demand drives supply.
supply does not drive demand.
it doesnt matter if mercedes benz can open a showroom on every city block if there is no one who is able to afford purchasing one.
low and middle class earners spend more of their money putting it out into the economy which insures that other people have jobs selling or making or srvicing those things that
the low and middle class buy. wealth sitting in an offshore account or just gaining intrest and or dividends here in the US doesnt create any additional jobs, just more money for those who hold it.
trickle down does NOT work.
its never worked.
its not going to work.

supply does not drive demand.
it doesnt matter if mercedes benz can open a showroom on every city block if there is no one who is able to afford purchasing one.
low and middle class earners spend more of their money putting it out into the economy which insures that other people have jobs selling or making or srvicing those things that
the low and middle class buy. wealth sitting in an offshore account or just gaining intrest and or dividends here in the US doesnt create any additional jobs, just more money for those who hold it.
trickle down does NOT work.
its never worked.
its not going to work.