• Total voters

Elim Garak

Mar 8, 2015
I just don't know how people are drawing the conclusion that Trump is winning based on the amount of people who have already voted. I realize we won't truly know until election night or possibly the next day, but it doesn't add up to me.


Honolulu Blue Ski Mask Way
Jun 11, 2012
Lombardi Trophies in Allen Park
That scumbag Mattress Mack doing all he can to throw money at these local Texas MAGA politicians :francis:

On another note, how are the polls/numbers looking in Michigan for the 100k voters who voted uncommitted in the Democratic primary due to the conflict in Gaza? This American Life ran an episode last week about them, and how that movement got frustrated they didn't get a speech at the DNC. The leader of the uncommitted movement is trying to get the Muslim voters to vote Kamala, but wouldn't actually explicitly endorse her. A lot of the people interviewed said they're either going to vote Trump or Jill Stein to show the Democrats that their voice needs to be heard. Very frustrating especially since Trump flat out said Netanyahu needs to finish the job and Stein is clearly a Russian asset. That entire episode made me feel empty :snoop:

The largest donor to the GOP this cycle, Israeli Miriam Adelson has this to say about what's going on over there. In short, she's basically saying kill them all and let their god sort them out.

he monsters of Hamas took their time in carrying out the worst massacre of Jews since the Holocaust. Their foreign fans were not so patient. As the machine-gunning, stabbing, dismembering, burning, torturing, raping and kidnapping of Israeli civilians on the Gaza periphery was still proceeding, pro-Palestinian advocates were already surfacing in Western cities to chant their support.

The media described these displays as “protests.” But that was false: Israel had yet to repel the terrorists, let alone retaliate, so there was nothing to “protest” against. No, those ghastly gatherings of radical Muslim activists, ultra-progressives and Jew-hating career agitators were nothing short of street parties. They were akin to celebrations, hallelujahs to the horrors.

For Israelis, for Jews and for our many supporters in the world, this should have been the final unmasking of the “From the River to the Sea, Palestine Will Be Free” mobs. They do not yearn for Palestinian liberation or advancement. They yearn only to see the end the world’s sole Jewish state. And from the heady remove of their university tenures, NGO jobs or partisan posts, they are willing to countenance an Israeli bloodbath in achieving that goal.

They are our enemies​

These people are not our critics. They are our enemies, the ideological enablers in the West of those who would go to any length to eradicate us from the Middle East. And, as such, they should be dead to us.

Like Jews symbolically sitting shiva for a relative who has brought irretrievable disgrace on the family, we need no longer engage them. Indeed, we must disavow and shame them, deny them employment and public office, defund their colleges and political parties.

Doing all this will be easy, because the stakes in Israel’s war of survival have never been so clear.

If you condemn Hamas and then add a “but” followed by condemnation of Israel, you’re dead to us.

Don’t be dead to us. Be decent and fair. Be morally and intellectually clear-eyed. Be brave.
If you thunder at the tactics of Israel’s counter-offensive, without ever having taken an interest in far bloodier campaigns waged in your name, from Afghanistan to Iraq to Somalia, you’re dead to us.

If you quibble about how many babies were beheaded, or how many women were violated, in the October 7 pogrom, you’re dead to us.

If you are more outraged by posters of kidnapped Israeli kids then you are about the fact that they were kidnapped in a vile crime against humanity, you’re dead to us.

If you persecute Diaspora Jews as part of your pretense of merely opposing Israeli policy, you’re dead to us.

If you insist Israel is obligated to seek accommodation with Hamas, an idea you would never have entertained for Western powers that fought the Nazis, Al Qaeda or ISIS, you’re dead to us.

If you fail to recognize that Israel could end the threats to its existence by bringing its power fully to bear and eliminating Hamas, Hezbollah and the Iranian regime, but does not do so due to its concern for civilian suffering, you’re dead to us.

Be decent and fair​

We Israelis, we Jews love life. And we are done with meekly counting our dead. We have given so much to the world, so much to generations of civilization. Now it is time for some reciprocity.

Don’t be dead to us. Be decent and fair. Be morally and intellectually clear-eyed. Be brave.

We will not forgive our enemies in Gaza or anywhere else. Nor would you.

And nor shall we forget the many who stand by us, understanding that our fight is their fight, too.

In 2005, trying a new tactic, Adelson gave $250,000 to President George W. Bush’s second inauguration. Sheldon did the same. The $500,000 combined got Adelson enough access to drop off at the White House literature about Islamic Jihad and tell Bush’s chief of staff, “I would like the president to see this.”

