we need answers

  1. Rhapscallion Démone

    These Electric scooters are becoming problematic

    I don't live in San Francisco but dammit if these things aren't causing issues in which ever city they pop up in. They came out of nowhere. People are leaving them in places they aren't suppose to be left. I almost hit one backing out of my parking space this morning. People are riding down the...
  2. Gully Bull

    How can yall say you like RnB, but y'all don't like women?

    Not the :wrist: brahs, but rather the gmb/hoh/etc brahs. Do y'all suspend disbelief when the singer mentions they wanna spend their life with their woman? Or do you mutter some asinine comment like "give it time, she's gonna take half:hhh:" while they are trying to express themselves?