• Total voters


Nov 1, 2015

What the actual fukk is wrong with him?

Our military is the best in the world, full stop.

I don’t know why anyone would vote for some jackass who constantly denigrates every facet of our nation.

[Quoted tweet]
Trump has put together this transphobic video about the military


sir, please point me towards the other country with twelve carrier groups.

Or the other country rocking a SLBM as advanced as the D5. 🤷‍♂️

Or the other country with anything that can share the skies with an F-22

Or… (I could keep going)

If you have to ask that question after watching the video clip, you're beyond help.
The world is laughing at us.

As compared to the big manly Russian military that is currently getting the shyt kicked out of it by our hand-me-downs in Ukraine?

The world can laugh all they want - we’ll still kick their ass 7 days of the week and twice on Sundays.

For a man who dodged the draft and never served a day in his life, Trump mocking the best military in the world is peak hypocrisy. Only in America could someone so unqualified insult those who protect his freedoms. /search?q=#Disgraceful /search?q=#RespectOurTroops

Donald is a mess. His rally was unintelligible and hateful.

[Quoted tweet]
Yikesssssssss!!!! Donald Trump was a slurry, incoherent mess at his Scranton, Pennsylvania rally. This may have been one of the most nonsensical speeches he’s ever made.

Let’s recap it:

He starts by overcompensating for his tiny crowd by saying there are “a lot of people here.” There were not. It's a small basketball/soccer facility and I'd be shocked if it held more than 2000 people.

He calls VP Harris “a liar.” Ironic coming from a man who literally lies about everything. 🙄

He claims democrats are cheating while asking “how can we cheat?” Methinks he’s telling on himself.

He says that many of the “murderers” who have come into the country have “killed more than one person.” He's ratcheting up his fear mongering.

He’s bragging about how much he raised for Corey Camperatore, when his wife said that all she wants is her husband back.

He whined that the media calls him a liar. Hilarious. 🤣🤣🤣

He’s crying about VP Kamala Harris working at McDonalds. He owns McDonalds stock, so is there any surprise that he keeps talking about them?

He has issues saying “important,” “says,” “dear,” “hydrogen,” “unrecognizable,” “fired,” “electrical,” “electrical” again, “Tesla,” “we’re,” “history,” “documents,” “pay,” “country,” “electoral,” “true,” and “security." His mind is mashed potatoes.

He’s lying about the government response to Hurricane Helene again. What a shameful man.

He says President Biden hates VP Kamala Harris “as much as he hates me.” Uhhhhhhh. No.

He calls Biden stepping down “a coup” and “the first coup in the history of America.” Rich coming from the guy behind J6.

He said he “rented Madison Square Garden” to “make a play for New York, New Jersey, and Virginia.” I snort laughed. Good luck with that, bro. 🤣🤣🤣🤣

He says migrants have “taken over Madison Avenue.” They have not.

He calls VP Harris a socialist after whining about insufficient handouts from the government on Hurricane Helene relief. What a farce.

He lies and says wind is the most expensive energy and calls it “bullshyt.” He also says it “doesn’t work.”

He claims people can’t watch TV if it’s not windy out and then calls liberals “crazy.” This man is unglued. 🤦‍♀️

His slurring is getting bad. It sounds like he’s spitting when he speaks. Gross.

He seemingly hits on someone in the crowd.

He claims he built over 500 miles of wall. He did not. Mexico didn’t pay for what little he did build either.

He says he’s going to go off teleprompter. I thought he doesn’t use a teleprompter? What a joke. 🤣

He said “to hell with these things, they’re boring.” This may be the only honest thing he’s said. His rallies are boring AF.

He calls VP Harris’ policies “demented.” Pure projection.

He says Kamala doesn’t know “where the hell she is.” More projection.

He whines that he doesn’t like being nice. Is he ever nice? 🙄

He claims women want “safety.” I want a country that isn’t run by a rapist.

He said we had the cleanest water under him. Is he going to take credit for Biden replacing lead pipes? Because he sure as hell didn’t do it.

He simps for Leon Musk and calls him “great.” 🤮

He points out that Leon was “jumping around” doing “jumping jacks” and I laughed thinking about how weird he is.

When talking about Elon he said “we have so much fat in this country.” The two of them are land whales.

He’s literally not making any sense while babbling about Leon.

He said if he were Elon then he’d be asking for favors from him about electric cars. Further proof Donald is all about the quid pro quo.

