Yeah, He wouldn’t do much in this WWEWouldn't be surprised if he's done with wrestling
That's what some sheets felt but I have no idea if WWE is interested. I'd say creative freedom is certainly out the window. This is a guy who thought being a "gamer" was a great gimmick for him initially. He didn't gain any type of steam until "The Redeemer" shyt popped off.
Lol forcing a MF to take your paychecks to do nothing is not a flexJust think, Rey Fenix could have his release by now if he didn’t act like a psychopath on Twitter.
Wonder what happens with Britt, Ray Fenix, and Wardlow.
Its says a lot about how p*ssy TK is that he only did this because WWE did releases.
Def Rebel already planning some bad AI done Jazz music as we speakDoes anyone know if Starks can take his entrance music with him? That shyt is perfect for him, hopefully he doesn't have to change it.
Does anyone know if Starks can take his entrance music with him? That shyt is perfect for him, hopefully he doesn't have to change it.
Tell Mannie Fresh that I said if he makes Starks a new theme, then I'll stop telling everybody that he looks like a stud auntie.I highly HIGHLY doubt it. we talked about trying to get a beat from Mannie Fresh for a new entrance theme.
The NXT mens division needs more notable talent so Ricky needs to head there first for sure.Well we have a whole thread on HHH's horrible booking of black talent, so I think we need to see Starks in NXT for a little while. He was my favorite potential signing but he still needs to be built up for the WWE crowd, and putting him on the main roster right now will give him the MCMG treatment from the crowd.
NXT needs Ricky but eyes will be on TripsWell we have a whole thread on HHH's horrible booking of black talent, so I think we need to see Starks in NXT for a little while. He was my favorite potential signing but he still needs to be built up for the WWE crowd, and putting him on the main roster right now will give him the MCMG treatment from the crowd.