1. How many people do you think are here because of social media?

Blown Moon

All Star
Jul 14, 2012
As in their parents would have never met without an app/platform.

And 2. How long until the majority of people's parents meet online?


With about 2.5 billion people being under 20 and I guess that most of the app babies are under 10 with their numbers thinning out the closer to 20 they get, I'd guess that adds up to about a quarter of that which makes around 625,000,000 app babies.

And for now number 2 with how I see things going e.g. Kids being down the street from each other but instead of meeting up they're facetiming from the comfort of home, or teens seeing a chick they want right in front of them and wishing to themselves that they had her @:russ: I'd say 15 years from now most of first world births will be app babies and 50-70 year's after that the rest of the world will follow suit so by year 2100 I think Tank and Dozer people will be the minority.

What do you all think?

FYI I've been micro-dosing. This is where my mind wandered to, I couldn't find the data I wanted so here I am. So excuse me if this is ramblings:pachaha:

Also, who knows a good future technology documentary?