only one state was more than a 0.3% shift away.

The 2020 election was objectively closer than the 2016 election. Claiming otherwise is pure partisanship.

First, I quoted your subjective statement (Biden is the worst Candidate of my Lifetime) with a Facts of Trump Felony Convictions, Legal Issues and things that objectively make him a worst Candidate (On Paper). Or are you telling me Legal Issues aren't relevant to a Presidential campaign. I'm sure Barack would have been able to run with a conviction on his records (Not).

Second, "Trump looks good even when you sounds like Idiot". Really? People love to talk about Biden's "Gaffs" like Trump isn't damn walking "Gaffe" machine making nonsensical statements day in and day out. They both old so that cancels itself out.

Third, I brought up "Barely" beating Hillary to counter your point about Biden "Barely" Beating Trump. Why should I put more weight in Trump's 2020 Losing numbers against Biden winning numbers? I don't care if Biden won by one vote or 10,000, Trump took that L (A Republican) Lost Georgia and Arizona and was not reelected. Barack Obama lost Georgia and Arizona twice to Romney and Mccain and still beat them. Trump lost the House, Senate and Presidency in 2020 and was the first incumbent since 1932 to lose that big. Nothing was good about his 2020 performance. At least Hillary was the first Woman nominee running for President in her General Election Loss (Something that has never been done before and was a huge uphill battle).

Lastly, if you look at Biden entire electoral history, it shows he's never lost a general election campaign. He's 7-0 in the Senate and 3-0 in Presidential General Elections (2 Wins as VP, 1 Win as President). As you said, his 88 and 08 Campaigns failed in the primary stage but he didn't make it to a General. . Meanwhile Trump has already had a General Election Presidential Loss under his belt,

Professor Emeritus

Poster of the Year
Jan 5, 2015
the ether
First, I quoted your subjective statement (Biden is the worst Candidate of my Lifetime) with a Facts of Trump Felony Convictions, Legal Issues and things that objectively make him a worst Candidate (On Paper).

You have no idea what "objectively" means.

Or are you telling me Legal Issues aren't relevant to a Presidential campaign. I'm sure Barack would have been able to run with a conviction on his records (Not).

How is that relevant to Trump? Barack also wouldn't have been able to run with the grabbing tape, would he?

Second, "Trump looks good even when you sounds like Idiot". Really? People love to talk about Biden's "Gaffs" like Trump isn't damn walking "Gaffe" machine making nonsensical statements day in and day out. They both old so that cancels itself out.

False. 86% of Americans think Biden is too old, while only 62% feel that way about Trump. They clearly do not "cancel out".

Third, I brought up "Barely" beating Hillary to counter your point about Biden "Barely" Beating Trump. Why should I put more weight in Trump's 2020 Losing numbers against Biden winning numbers?

You falsely claimed that Biden had won easily in 2020 while Trump had barely won in 2016. You keep ignoring that Trump won by twice as much as Biden.

You're ignoring that Biden's 2020 numbers came when he was 4 years younger, was not tied to inflation and an economy that most Americans feel is bad, and had massive advantages from mail-in voting and Trump's terrible performance in Covid and BLM. ALL of those issues have gotten worse for Biden since 2020, and he only had a few thousand vote margin to work with.

Lastly, if you look at Biden entire electoral history, it shows he's never lost a general election campaign. He's 7-0 in the Senate and 3-0 in Presidential General Elections (2 Wins as VP, 1 Win as President). As you said, his 88 and 08 Campaigns failed in the primary stage but he didn't make it to a General. . Meanwhile Trump has already had a General Election Presidential Loss under his belt,

You full well know that Biden's wins in Delaware and as VP are completely meaningless. Delaware is a blue state and no one was casting their ballot for Biden in 2008/2012 lol.

Biden has run in a national election 3 times:

1988: Biden's power in the Senate and close ties to Democratic leaders led political junkies to believe he was one of the strongest candidates, and he led all candidates in fundraising. But on the actual campaign trail he sucked and his polling numbers nosedived, putting him behind both Dukakis and Gephardt. When it was revealed that he had plagarized his campaign speech, plagarized a paper in college, lied about his college grades, and lied about his involvement in the Civil Rights Movement, he dropped out in shame still 4 months before the first primary. He ended up finishing behind Jesse Jackson and Richard Stallings in addition to Dukakis/Gephart.

2008: Biden entered the race running as the most prominent centrist (Clinton was running as a liberal despite her dubious record), and got several notable endorsements. But he sucked from the very beginning, calling Obama "the first african-american candidate who is articulate and bright and clean", things he'd never say about a white candidate and despite having run against Jesse Jackson himself already in 1988. He was terrible in opinion polls the entire race, finished 5th in Iowa with less than 1% of the vote, and then dropped out.

2020: There had been huge momentum behind Biden running since 2016, due to him being an older white man and having positive associations from being near Obama. But once he actually ran, he lagged seriously, finishing 4th in Iowa, 5th in New Hampshire, and a very distant 2nd in Nevada, not reaching 20% of the vote in any state. His campaign didn't pick up until the entire DNC basically decided to proxy run in his place, with an all-out media blitz in his favor and a hugely influential endorsement in South Carolina from Jim Clyburn (most South Carolina primary voters said that Clyburn's endorsement had influenced their vote). Buttigieg and Klobuchar immediately dropped out and endorsed Biden with practically the entire Democratic establishment joining behind them. Biden did literally nothing to change the minds of voters, it was 100% other people coming to his rescue that kept him from being a primary afterthought.

And we've already covered the 2020 general election - he had every advantage possible (not having to campaign much due to Covid, reduced public appearances for Trump, all the stains Trump was getting from bad press due to Covid and George Floyd and the economy, plus mail-in voting that seriously favored Biden) and yet he seriously underperformed his poll numbers in several battleground states and barely won.

