• Total voters


Nov 19, 2016
Bouzy be on that bullshyt.

But fukk Cenk. That guy has been screaming the democrats lose at every turn even when they win stuff. Well this right here is what they should have done better. He's heres all the things the democrats aren't doing and why they are going to lose. Here's all the ways the democrats suck, but hey vote for them. Because he wants nothing more than to be able to get on camera after election day to beat his chest about how right he was. And should Kamala win, he'll just pivot to some bullshyt and start talking about how "progressives" saved her and all the things she needs to do if she wants to keep the momentum etc.

fukk outta here

2022 Mid Term really exposed their dooming with the "Red" Wave.


the cac mamba

May 21, 2012
She made a bunch of big promises to the middle class and I know Mitch's goal is block every single one of them to get back to presidency in 2028.
i think it'll be Thune's goal, they aren't voting Mitch back into power if Republicans take the Senate back

that whole struggle over their top spot will be interesting, i'm sure some dikkhead like tom cotton will make a run at him


Blade said what up
May 1, 2012
#ByrdGang #TheColi
Israel does deserve blame for the death of the Palestinians. It is an increasingly a rogue state and continues to violate international human rights law by expanding settlements (strategically trying to prevent the creation of a two state solution), maintaining an apartheid regime, and also breaking longstanding diplomatic traditions evidenced perfectly by the killing of Iranian officials at the Iranian Consulate in Syria.

But just as unserious as the people who refuse to assign any blame to Israel, are the clowns, such as yourself, who go out of their way not to assign any blame to Hamas. Anyone familiar with Yahya Sinwar can tell you that he is equally indifferent to Palestinian lives as he is to Israeli lives, and is ok with letting Palestinian people die and suffer in order to achieve his objectives. Hamas are a terrorist group, not heroes, and whether or not their is any legitimacy to their claims based on the apartheid regime maintained by Israel, that does not justify them murdering innocent civilians.

Hamas are not the good guys. Hamas are terrorists who do not care what type of damage is inflicted upon innocent Palestinians based on their actions.

You are not entirely incorrect, but Hamas also knew that their actions would result in the mass slaughter of their civilians. Again, Yahya Sinwar does not care how many Palestinian civilians need to be killed in order to achieve his objectives. Your entire posts is an attempt to absolve Hamas of any responsibility for the devastation that they knew would result from their actions.

You are correct, Biden does have Palestinian blood on his hands and he deserves to be criticized for it. His Israel policy has arguably been the worst part of his administration.

This is your boy's attempt to imply that saying Trump would be better on this issue is "fear mongering", as if anyone who doesn't pay attention to Trump's rhetoric does not know that he would, in fact, be much worse and indifferent to the well-being of Palestinians than either a Biden or Harris Administration.

You are attempting to paint with a broad brush when I have criticized Biden for his policy towards Israel on this site numerous times.

Again, if you are willing to risk a Trump Presidency, you are a virtue signaling fool who cares more about lecturing others than the well being of the Palestinians. Those of us who actually care about Palestinians know that the outcomes for them under Biden/Harris will not be perfect, but they will be BETTER because:

1.) Biden and Harris are not indecent people
2.) The Biden/Harris coalition will actually be responsive to pleas for Palestinians,

Whereas, under Trump, life for Palestinians will be worse because:

1.) He is a racist Islamophobe (2.) He will not have to worry about a third term (either because he is attempting to end democracy or he is term-limited), and (3.) the MAGA base does not give a fukk about Palestinians and will not push him to try to mitigate their pain.

If you actually cared about Palestinians, one of your top objectives should be making sure that Trump never gets anywhere near the levers of power again. But you seem less concerned with that than lecturing others and virtue signaling about how Pro Palestinian you are.

You. Are. Not. Serious. People.
Damn you had time today :whew:

the cac mamba

May 21, 2012
. They should be annihilating this dude right now on his hurricane response, calling out republicans who voted against FEMA, and nailing the Speaker Of The House who is CLEARLY being told by Trump not to reconvene congress.
:patrice: you think the Dems should demand Congress come back, and bail out florida with money? interesting take

Wild self

The Black Man will prosper!
Jun 20, 2012
Israel does deserve blame for the death of the Palestinians. It is an increasingly a rogue state and continues to violate international human rights law by expanding settlements (strategically trying to prevent the creation of a two state solution), maintaining an apartheid regime, and also breaking longstanding diplomatic traditions evidenced perfectly by the killing of Iranian officials at the Iranian Consulate in Syria.

But just as unserious as the people who refuse to assign any blame to Israel, are the clowns, such as yourself, who go out of their way not to assign any blame to Hamas. Anyone familiar with Yahya Sinwar can tell you that he is equally indifferent to Palestinian lives as he is to Israeli lives, and is ok with letting Palestinian people die and suffer in order to achieve his objectives. Hamas are a terrorist group, not heroes, and whether or not their is any legitimacy to their claims based on the apartheid regime maintained by Israel, that does not justify them murdering innocent civilians.

