why bother

  1. LightSkinYeshua

    Have you ever felt like you can't do anything right?

    -I just realized I sound like a retard when I read out loud. I fumble with my words, stutter, sounds like im to slow to process the reading. Funny thing is ive been on the dean list for 3 semesters now; straight A student. I don't know if its anxiety or what. -I can't get a gf because I look for...
  2. Behind-the-wheel

    Am I invisble...or is it me?

    *sigh* I don't know what to do anymore. I keep providing solutions to people and they keep on NOT using them! :stopitslime: Here's the situation... The guy in charge of making our system imaging boot discs only builds based on what our imaging software manufacturer gives us. That's not...