It’s really amazing that we have this influence,” she said at the time. But the $500,000 did not get Adelson all that she wanted. Bush advocated for “two democratic states, Israel and Palestine, living side by side in peace and security.” Adelson has never believed in what she called the “useless mold of the so-called peace process.”

Sheldon echoed this. There was always going to be collateral damage. “All we care about is being good Zionists, being good citizens of Israel,” he said, conflating his own nationality with his wife’s. “I don’t think the Bible says anything about democracy.”

With Trump, in 2016, Adelson perfected her craft. At first she liked Ted Cruz, who was flamboyantly pro-Israel, as the Republican presidential nominee. But Adelson switched to Trump once she saw that he had more traction with voters. She and Sheldon donated $25 million to Trump’s super-PACs, understanding this would almost certainly enable them to mold Trump’s Israel policy. Campaign and patron understood each other. Before the first Trump-Clinton presidential debate, Rudy Giuliani kissed Miriam’s hand.

Adelson had learned her lesson from Bush in 2005: $500,000 to an inauguration is useless; $500,000 is chump change. She and Sheldon donated $5 million to Trump’s inauguration. For the swearing-in, they sat up on the dais, a few rows behind Jared Kushner. Sheldon, then 83, looked spectrally pale, his peripheral neuropathy catching up with him. Miriam, 71, looked tanned, radiant, giddy, girlish. She snapped photos on her phone, her platinum-blonde hair glinting against her black camel-wool coat.

In the fourth year of his presidency, Trump announced his Middle East peace plan, which wasn’t really a peace plan at all. Kushner had designed it without any input from Palestinians. Netanyahu called it “the deal of the century.” Trump delivered a few pieces of the plan while still in office: He moved the U.S. Embassy in Israel from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem, a clear insult to the Palestinians, as they, too, consider Jerusalem their capital. At the ceremony celebrating the Embassy’s move, Adelson beamed from the front row. That same day, at the Gaza border, Israeli soldiers killed 58 Palestinians protesting the Embassy move.

Many political-fundraising experts, including Craig Holman, Public Citizen’s chief ethics lobbyist, believe Adelson will be Trump’s top patron in 2024, as she was in 2020. What will she expect in return? Beyond unconditional support for the Israel-Hamas war, one can assume she’ll press for the unfinished items of Trump’s Israel agenda from last term. Top of that list: Israel annexing the West Bank and the U.S. recognizing its sovereignty there.

This is not just unpopular — it’s illegal under international law. That is not Adelson’s primary concern. October 7 was “another kind of Holocaust,” she said in a recent speech. “We are people that cherish hope and not hatred, that will fight for what is right, even if it means fighting alone.”

She's about to speedrun their demise over there. Keep crying over Joe and Kamala, Trump is beholden to her and she's out to eradicate everything that isn't Israeli over there and get them out the paint.

So, again I ask, who is getting punished?


Nov 19, 2016
NPAs break Dem way and there’s more this time

Well, when rural Nevada votes dry up and it just leaves Vegas and Reno. It's when the race really kicks up.

Just wild to vote for a climate denier.

I had big worries with the Sunbelt. I hope Arizona can stay consistent and keep multiple path to victories for Harris.


Honolulu Blue Ski Mask Way
Jun 11, 2012
Lombardi Trophies in Allen Park

Given what I've seen in my own family and in surrounding areas here in Northwest Indiana, something by the most prominent black man in America needed to be said. If those words are heeded is the ultimate thing. I'm seeing people dressed like Migos extras with MAGA hats on, shyt is bizarre to me.

Micky Mikey

Sep 27, 2013
Or maybe, despite your frustration, you don't vote for the guy bought by Adelson who has promised to do worse to Arabs?

It's a shytty situation to be in, but explain to me the reasoning behind voting for Trump as a "protest" vote.

Biden has been poor on this issue, but cutting off your nose to spite you face is just as petty and stupid.
You assume the average Arab voter is even aware of any of this. Most of them probably aren't even aware of who Adelson is nor Trump's policy towards Israel. They just see Harris and automatically associate her w Biden.


Nov 26, 2016

The only real Path to actually saving Palestine is through electing Harris. It's really not that hard to comprehend.

Folks in Palestine suffering can't afford righteous anger though, so let the Arab Americans cook.


Nov 29, 2019
Folks in Palestine suffering can't afford righteous anger though, so let the Arab Americans cook.


People should listen to Palestinians not people sitting comfortably in their homes preparing for Halloween festivities.


Jun 24, 2012
Can you guys please stop giving these single issue Gaza people the attention they want.

Clearly they love the engagement on an issue most Americans don’t care about and I seriously doubt it will hurt her in Michigan

This is just another internet echo chamber of nonsense