Hamas are not the good guys. Hamas are terrorists who do not care what type of damage is inflicted upon innocent Palestinians based on their actions.

You are not entirely incorrect, but Hamas also knew that their actions would result in the mass slaughter of their civilians. Again, Yahya Sinwar does not care how many Palestinian civilians need to be killed in order to achieve his objectives. Your entire posts is an attempt to absolve Hamas of any responsibility for the devastation that they knew would result from their actions.

You are correct, Biden does have Palestinian blood on his hands and he deserves to be criticized for it. His Israel policy has arguably been the worst part of his administration.

This is your boy's attempt to imply that saying Trump would be better on this issue is "fear mongering", as if anyone who doesn't pay attention to Trump's rhetoric does not know that he would, in fact, be much worse and indifferent to the well-being of Palestinians than either a Biden or Harris Administration.

You are attempting to paint with a broad brush when I have criticized Biden for his policy towards Israel on this site numerous times.

Again, if you are willing to risk a Trump Presidency, you are a virtue signaling fool who cares more about lecturing others than the well being of the Palestinians. Those of us who actually care about Palestinians know that the outcomes for them under Biden/Harris will not be perfect, but they will be BETTER because:

1.) Biden and Harris are not indecent people
2.) The Biden/Harris coalition will actually be responsive to pleas for Palestinians,

Whereas, under Trump, life for Palestinians will be worse because:

1.) He is a racist Islamophobe (2.) He will not have to worry about a third term (either because he is attempting to end democracy or he is term-limited), and (3.) the MAGA base does not give a fukk about Palestinians and will not push him to try to mitigate their pain.

If you actually cared about Palestinians, one of your top objectives should be making sure that Trump never gets anywhere near the levers of power again. But you seem less concerned with that than lecturing others and virtue signaling about how Pro Palestinian you are.

You. Are. Not. Serious. People.

I dont pay attention with the Palestinian/Israeli conflict, but this was legit ether.


May 20, 2012
Well, I wonder what's fukking going on America why their hands are tied and got to playing nice.

8 million Jewish people that densely populate the swing states. It's like we got an election and I wonder why Net is refusing peace talks till after the Election.

I really wonder why is that... It seems like he wants an outcome that gives him the least amount of resistance to genocide and he's trying discourage a pretty sizeable chunk of voters from the only path to saving Palestine. Then, you got Russian bots trying to target progressive into not voting.

It's one thing to be airing rightful grievances at Biden, but you're letting yourself get played by Trump and his new best friend dictator, Net. That is exactly what's happening.

If every goal is by Republicans and their dictator friends is for you to not vote or vote third party. You really got to see through that.

I'm not happy with Harris as a not a real progressive choice for me. I make too much money, straight, and I don't make babies. However, this affect my daughter, my sister, nieces, and my wife. I got LGTBQ, Muslim, and other immigrants workers I also want to take of too and not lose. Ukraine sovereignty is also in the balance with one of Trump's BFF.

Politics aren't going to give you everything you want, but is 80% better than two bit con artist funded by Russia and Republicans with no coalition or executive power to help anyone.

The only real problem is that legislation going to be gridlock with Harris if she can't at least keep a tie in the Senate and win Congress. She made a bunch of big promises to the middle class and I know Mitch's goal is block every single one of them to get back to presidency in 2028.

I don't think we can going through a nothing presidency due to Republicans winning the Senate outright. If that's the reality... I would hope MAGA hits the death spiral, because I just don't see how Dems will keep the presidency other than Harris stepping down for another person to get a run at it.



Dec 4, 2016
Obama my guy but he does this shyt every 4 years and it disgusts me. No other demographic gets belittled and insulted like black men. We are the most progressive voters in the country, dems get at least 80% of us every election yet we constantly get hit with this weird "make sure Pookie and Ray Ray come out to vote" shyt by Obama and others.

The Philly numbers are public record, I posted them earlier today. There is no real indication that black men are the problem here - in fact there is no problem, the numbers look really good. There has to be a better way to fire up democrats and get people to the polls beyond scaremongering about black men being too lazy to vote.
I am curious to see exit polls for this election before I speak too much on this issue but I do think that your perception that "dems get at least 80% of us every election" is based on the past and not current polling data. I would venture to say that this is clearly why Obama is calling out black men (even tho it's likely adding gasoline to the fire):

Younger Black men, in particular, have been straying from the Democratic party. The NAACP released a poll on Friday that found one in four younger Black men are backing her Republican opponent Trump. The survey, conducted in partnership with HIT Strategies and Hart Research, found overall 63 percent of Black voters favored Harris compared to 13 percent that backed Trump.

The gender gap is significant. Two-thirds of Black women (67 percent) back Harris, but among Black men under 50 Harris’ support plummets to 49 percent. Researchers caution the poll was conducted in early August — before both the Democratic convention and this week’s presidential debate — and say late-deciding voters may break for Harris.

Granted, ground was made up post-debate, but that was likely on the edges and doesn't negate the larger-than-ever drop in support. And I highly doubt that the polling commissioned by the NAACP is biased against black men to push a narrative either.

