urban development

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    Bollards and ‘superblocks’: how Europe’s cities are turning on the car

    https://www.theguardian.com/cities/2023/dec/18/bollards-and-superblocks-how-europes-cities-are-turning-on-the-car Bollards and ‘superblocks’: how Europe’s cities are turning on the car In Paris, Barcelona and Brussels, authorities are adopting varied approaches to the task of reducing...
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    A New Orleans neighborhood confronts the racist legacy of a toxic stretch of highway

    https://www.npr.org/sections/health-shots/2023/12/17/1218584283/a-new-orleans-neighborhood-confronts-the-racist-legacy-of-a-toxic-stretch-of-hig A New Orleans neighborhood confronts the racist legacy of a toxic stretch of highway DECEMBER 17, 20235:00 AM ET FROM By Drew Hawkins Hunter's...
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    Book Review: How Our Roads Have Become an Invasive Species

    https://undark.org/2023/10/13/book-review-crossings/ BOOKS PRINT Book Review: How Our Roads Have Become an Invasive Species REPUBLISH In “Crossings,” Ben Goldfarb explores the science of road ecology, or how roadways affect plants and animal life. Visual: John Duarte/Tetra images via Getty...