workout routines

  1. O.T.I.S.

    Anyone tried a Vibration Plate before?

    Just copped one out of recommendation from a friend. He played sports and heard about my injury and chronic pain issues from multiple surgeries and he recommended me trying it... He said Ray Lewis was the one who inspired him to put research into it and to try it out.. I am/was skeptical so I...
  2. Rhapscallion Démone

    Could yall handle the Delivert workout plan?

    They say it's only for real men
  3. Cereal_Bowl_Assassin

    The Cereal Bowl Assassin Get Fit Plan

    Going to try something different and document my workouts and pit myself out there a bit. This will be a mixture of Crossfit/Endurance/Hypertrophy workouts that I plan on doing 6 days a week. Whoiam: currently I'm a software engineer in nyc and a crossfit coach. My goal with this thread is to...
  4. Razor Reader

    Jeff Nippard bodybuilding channel...

    :ehh: decent schitt.