Personally, IRL I've seen a lot more black men parroting far-right talking points than I've ever seen in my life. From anti-immigration, Kamala being not black, Kamala is a cop who wants to lock black men up, etc.

As black men, I'm sure most of us have experienced the TLR perspective becoming a more dominant political viewpoint among low-information black men, so to assume that Dems are just gonna coast to 80% support seems myopic
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King Kreole

natural blondie like goku
Mar 8, 2014
Israel does deserve blame for the death of the Palestinians. It is increasingly a rogue state and continues to violate international human rights law by expanding settlements (strategically trying to prevent the creation of a two state solution), maintaining an apartheid regime, and also breaking longstanding diplomatic traditions evidenced perfectly by the killing of Iranian officials at the Iranian Consul in Syria.

But just as unserious as the people who refuse to assign any blame to Israel, are the clowns, such as yourself, who go out of their way not to assign any blame to Hamas. Anyone familiar with Yahya Sinwar can tell you that he is equally indifferent to Palestinian lives as he is to Israeli lives, and is ok with letting Palestinian people die and suffer in order to achieve his objectives. Hamas are a terrorist group, not heroes, and whether or not their is any legitimacy to their claims based on the apartheid regime maintained by Israel. Hamas are not the good guys. Hamas are terrorists who do not care what type of damage is inflicted upon innocent Palestinians based on their actions.
This "a pox on both houses" both-sidesing a genocidal occupation is the house style for the useless Liberals forced to confront reality and pretend like they want to do something while still seeking to keep the status quo in place. Ta-Nehisi Coates calls out this very line of thinking in his new book. Hamas doesn't have to be "good guys", and to even frame it in such a way indicates a lack of serious, deep thinking on this subject. To posit that Hamas/Sinwar are "equally indifferent to Palestinian lives as he is to Israeli lives" is the kind of orientalist garbage that undergirds the Israeli occupation. It's a comment with no evidence outside the imagination of colonizers and is routinely trotted out to delegitimize resistance movements.

You are not entirely incorrect, but Hamas also knew that their actions would result in the mass slaughter of their civilians. Again, Yahya Sinwar does not care how many Palestinian civilians need to be killed in order to achieve his objectives. Your entire posts is an attempt to absolve Hamas of any responsibility for the devastation that they knew would result from their actions
Hamas knew their action would result in the mass slaughter of their civilians because they are intimately familiar with Israeli slaughter of their civilians over many decades. They were banking on it. Exposing Israeli inhumanity on a mass scale was an explicit part of their strategy, much like a victim of domestic abuse setting up cameras and burning the roast to gather evidence of her husband's violence. That doesn't make the victim culpable for the abuser's violence. Hamas is responsible for the atrocities they committed on October 7th. Israel is responsible for the atrocities they have committed every day since then.

You are correct, Biden does have Palestinian blood on his hands and he deserves to be criticized for it. His Israel policy has arguably been the worst part of his administration.
Glad we agree.

This is your boy's attempt to imply that saying Trump would be better on this issue is "fear mongering", as if anyone who doesn't pay attention to Trump's rhetoric does not know that he would, in fact, be much worse and indifferent to the well-being of Palestinians than either a Biden or Harris Administration.
It is not inconsistent to say that Trump would be worse on this issue AND that people are cynically using the spectre of a hypothetical "worse genocide" under Trump to fear monger in favor of Biden-Harris, who are actively aiding and abetting an actual genocide.

You are attempting to paint with a broad brush when I have criticized Biden for his policy towards Israel on this site numerous times.

Again, if you are willing to risk a Trump Presidency, you are a virtue signaling fool who cares more about lecturing others than the well being of the Palestinians. Those of us who actually care about Palestinians know that the outcomes for them under Biden/Harris will not be perfect, but they will be BETTER because:

1.) Biden and Harris are not indecent people
2.) The Biden/Harris coalition will actually be responsive to pleas for Palestinians, whereas Trump will not both because he is a racist Islamophobe, he will not have to worry about a third term (either because he is attempting to end democracy or he is term-limited), and the MAGA base does not give a fukk about Palestinians and will not push him to try to mitigate their pain.

You. Are. Not. Serious. People.
Yet again, you appear to be punching at ghosts. No one is saying to vote for Trump or they wish Trump wins.

But it's completely ridiculous and sickening to say that people who actually care about Palestinians know that Biden and Harris are not indecent (Biden literally went on live TV and spread atrocity propaganda against the Palestinians while accused them of lying about their dead as he greenlit massive weapons transfers to the people who are committing genocide against them, he is not a decent man) or that The Biden/Harris coalition will actually be responsive to Palestinian pleas (they literally banned Palestinians from appearing on stage at the Democratic National Convention). It is you who is not serious because you are unwilling to acknowledge reality and have retreated to a hypothetical safe space where Trump is the great evil and Biden/Harris are just good people who keep getting tricked into accidentally doing horrendous things.