sub saharan african

  1. loyola llothta

    Truth Is Stranger Than Fiction: Jeffrey Wright Owns A Gold Mine In Sub Saharan Africa & Doesn’t Pay

    Link: Jeffrey Wright’s Gold Mine Actor Jeffrey Wright Is Trying To Create A Sustainable African Goldmine
  2. Jimi Swagger

    African debt servicing costs hit 16-year high

    Figures come as IMF warns of potential rise in public debt to ‘unsustainable levels’ Mozambique's currency, the Meticals has surged in the past year NOVEMBER 16, 2017 Steve Johnson, The governments of major sub-Saharan African nations are more indebted than at any point since...
  3. SirReginald

    THIS Is MY Definition Of An African Queen (100% Genuine & Natural)

    Felt like taking a break from the negativity. Now, this women dresses nice and embraces her culture. This is the type of woman I like. She's Guinean by the way. Here's another queen and she's Haitian. The days are DONE where I post up thots as queens.