
  1. Homey the clown

    What is it with c00ns and bad hairlines ?

    Some people will say that the reasons lot of c00ns have fukked up hairlines is because a lot of them are around white people all the time or live around mostly around CAC's. But that's not a legit excuse because their are black people such as relatives that could tell them, that their hair...
  2. Homey the clown

    When did it become acceptable for dudes to walk around in really short shorts ?

    :snoop: I swear this new generation orf these Gen Z cats are a totally different breed then previous generations. Not only do you have guys over 300 pounds trying to wear skinny Jean's you got dudes walking around in short ass shorts like they're fukking females. I saw two teenaged boys...
  3. Neuromancer

    Anyone else cool with being swagless?

    I think I'm pretty lame. I mean I lack swag and I dress pretty mediocre. But through out the years,I've not only come to accept it, but also appreciate it. Anyone else cool just being swagless?