He claims VP Harris isn’t a smart person. Look in the mirror, bro.

He plays a clip of Harris on The View. MAGA is so triggered by strong women. It’s hilarious.

He calls one of the hosts “dumb” repeatedly. You can tell he’s trying not to call her a “dumb b.” Wow. His disdain for women is vile.

He’s babbling about teleprompters.

He’s whining about Biden. He’s obsessed with Biden.

He says Biden is “angry at her.” Biden has been campaigning for Kamala Harris.

He says “there’s going to be an explosion before the election with them...there’s going to be an explosion.” Is he Freudian slipping some kind of a plot here?

He claimed POTUS died after a news conference. This man has lost all of his marbles. 🤯

He’s slurry and nonsensical. This babbling is really wild. I can’t see how anyone would vote for this loon.

He said he “won” the classified documents case. He did not.

He’s crying about Biden some more. Bro is fixated. Weird.

He’s not even finishing his sentences. He’s mentally fried.

He brags about knowing Kim Jong Un, Xi, and Putin. Gross. 🤢

He said he “knocked out ISIS.” He did not.

He’s showing an awful lot of video clips. I guess his handlers want him to speak less. 🤣🤣

The stock market is at an all time high with Kamala as VP yet he claims there will be a “1929-style depression” if she wins the election. Sure, bro.

He’s trying to explain how loans work and he’s failing miserably. JFC this man is a mess.

I am convinced bro is on a serious amount of drugs.

He said he “shouldn’t have to campaign” and it should just be “automatic.” When people say he wants to be a dictator for life, believe them.

He plugs Melania’s book. This is a transactional marriage.

He praised Bill O’Reilly, who is a vile man who has thankfully faded into irrelevance.

He said if Melania wasn’t treating him well then he “wouldn’t be talking about her.” He next to never talks about her, unless it’s to plug her book. He told on himself there. 🤣🤣🤣🤣

He claimed “our companies are all trying to be stolen.” What?!!?

He calls Vivek Ramaswamy “smart.” 🙄

Vivek is apparently the one who told him that he should cut business taxes down to 15%. More billionaires not paying their fair share. Shameful.

He brags that he doesn’t “fall off bicycles.” We all know that fat man would fall off a bicycle so fast if he even tried to get on one.

He claims he can “talk about hundreds of things at the same time and always get back to the point.” He cannot even speak in full sentences and he’s incoherent when he tries to multitask, so no, he cannot. 🤦‍♀️

He thinks he can do things other people cannot. Yeah, he can act like a total demented blowhard and still have people hang on his every word while he campaigns to make them even less educated.

He’s back to calling the U.S. “a failing nation.” The only failure is him.

He praises the tariffs and the state of affairs back in the late 1800s. I’m convinced Donald wants to repeal the 14th amendment and bring back Jim Crow or slavery.

He said “we’re going to pay off debt or we’re going to reduce taxes.” Bro ballooned our national debt. The only thing this man cares about is reducing taxes for his wealthy donors.

He’s lying about the Teamsters endorsement. The national Teamsters group didn’t endorse anyone. 🙄

He calls the head of the Teamsters, Sean O’Brien, “a great guy” because O’Brien likes him.

Over an hour into his speech, he finally mentions the fact that there’s a hurricane heading to Florida. So far all he’s done is slam the response to Hurricane Helene. Shameful man.

He’s back to calling Elizabeth Warren “Pocahontas.”

He says “if you don’t have a gun, you’re in big trouble.” Now he’s calling for his cult to be armed.

He starts talking smack about Chicago. Keep my city’s name outta your damn mouth! 😡

He’s lying about sex changes.

He’s whining about tampons. Why’s MAGA always pushing this sad lie about them being in bathrooms. He called Tim Walz “a freak” while saying he’s “not allowed to say that.”

He claims VP Harris and Tim Walz are the “true threat to democracy” and that he’s going to be the one to “save democracy.” I snort laughed. 🤣🤣🤣🤣

He calls Democrats “the enemy from within.” So much for MAGA wanting the rhetoric tamed.

He wants to know if there’s a “young child in the crowd.” Uh…creepy AF! 😲

He calls Adam Kinzinger “a sleezebag” and calls Democrats “sick people.” Do go on about DemOCRaT RehToriC, MAGA. 🙄

He also said that Democrats admitted that “Russia Russia Russia” was “a hoax.” We did not. It was real and it still IS real.

