10 Of The Dumbest News Stoires From 2014


Cook with a Mouth
Jun 6, 2013
#midnightboyz/ #Neggas-Black & White/ #TNT
7 people die after climbing down well in Cambodia to retrieve 75 cents


By Staff The Associated Press
Seven people died from a lack of oxygen after climbing down a well in Cambodia to retrieve about 75 cents, police and relatives said Sunday.
(AP Photo/Heng Sinith)
PHNOM PENH, Cambodia – Seven people died from a lack of oxygen after climbing down a well in Cambodia to retrieve about 75 cents, police and relatives said Sunday.
The incident happened late Saturday in a remote area of the northwestern province of Siem Reap when an 11-year-old boy and six other people went into the well to collect 3,000 riel (75 cents). The boy’s older sister, Che Chhan, said their father had accidentally dropped the money when taking water.
She said her 13-year-old sister and 15-year-old brother also died, as well as four of her neighbours.
“My youngest brother thought the amount of money was huge for poor people like us,” Che Chhan said by phone.​
Police officer Muy Norn said the victims died due to a lack of oxygen at the bottom of the 5-meter (16-foot) -deep well.
Cambodia is one of the world’s poorest countries.

School fires employee after post about homophones

A "SOCIAL media strategist" for a school in Utah has been sacked after writing a blog post explaining what a homophone was.

Tim Torkildson, the former employee at the Nomen Global Language Center, said he was removed from his role as head of social media because his boss believed that his post about homophones might give off the impression that the school promoted homosexuality.

A homophone, not to be confused with homosexual (or ironically, homophobe), is the name given to a word that sounds the name as another but has a different meaning, for example "witch" and "which", or "carat" and "carrot".

Speaking to the Salt Lake City Tribune, Torkildson said that after the post went public he was called into the office of the company's owner Clarke Woodger, who told him he was fired.

According to Torkildson, who posted the conversation between the two on Facebook, Woodger said that Torkildson "could not be trusted" and that he was worried that the school would now be associated with homosexuality.

He further alleged that Woodger told him that the only job he would ever succeed in would be "something clerical", where he would be "closely supervised and have immediate goals at all times."

The homophones explanation has now been removed from the language school's website.

Torkildson said that he understood that the word's "homo" prefix might cause controversy, but he said that the explanation he had given had been "straightforward" and something that those in the early stages of learning English needed to know.

Woodger refuted the comments from Torkildson, saying that his decision to remove him from his post had nothing to do with homosexuality.

He told the Salt Lake Tribune that Torkildson's recent blog postings had begun to "go off on tangents" and had become confusing and sometimes offensive.

He also said that homophones were beyond the understanding of the majority of the students at Nomen, who were mostly at the basic levels of learning the language.

Missing woman unwittingly joins search party looking for herself

A group of tourists spent hours Saturday night looking for a missing woman near Iceland's Eldgja canyon, only to find her among the search party.

The group was travelling through Iceland on a tour bus and stopped near the volcanic canyon in the southern highlands Saturday afternoon, reports the Icelandic news organization mbl.is.

One of the women on the bus left to change her clothes and freshen up. When she came back, her busmates didn't recognize her.

Soon, there was word of a missing passenger. The woman didn't recognize the description of herself, and joined in the search.

About 50 people searched the terrain by vehicles and on foot. The coast guard was even readying a helicopter to help.

But the search was called off at about 3 a.m., when it became clear the missing woman was, in fact, accounted for and searching for herself.
Zoo realises it has been trying to mate two male hyenas for four years


A zoo in Japan has been forced to admit that it tried to mate two male hyenas for four years, after mistakenly thinking that one of them was female.

A stock image of two hyenas. Credit: Reuters
Maruyama Zoo in Sapporo said it had been given the spotted hyenas, Kami and Kamutori, as a "male and female pair" as part of an exchange with a South Korean zoo in 2010.
After the two animals struggled to reproduce, the zoo conducted a gender test under anaesthesia.
The results confimed that Kami, the now five-year-old "female", was actually a male.
A statement from the zoo said "the external genitalia of the male and female are similar", making identification of sex "very difficult".
There are now plans to find an authentic female to breed with either Kami or Kamutori, it added.

Students Denied Diplomas for Tossing Graduation Caps in Air

An entire class of graduating seniors in a Chicago suburb was denied diplomas after the students ignored warnings not to throw their graduation caps into the air during Tuesday's commencement ceremony

"It was the perfect ending to the graduation, but unfortunately we didn't get our diplomas," graduating senior Andre Taraska said.

The Ridgewood High School students in northwest suburban Norridge will not be given their diplomas unless they publicly apologize, officials said. School administrators, who say the students were warned repeatedly beforehand, called their actions disrespectful.

