
  1. I

    Coli Brehs: Can You Survive This If No One Was Around?

    Those water currents are demonic brehs. :francis:
  2. Son Goku

    Spin Thread: How many of y'all can't swim?

    Just wondering what percent of folks on here really can't swim. :dwillhuh: It's one thing to go out at sea or some shyt, but in a fairly shallow pool that's really sad. If a hurricane/tsunami/flash flood came through, how many of y'all can actually swim? :jbhmm:
  3. Hater Eraser

    Lifeguards in L.A. making damn near half a Milli a year ..

    A number of Los Angeles-based lifeguards are raking in the cash, with some of the highest earners taking home a six-figure paycheck, according to a new report. The top seven highest-paid lifeguards in the area made more than $300,000 in 2019, according to OpenTheBooks.com, citing the latest...
  4. blqbird

    Does swimming help ya stroke game?

    No :dame: but I've been thinking about taking up private swimming lessons alongside a daily workout to attain my desired physique. Swimmer's body/Runner's body/Lean with high muscle but low bf % basically. So as a part of my research I was looking at videos of different strokes and swimming...
  5. DrX

    Do you know how to swim? If so how did u learn?

    I cant swim, it look like fun tho. But body cant float for some reason. I also drowned back in grade school twice and just gave up on it . Can anybody here swim? the say most black people cant. thats a stereotype tho, right?
  6. O

    What is everyone's cardio routine??

    Some cats box,run,swim,jump rope,etc. What is everyone doing? Me: Monday&Tuesday: After a lifting session I jump rope 500 jumps,go home rest a little run 2 miles,then jump another 500 jumps. Wednesday&Thursday: After lifting I swim 2 miles,jump rope 500 jumps,go home rest,then jump 700...
  7. Remote

    2016 Olympics in Rio

    There are a lot of sports and story lines to follow at the Olympics this summer. 100 Meters with Usain Bolt. Michael Phelps' last swim. American gymnastics team. The USA basketball team. One of the less-discussed sports is wrestling. It's not very big in the USA. But keep an eye out for Jordan...
  8. O

    Which cardio do you think is better?

    Swimming or Running? Read up on both and they give running the edge by a tad bit. I run twice a week,2 miles each time And Swim twice a week 2 miles each time I like both:yeshrug: