x-men tas

  1. Rhapscallion Démone

    Artist Gives Big Screen X-MEN Comics-Accurate Designs

    Artist Gives Big Screen X-MEN Comics-Accurate Designs by Eric Diaz • Jul 14 2020 0 COMMENTS The X-Men films are currently in a state of limbo, due to the Disney merger with Fox. However, after 20 years and 12 films, it is pretty much accepted that Marvel’s mutants will be rebooted into the...
  2. Khalil's_Black_Excellence

    X-men: The Animated Series on Disney+ Missing Episodes

    So while watching with my daughter and we're in the middle of watching season 3 and I scroll thru the rest of the episodes for the next few seasons. I noticed a few eps. by memory that just weren't there (like the one with Apocalypse going after all the mutant physics for some nefarious reason)...