Trump has come in as a major underdog twice and won the first time, barely lost the second time. Biden has come in as a favorite on multiple occasions and repeatedly crashed and burned before being drug to a win in 2020 by everything other than his performance.

In the reality of public opinion, Trump is MUCH better at running for president than Biden is. The only hope is that Trump is so objectively terrible for this country that voters look past the disaster of a campaign that will once again unfold before their eyes. And swing voters generally being low-info voters, I'm not super optimistic.


Retired Legend
Apr 30, 2012
I think the majority of you are overestimating trumps legal issues, the republican party and it's voters doesn't behave within the societal norm of politics. While biden on the other hand, his voting base are absolutely downtrodden from the economy and while being completely unenthusiastic about the November election. This is trumps to win in my opinion, would be nothing short of a miracle if biden pulls this off


Nov 19, 2016
I think the majority of you are overestimating trumps legal issues, the republican party and it's voters doesn't behave within the societal norm of politics. While biden on the other hand, his voting base are absolutely downtrodden from the economy and while being completely unenthusiastic about the November election. This is trumps to win in my opinion, would be nothing short of a miracle if biden pulls this off

Professor Emeritus

Poster of the Year
Jan 5, 2015
the ether

:mjlol: hannity trying to give trump an excuse to skip the debate

I honestly have no clue at this point who has what to gain from the debate. I feel like they're both gonna look like shyt.

Biden feels to me like he'll probably be worse because he stills stutters and gaffes all the time and seems to have less energy while speaking than Trump does. But there are higher expectations for Trump, so Biden has more to gain relative to expectations.

Biden has more legit shyt to criticize Trump on. Then again, Trump supporters are pretty hard-baked in, so do they even care if Biden's attacks land? Who does?

I honestly will be surprised if both debates aren't embarrassing for both candidates. Anything better than that will be a W.

the cac mamba

May 21, 2012
I honestly have no clue at this point who has what to gain from the debate. I feel like they're both gonna look like shyt.

Biden feels to me like he'll probably be worse because he stills stutters and gaffes all the time and seems to have less energy while speaking than Trump does. But there are higher expectations for Trump, so Biden has more to gain relative to expectations.

Biden has more legit shyt to criticize Trump on. Then again, Trump supporters are pretty hard-baked in, so do they even care if Biden's attacks land? Who does?

I honestly will be surprised if both debates aren't embarrassing for both candidates. Anything better than that will be a W.
if anyone gains, it's because it went 1 of 2 ways

A. biden is sharp, energetic, and easily laughs off trump, who spends the whole debate acting like a huge fakkit, defending the violence on J6, claiming 2020 was stolen, annoying the moderators, etc

B. trump gains, by attacking how "biden has destroyed america", and everything is more expensive now. trump manages to fake a few low-IQ talking points of how he'll bring down costs, interest rates. talks about how he'll "unleash american energy, to bring down gas prices". biden is feebly unable to counter why inflation is up under his administration

biden really only has one option at this point, and its time he busted it out: "i inherited a disaster". dont let trump pretend he left office in 2019. trump's record is not success; it's 8% unemployment, and americans fighting over toilet paper

Professor Emeritus

Poster of the Year
Jan 5, 2015
the ether
if anyone gains, it's because it went 1 of 2 ways

A. biden is sharp, energetic, and easily laughs off trump, who spends the whole debate acting like a huge fakkit, defending the violence on J6, claiming 2020 was stolen, annoying the moderators, etc

B. trump gains, by attacking how "biden has destroyed america", and everything is more expensive now. trump manages to fake a few low-IQ talking points of how he'll bring down costs, interest rates. talks about how he'll "unleash american energy, to bring down gas prices". biden is feebly unable to counter why inflation is up under his administration

biden really only has one option at this point, and its time he busted it out: "i inherited a disaster". dont let trump pretend he left office in 2019. trump's record is not success; it's 8% unemployment, and americans fighting over toilet paper

And you would think that would be easy and obvious for his team to prep him on. Yet time and time again, I see politicians make absolutely asinine decisions during debates as if they weren't prepped at all.

You're absolutely right, and if correctly prepared Biden could count down a great laundry list to kill trump.

"When I came into office, I inherited a disaster! You botched the entire Covid response cause you eliminated the pandemic response team, didn't get any supplies ready in time, and were telling people to try dewormers and bleach that took attention away from scientifically proven treatments. You crashed the economy because you refused to provide enough economic assistance to match the shutdowns that occurred under YOUR watch, and then did nothing to repair the supply chains that collapsed under YOUR presidency. It was up to ME to eventually open up America again, it was up to ME to sign the Covid response bill that allowed American families to recover from that economic disaster, it was up to ME to repair the supply chains that fell apart under you. Oh, and whatever happened to your "Infrastructure Week"? Our supply lines could have been in better shape if you had actually kept to that promise, but once again, it was up to ME to sign the infrastructure boost this country so desperately needed because you dropped the ball."

"Yes, our American families suffered in 2021 and 2022. Yes, inflation was too high. They're still feeling some of the impact of that now. My administration did everything we could to bring us out of that period as quickly as possible, but we had inherited a national economy in complete disarray. You want to pretend like you left office in 2019, but the truth is that the proud men of the D.C. police force were barely able to force you and your insurrectionists out in 2021. Now we've cut the unemployment levels from your presidency by more than half, helped the stock market to record highs, and pulled out of the inflationary period without leaving the nation in recession. Obama handed you a great economy, and you capitalized off that for a couple years but couldn't hold it. You left this country a mess, and we fixed it."

Have a better writer spruce that up a little, and think about how often it would get replayed.