Synopsis: dikk Gregory was an icon for Black America. A comedian who used his considerable public platform for activism during the civil rights movement of the 60s, he was the rare entertainer who felt almost as at home on the couch of The Tonight Show as he did on the front lines of the fight for racial equity and justice. Comprised of stunning archival footage and contemporary interviews, Andre Gaines’ brilliant debut feature takes a close look at Gregory’s legacy, documenting his many personal reinventions throughout the decades, while hearing from the countless entertainers (Dave Chappelle & Chris Rock among them) who have been inspired by his blueprint. The film solidly tackles its mission to expose the work of this genius to a new generation, providing a caring and thrilling portrait of Black excellence against all odds. Executive Produced by Kevin Hart and Lena Waithe, “The One And Only dikk Gregory” shines a light on this inimitable man in a way that is long overdue.
Starring: dikk Gregory, Kevin Hart, Chris Rock, Lena Waithe, Dave Chappelle, Wanda Sykes, W. Kamau Bell, Harry Belafonte
Written By: Andre Gaines
Produced By: Andre Gaines, Valerie Edwards
Directed By: Andre Gaines
Synopsis: dikk Gregory was an icon for Black America. A comedian who used his considerable public platform for activism during the civil rights movement of the 60s, he was the rare entertainer who felt almost as at home on the couch of The Tonight Show as he did on the front lines of the fight for racial equity and justice. Comprised of stunning archival footage and contemporary interviews, Andre Gaines’ brilliant debut feature takes a close look at Gregory’s legacy, documenting his many personal reinventions throughout the decades, while hearing from the countless entertainers (Dave Chappelle & Chris Rock among them) who have been inspired by his blueprint. The film solidly tackles its mission to expose the work of this genius to a new generation, providing a caring and thrilling portrait of Black excellence against all odds. Executive Produced by Kevin Hart and Lena Waithe, “The One And Only dikk Gregory” shines a light on this inimitable man in a way that is long overdue.
Starring: dikk Gregory, Kevin Hart, Chris Rock, Lena Waithe, Dave Chappelle, Wanda Sykes, W. Kamau Bell, Harry Belafonte
Written By: Andre Gaines
Produced By: Andre Gaines, Valerie Edwards
Directed By: Andre Gaines