true or false?

  1. Rhapscallion Démone

    Black people can't be racist

    True or False? Me personally I don't like to even use the word prejudice anymore because it implies a lack of experience and knowledge. I don't believe that black people can be racist but I do believe that we can be resentful re·sent·ful /rəˈzentf(ə)l/ adjective feeling or expressing...
  2. Rhapscallion Démone

    "A wife is temporary, A baby momma is forever"

    True or false
  3. Antwon Mitchell

    TRUE OR FALSE...Reheated leftover fried chicken>>>>freshly cooked

    Yes, freshly made fried chicken is consciously better than leftover chicken... However, sometimes that chicken tastes way better the next day as the flavors took over, under hours of cool refrigeration or maybe it's just me :yeshrug:. Soo, true or false...and why.
  4. Rhapscallion Démone

    Average wait time for pu$$y

    Do you agree?