• Total voters


The Original
Dec 9, 2012
The Deep State
"Contrasting opinions" meaning "being a bigot"

You’re using lingo instead of defending or establishing your stance. What is a bigot or what did I say that was bigoted?

Biology isn’t bigotry.


You are an Indian bigot.

I’m black and I don’t know what calling me a bigot is supposed to do. Is that supposed to change my behavior? Should I be ashamed of being called a bigot? Is that bad? When you keep using slang it’s hard to know what you mean to communicate.
Stop shytposting on the coli and focus on your burgeoning rap career:


Considerating that I’m not Indian I find it funny you would mock Indians to defend your preferred minority group as you initially did by saying trans issues were your cause celebre.


Nov 1, 2015

What if I told you the plot to block Georgia’s 2024 election results is largely being driven by one person?

An illegal meeting, election rule changes & a key player pushing Trump’s agenda — something big is going on behind the scenes in Georgia.

Here's why you should care. ⬇️

The @Guardian's Sam Levine (@srl) published a new story breaking down how Janice Johnston, a Republican-appointed Georgia Election Board member, has become the driving force behind MAGA’s efforts to obstruct the certification of election results. How Janice Johnston is ‘laying the groundwork for chaos’ in Georgia’s elections

Johnston's rapid rise to one of the most powerful positions in Georgia elections is no accident.

She went from a relatively unknown poll watcher to a key player on the Election Board thanks to pressure from MAGA election deniers and Trump allies.

.@FairFightAction's @GWLauren told @Guardian: [She] seems to be the one really running Georgia’s election board...By giving extremists who are all in on Trump’s 2020 election lies the power to block the certification of votes, she’s laying the groundwork for election chaos.

Johnston has led the 3-member Georgia Election Board MAGA majority to pass election rule changes that allow local election officials, many who believe Trump's lies about his 2020 election loss, to refuse to certify election results based on irregularities, without evidence.

One rule change gives new power to election officials that makes their duty to certify election results discretionary, conflicting with state law which says the duties are mandatory.

The vague language allows MAGA officials to demand endless documentation & block certification.

Democrats are suing to block the election rule changes that conflict with Georgia law and could lead to post-election “chaos” in November. https://www.cnn.com/2024/08/26/politics/democrats-lawsuit-georgia-certification-rules/index.html

On Friday, Sept. 20, the MAGA Election Board passed another rule change that seems meant to create a fail point in Georgia's election system.
Pro-Trump Georgia election board changes rules 45 days before election

The rule change requires poll officers to hand count the total number of Election Day ballots cast and reconcile those totals with the totals reported by ballot scanners. MAGA Republicans pass new election rules in Georgia that could rig the state for Trump

The logistical challenge of hand counting thousands of votes so quickly will likely lead to errors.

It seems the MAGA operation wants to create an election failure point so they can cry fraud and try to install Trump as the winner, even if he doesn’t earn a majority of votes.

Before the MAGA Election Board members passed this rule change on Friday, Sept. 20, the Georgia Attorney General warned that the rule change, and others, likely violate state law.

[Quoted tweet]
🗳️ NEW: The Georgia Attorney General issued a stark warning to the MAGA Election Board today that their rules changes may exceed their authority & violate state law.

The AG's warning came just before the pro-Trump board's Friday meeting to further change election rules. ⬇️

Johnston isn’t acting alone. She’s working with a network of election deniers who buy Trump’s Big Lie & some who aided his failed attempt to overturn the 2020 election.

They're changing rules to try & give themselves the power to install the leader that they, not voters, choose.

In emails, Johnston coordinated with people like David Hancock, a Gwinnett County election official and staunch election denier, to strategize on how to delay certification and push election fraud conspiracies into the mainstream. Here's How Pro-Trump Georgia Officials Wrote New Rules to Deny Election Results

On the Election Board, Johnston has continued to push lies about 2020 election fraud (the results were affirmed by 2 different recounts).

During a May meeting, she suggested there could be over 17,000 ballots missing in Fulton county because ballot images had not been provided.

The false claim about missing chain-of-custody documents in Fulton County – circulated by election deniers seeking to overturn the 2020 election – has been widely debunked. Fact Check: Fulton County Is Not Missing Ballots Or Hundreds Of Drop Box Custody Forms

A lawyer for the Georgia Secretary of State’s Office, said unequivocally there were no missing ballots: “We have the paper ballots. The paper ballots exist. There’s no 17,000 missing ballots.” How Janice Johnston is ‘laying the groundwork for chaos’ in Georgia’s elections

Regardless of the facts and reality, Johnston still filed a motion to have the Secretary of State deduct the 17,000 ballots – larger than President Joe Biden’s margin of victory in Georgia – from the certified vote total or investigate what happened. The motion failed.

Even more concerning, Johnston is coordinating with Trump allied election deniers Julie Adams and Michael Heekin, Fulton County election officials who have refused to certify elections.

This provides a clear picture of how far they’re willing to go. Republican who refused to certify Georgia primary a member of election denialist group

Johnston’s ties to Trump were revealed when he praised her at an Atlanta rally in August, calling her a “pit bull” fighting for “victory.”

Johnston waved as the crowd cheered, showing her allegiance to Trump’s election-denial agenda.

Here's the video. ⬇️

[Quoted tweet]
The Georgia State Election Board members Trump thanked & singled out were recently appointed:

Janice Johnston
Rick Jeffares
Janelle King

Trump called them "pitbulls fighting for honesty, transparency, and victory."

So, what exactly are they fighting for?

Trump’s praise isn’t just for show — it’s a signal.

By praising Johnston and the other MAGA board members at his rally, Trump is ensuring his base knows who to rely on to undermine Georgia’s election results if he doesn’t win.