"The gym is decorated; people dress up (some of them); we expect dignified behavior," Lupo wrote. "Secondly, it is an indoor event. In past ceremonies, people have been hit by flying caps. We'd just as soon not have graduates leaving with cuts and black eyes."

Lupo also addressed the students who didn't throw their caps, saying they should voice their concerns with the students who didn't listen.

Parent Mary Sticha supports the students.

"It was kind of silly that they would request them not to," Sticha said. "It wasn't a way to disrespect anyone, it was just a way to do something together and celebrate the end of the year."

Lupo also said on his blog that "perhaps it is the final lesson they will take away from high school: there are consequences for behaviors in life."

Senior Jackie Rios disagrees.

"I just think it's really ridiculous. We worked so hard to get to this point," Rios said.

Lupo did not return calls requesting comment Wednesday. The students will be allowed to pick up their diplomas if class representatives apologize at the June 4 meeting. There's no word on what the students plan to do.


Cook with a Mouth
Jun 6, 2013
#midnightboyz/ #Neggas-Black & White/ #TNT
Disabled Boy Records Bullies Tormenting Him, Police Charge Him With Illegal Wiretapping

After a disabled special education child tried to record how bullies were tormenting him at school, the police in Pennslyvania responded by slapping him with the charge of felony wiretapping.

The disabled boy in this new incident was not named specifically, but his mother’s name is Shea Love, and she did not demand that her son record what the bullies were allegedly doing to him. The 15-year-old boy was previously diagnosed with a comprehension delay disorder, ADHD, and an anxiety disorder. The boy claims he was constantly being bullied at his school, and in order to prove to his mother that he “wasn’t lying” he decided to use his school-issued iPad to record the bullying:

“I was really having things like books slammed upside my head. I wanted it to stop. I just felt like nothing was being done.”​

Unfortunately, the school also deleted the evidence off of the iPad, but Mrs. Love, who is an Air Force morse code operator, transcribed the seven-minute audio. The teacher in the classroom is heard attempting to help the boy with a math problem, and one of the bullies is heard saying, “You should pull his pants down!” Another bully replies, “No, man. Imagine how bad that (c**t) smells! No one wants to smell that (t**t).” The teacher attempts to get the other students to settle down but then a loud sound is heard, which the boy claimed was the sound of a book being slammed down after one bully mimed hitting him in the head with it. As the boys laugh, the teacher yells at them and the guilty bully responds, “What? I was just trying to scare him!”

After Mrs. Love submitted the recorded evidence to the principal of South Fayette High School, the administrators called police, but not before they made the boy delete the recording. Lieutenant Robert Kurta then charged the boy with the crime of felony wiretapping because he made the recording in a place where there was an expectation of privacy. They then attempted to interrogate her “visibly distraught” son.
Although in court the charges were reduced to disorderly conduct, the boy was still found guilty on March 19, 2014. Although Pennsylvania is one of 12 states in America that require the consent of all parties when making a recording, Love’s lawyer argued that the recording served a legitimate purpose:

“We’ve shown that there’s a legitimate purpose for the recording. And there’s no physically offensive or hazardous condition that was created by this recording. I don’t see how a recording of students that are bullying my client could be physically offensive or dangerous to anyone, other than potentially the people that are bullying my client.”​

The bullies in this case were never punished, although the boy’s parents plan on appealing the ruling on April 29 when he makes his next court appearance.
Woman taken to 'wrong' hospital faces bankruptcy

Megan Rothbauer would rather be discussing an impending engagement, her future marriage and eventually, children. However, the 30-year-old Madison resident is instead scouring the Internet looking for solutions to stave off bankruptcy.

A project manager for a manufacturing company, she is one year removed from a cardiac arrest and the subsequent physical recovery is being dwarfed by a near-impossible fiscal recovery. She was sent last Sept. 9 to the emergency room at St. Mary's Hospital, which was out of her insurance network, instead of to Meriter Hospital, three blocks away, which was covered by her insurance. It's the difference between a $1,500 maximum out-of-pocket expense and the now-$50,000-plus she's facing in bills.

"I was unconscious when I was taken to the hospital," she said. "Unfortunately, I was taken to the wrong hospital for my insurance.

"I was in a coma. I couldn't very well wake up and say, 'Hey, take me to the next hospital.' It was the closet hospital to where I had my event, so naturally the ambulance took me there. No fault to them. It's unfortunate that Meriter is in network and was only three blocks away from St. Mary's," Rothbauer said.

A News 3 investigation revealed Rothbauer's situation -- what's called "balance billing," where patients receive the balance between the hospital charge and what insurance companies will cover -- is not unique. While the local insurance companies that represent roughly 80 percent of those who have insurance in our area will offer out-of-network patients in-network rates during emergency room visits, there remains no guarantee they won't face hefty bills on the back end depending on the treatment they receive.

