We Are NXT!
There is a possibility they do one of those "Last Chance" matches where all the losers of the qualifying matches has 1 multi-person match for the final spot. WWE loves doing that. They just did it for Deadline for the Iron Survivor. That's why I still have hope she will be added. Until they show they aren't doing it I'm still going with it as my prediction.Rhea already cost Iyo her chamber slot for the EC. If anything, they should technically book a title match against each other on 3/1 and then Rhea would face the winner of the EC at WrestleMania. I know that Iyo is great in the ring but I haven't dig her character on tv, so I don't feel it would be a great build until late April. I with the majority feeling that we would like the see Rhea vs Bianca for WM but we don't trust HHH booking for it.
Edit: Well I seemed to have forgotten the Bayley/Lyra and Naomi/Chelsea qualifiers already announced, so after those that will be 5 of 6. Now a rumor was Roxanne vs Raquel would be the last match so I guess we just have to see if that's true but also a weird choice. Gotta let this shyt play out. It's why I hate guessing this early.
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