The intense rivalry between Dragon Lee and Santos Escobar reaches a new level when the two Superstars clash in the United States Title Tournament. Also another dynamic United States Title Tournament Match , “The All Mighty” Bobby Lashley will take on Karrion Kross in a first-time-ever showdown. An opportunity against U.S. Champion Logan Paul awaits the winner of the eight-man tournament.
In the wake of the brutal Women’s WarGames Match at Survivor Series, Charlotte Flair will go to battle against Asuka. Find out what happens when The Queen sets her sights on The Empress of Damage CTRL.
At Survivor Series: WarGames, CM Punk shocked the world when he emerged in WWE for the first time in nearly 10 years! After celebrating his return on Monday Night Raw,Punk is now set to reemerge on SmackDown. What's up next for The Second City Saint? Will any Superstars step to the outspoken returning Superstar?