"My strong suspicion is this happens more frequently than you think," said Meg Gaines, who runs the Center for Patient Partnerships, a consumer health care advocacy group at the University of Wisconsin-Madison Law School. "I mean every time someone goes down, they don't have someone around who knows what their insurance is."

Woman Discovers Sex Toy Had Been In Her Vagina For 10 Years

It sounds like a fake news headline, but it's true: A 38-year-old Scottish woman walked into a hospital to discover that a sex toy had been lodged in her vagina for 10 years, according to an article published in the Journal of Sexual Medicine. STV News reports that the woman sought medical attention after contracting sepsis, a potentially fatal condition in which the body fends off severe infection by releasing chemicals into the bloodstream. These chemicals fight the infection, but also trigger inflammation that can cause organ damage and even organ failure.

The woman had also been suffering from fatigue, shaking, dramatic weight loss, and incontinence. When doctors at the Aberdeen Royal Infirmary investigated, they were understandably surprised to find a five-inch object protruding into the woman's bladder from her vagina. At this point, the patient recalled that she had once used a toy during a sexual encounter and had forgotten to remove it, 10 years prior.

Questions abound: How did the woman not realize that her body contained a foreign object after she and her partner had finished their sexual activity? How did she not realize this the next day, or any day thereafter for the next 3,650 days — until she faced near-death? The woman wasn't suffering from depression or psychosis, she had a normal IQ, and she had not been abused, the Journal of Sexual Medicine article noted — ruling out obvious factors that might have explained the woman's obliviousness regarding the toy in her vagina. Yet, somehow, it went unnoticed until she developed a vesicovaginal fistula (an abnormal passageway through which urine flows into the vagina) and obstructive uropathy (in which urine flows not from the kidneys to the bladder but rather back into the kidneys, due to bladder blockage).

Fortunately, doctors were able to surgically remove the decade-old sex toy, repair the woman's internal damage, and send her on her way. This type of case is so rare that this story serves not so much as a sex-toy safety warning, but rather as an opportunity to ponder the astonishing and anomalous capacities of the human body.

Former UPS worker accused of stealing $160,000 diamond, trading it for $20 of marijuana

PHOENIX, Ariz. - A one-time UPS worker is accused of stealing a package containing a $160,000 diamond, and trading the valuable jewel for $20 worth of marijuana.

Walter Earl Morrison, 20, was working for UPS while unloading a plane in the cargo section of Sky Harbor Airport when he stuffed a package under his shirt, according to court documents.

Morrison thought the package contained cash, but instead he found a diamond.

“Any single stone over $100,000 is an expensive stone,” House of Diamonds owner Brent Taubman said when asked about pricey diamonds.

Morrison allegedly traded the diamond for the drug, before being caught.

The stolen diamond was recovered and delivered to the intended customer, a UPS spokesperson said.

UPS fired Morrison, the spokesperson added.

Authorities charged Morrison last week with felony theft.

A man who would not open the door at Morrison’s home said he had no comment on the matter.

90-year-old Florida man arrested for feeding the homeless

FT. LAUDERDALE, FL (WPLG/CNN) – It did not take long for City of Fort Lauderdale to make good on the promise to criminally charge those who violate a new ordinance that effectively outlaws groups from feeding the homeless in public.

On Sunday, the city charged three people, including two ministers and a 90-year-old homeless advocate, and they could face up to 60-days in jail for their so-called crime.

“I fully believe that I am my brother’s keeper. Love they neighbor as thy self,” explained Arnold Abbott.

90-year-old Abbott prepares hundreds of meals each week for the homeless in the kitchen of the Sanctuary Church.

“We serve two entrées at every feeding,” Abbott said.

But Abbott’s work now has him in trouble with the law.

He faces possible jail time and a $500 fine for feeding the homeless after he was charged Sunday with violating a new ordinance that virtually outlaws groups from sharing food with the hungry in the city.

“One of police officers came over and said ‘Drop that plate right now,’ as if I was carrying a weapon,” Abbott said.

Also charged was a minister from Coral Springs and Sanctuary Church pastor, Wayne Black.

“We believe very strongly that Jesus taught us that we are to feed his sheep,” said Pastor Black.

Mayor Jack Seiler warned arrests were coming.

“We enforce the laws here in Ft. Lauderdale,” said Mayor Seiler.

“It’s man’s inhumanity to man,” Abbott said.

Back in 1999, Abbott sued the city for banning him from feeding homeless on beach, a lawsuit he won.

“I’m going to have to go to court court again to sue the city of Fort Lauderdale, the beautiful city. These are the poorest of the poor. They have nothing. Don’t have a roof over their head, and who could turn them away?” Abbott asked.

Abbott is going to be firing up these stoves again on Wednesday when he has another food sharing plan for the beach. He says he doesn’t want to be arrested but he’s prepared for the possibility.