Synopsis: The story follows Moses Johnson (Tosin Cole), a promising, Black high school athlete, who is swept up into the infamously corrupt Chicago criminal justice system. Taken by the police as a supposed gang member, he finds himself in the eye of the storm as police and prosecutors seek revenge for the death of an officer during a drug bust gone wrong. Franklin Roberts (Courtney B. Vance) is a public defender in the twilight of his career serving the busiest courthouse in America.
After promising his wife he’d retire to spend more time with their seventeen-year-old autistic son, Franklin realizes Moses Johnson is the case of a lifetime, one that can upend the entire Chicago judicial system, challenging the institutional racism, and endemic corruption at its heart. Timely and provocative, “61st Street” is set against the systemic abuse happening in some of our country’s most vulnerable communities.
Starring: Courtney B. Vance, Tosin Cole, Bentley Green, Aunjanue Ellis, Andrene Ward-Hammond, **** McCallany, Killian Scott, Jerod Haynes, Mark O’Brien
After promising his wife he’d retire to spend more time with their seventeen-year-old autistic son, Franklin realizes Moses Johnson is the case of a lifetime, one that can upend the entire Chicago judicial system, challenging the institutional racism, and endemic corruption at its heart. Timely and provocative, “61st Street” is set against the systemic abuse happening in some of our country’s most vulnerable communities.
Starring: Courtney B. Vance, Tosin Cole, Bentley Green, Aunjanue Ellis, Andrene Ward-Hammond, **** McCallany, Killian Scott, Jerod Haynes, Mark O’Brien