
  1. Rhapscallion Démone

    Could Shuri replace Tony as Iron Man?

    Or the Iron Panther? I know they are kinda setting Peter up as Tony's padawan but he's Spiderman and he has his own legacy. I think Shuri has more freedom to fill the spot since she's a supporting character. She's just as smart if not smarter than Peter and Tony and she's the princess of one of...
  2. intruder


  3. dora_da_destroyer

    Official Game of Thrones Season 8 PREDICTIONS Thread

    I figure we only got 2-3 months to get real predictions/theories down on paper before they start filming in Oct. and set leaks start influencing "theories" and "predictions" :rudy: So let's get them out there... Predictions for the Great War - what locations will fall and in what order? Who...