He claims VP Harris and Tim Walz “are coming after the unions.” This is utterly laughable. Donald Trump admitted that he hired non-union people for his jobs because he didn’t want to pay overtime. He hired illegal immigrants for his projects.

The crowd is checked out. People are on their phones. People are leaving. People are over it.

He whines that bad cops who are caught breaking the law have their houses, cars, and pensions taken away. HARD PASS on total immunity for crooked cops. WE ARE NOT GOING BACK after all of the progress that has been made after Black Lives Matter to hold these bad apples accountable!

He claims every day will be filled with “hope” if he wins. Absolute lunacy from this man who can’t even come up with his own slogans. 🤣

He starts to say he could be anywhere but there, “I could be on a beautiful beach right now” and then fails to change his approach because he knows the crowd will be insulted by him slamming Pennsylvania. Solid plan, stable genius. 🙄


Well…that was…interesting.

Donald was having some sort of an episode today. I’m not sure if it was drugs, a lack of ADD medicine, or what, but he was a total mess.

He couldn’t finish his thoughts. He trailed off and picked up his sentences with something completely irrelevant, and then praised himself for being a genius who can do things other people can’t.

If that’s what he thinks competency and multitasking looks like, I want absolutely no part of it.

His ability to communicate like a normal person is long gone. This just highlights how far gone he really is.

And once again, the media will sanewash him. They won’t cover any of this, and we’re left to our own devices.

We need to vote like our country depends on it, because this man is utterly unfit to run it.

He’s unfit to run a lemonade stand at this point.

Trump's followers have been carefully conditioned over the past decade to hate their country, their fellow Americans, and everything that represents Liberalism

They're brainwashed

I wonder if JDVance approved that message.

[Quoted tweet]
J Drag Vance


Our military is dealing with dismal retention and recruiting numbers right now... If you knew anything about the majority of the men who are willing to lay down their lives for this country, you'd understand how effective this message is.

It's on trumps website that he wants to fire democrats from the military.


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King Static X

The Realest King (የተከበረው ንጉሥ)
Aug 18, 2017
Kings County
That was a little different because -

1. Obama was a super talented once-in-a-lifetime politician. Kamala is cool but she's not Obama.
2. A big part of why Obama won was because of how unpopular Bush and the war in Iraq was, as talented as Obama was I think any Dem would've won that year.

I'm not saying Kamala can't win but there's some legitimate reason to be nervous. These swing state polls are too close.
Obama was a once in a lifetime talent tho.
Kamala's not Obama but she's formidable in her own right.

Her campaign has raised so far over $1 BILLION dollars and that's mostly from small donors. She fills up every arena, stadium, field, stage, etc she goes. The energy is off the charts.

The Democratic Party's base right now hasn't been this united since...you guessed it...Obama. She has made minimal errors in her campaign so far.

She can win and is the (slight) favorite right now. Nothing has changed. Just have faith.


Apr 30, 2012
Kamala's not Obama but she's formidable in her own right.

Her campaign has raised so far over $1 BILLION dollars and that's mostly from small donors. She fills up every arena, stadium, field, stage, etc she goes. The energy is off the charts.

The Democratic Party's base right now hasn't been this united since...you guessed it...Obama. She has made minimal errors in her campaign so far.

She can win and is the (slight) favorite right now. Nothing has changed. Just have faith.
The Democratic Party base is nowhere near as united as it was under Obama :laff:.

You have major labor unions not endorsing and Obama was the anti-war candidate. I’m not even saying she won’t win but you guys need to stop lying to the kids on here. Kamala is basically trying to put together the Biden collation which got him a razor thin victory. It’s not an illegitimate strategy but it’s one that has less upside than Obama’s strategy.

King Static X

The Realest King (የተከበረው ንጉሥ)
Aug 18, 2017
Kings County
The Democratic Party base is nowhere near as united as it was under Obama :laff:.

You have major labor unions not endorsing and Obama was the anti-war candidate. I’m not even saying she won’t win but you guys need to stop lying to the kids on here.
Man, shut up. Most major unions have endorsed Kamala.

Also, that's has nothing to do with the Democratic base. Kamala is regularly getting 95-96% of Democratic voters in the polls (Biden and Hillary didn't get those numbers). That's a united base if you need it spelled out for you.


Retired Legend
Apr 30, 2012
Trump running a smart campaign, he might lose but they have effectively made kamala prove how further right she is while he other a bunch of "potential " progressive ideas such as car loan interest rate being tax deductible