Despite concerns about Johnston's actions from Georgia Republicans and Democrats, her influence on the Election Board has grown.

She’s become the leader of a MAGA voting bloc on the board that seems determined to block certification and sow chaos in Georgia’s election.

More danger lies in the precedent Johnston's actions are setting.

If election deniers can obstruct certification in 2024, we could be looking at a chaotic future where election results are constantly questioned, undermining our electoral process, and weakening our democracy.

Despite all of this, it's crucial to remember that we, the voters, can still stop MAGA's plot to obstruct our elections.

As Georgia voters, we have real political power. MAGA wouldn't be working so hard to veto our votes if we didn't have the power to stop them.

That's why it's so critical that Georgians show up to vote in this election — and don't wait until November.

Early voting starts in October. Make your plan today: Peach Vote: Georgia Election Dates, Voting Information and Deadlines.

We can stop MAGA's scheme to install Trump in power by showing up to vote in huge numbers (too large for MAGA to lie about fraud), like we did in 2020.

Talk to friends, family & neighbors — especially those who don't usually vote.

We’ve beat Trump before. We can do it again.

Really appreciate your help spreading this crucial information!

If you want to turn out voters in battleground states, volunteer with
@FairFightAction: Fair Fight - Let's Freaking Go Volunteer - LFGV 2024

Aren’t able to volunteer? Consider supporting Fair Fight with a contribution: Chip in to Fair Fight >>

Please retweet the first tweet in this thread to share!⬇️

Make sure to follow @FairFightAction, a pro-voter org pushing back on MAGA's anti-voter plot.

Consider giving me a follow if you’re interested in Georgia updates.

[Quoted tweet]
What if I told you the plot to block Georgia’s 2024 election results is largely being driven by one person?

An illegal meeting, election rule changes & a key player pushing Trump’s agenda — something big is going on behind the scenes in Georgia.

Here's why you should care. ⬇️

To post tweets in this format, more info here: https://www.thecoli.com/threads/tips-and-tricks-for-posting-the-coli-megathread.984734/post-52211196



The Original
Dec 9, 2012
The Deep State
Lol what a stupid choice. If Trump gets in Gaza and the West Bank will literally be reduced to dust and ashes. And there won't be a thing they can do about it.
I keep asking this because people dont realize how non-progressive these islamic communities are:

‘A sense of betrayal’: liberal dismay as Muslim-led US city bans Pride flags

These are @AquaCityBoy and @Hood Critic folks. You wanna defend everything under the sun, this is what you get. Yall dont stand for anything or have any standards of actual issues so thats how yall are defending transitioning kids…and muslim communities that dont even fukk with your politics.

@Black Magisterialness @the cac mamba @voiture @Creflo ½ Dollar @invalid @Pressure @wire28 @ADevilYouKhow @88m3 @MeachTheMonster @Wargames @Tair @Da_Eggman @Mister Terrific


Rhyme Reason
May 11, 2012
got a call for three nines

You “hope” he doesn’t run again.
Everything we know about Trump tells us that he will never relinquish his grip over that party. It goes against every fiber of his being.

I dont think he would leave the WH in 2028 willingly if he won this year TBH. He would spend four years trying to find a way where he run for office in 2028 and he would find sycophants who would help him make the legal case.

For native born Americans, this may seem absurd, but some of us naturalized citizens, watching unfit men hold on to power at any cost is familiar.


Who is to say he wins or loses this election and then there will be no more elections.

I still can’t risk voting for Stein or Cornell



New Hope For the HaveNotz
May 6, 2012
Buzz City, NC :blessed:
I keep asking this because people dont realize how non-progressive these islamic communities are:

‘A sense of betrayal’: liberal dismay as Muslim-led US city bans Pride flags

These are @AquaCityBoy and @Hood Critic folks. You wanna defend everything under the sun, this is what you get. Yall dont stand for anything or have any standards of actual issues so thats how yall are defending transitioning kids…and muslim communities that dont even fukk with your politics.

@Black Magisterialness @the cac mamba @voiture @Creflo ½ Dollar @invalid @Pressure @wire28 @ADevilYouKhow @88m3 @MeachTheMonster @Wargames @Tair @Da_Eggman @Mister Terrific

They’re religious nut jobs just like Christians. If Republicans weren’t racist they would be voting GOP
Aug 21, 2014
I'm a Black man too, and it's obvious you don't actually care about human rights if you're sitting here dismissing trans rights and calling them illegitimate. You've already exposed yourself in the past by aligning with bigots and pushing the same rhetoric they use. You even post bullshyt from fukking Reduxx, like they're credible. You’ve shared articles from Christopher Rufo-aligned bigots too. You're in here arguing for us to ignore the fact that trans people are under attack (like we all are) just because you think it's politically expedient, and that's unacceptable to most reasonable people. We're not going to cherry-pick who support. And we understand that support them isn't weighing us down. And get over yourself. All you do is spam threads with articles you haven't taken the time to read or with tweets.
You put this well but Team Nap is a they/them hive mind who either
A- Is paid to spam this website by driving traffic through links
B- Spams this website for free:heh:

He isnt worth engaging, most of his posting is just a self-made monument to his own mental illness (at best)


The Original
Dec 9, 2012
The Deep State
You put this well but Team Nap is a they/them hive mind who either
A- Is paid to spam this website by driving traffic through links
B- Spams this website for free:heh:

He isnt worth engaging, most of his posting is just a self-made monument to his own mental illness (at best)
You defend this?



the heir apparent
Jun 21, 2012
You defend this?

Have you been able to post any specific races that were won/lost based on trans issues? Funny thing about the articles you post, I've never been able to find any of these races you're alluding to.

When you're done bytching about having to do our homework for us, can you post up some specific races?